Trump burns the Trump Presidency to the ground

You mean like light-skinned blacks who feel superior to the really dark ones? An us against them mentality is not always racist. It's just human nature to band together in groups in a world of limited resources; it improves your competitive chances.
Worse than W, sure W was a menace to Iraq, but deep down he was a true born again Christian and held no malice to the American people.

This demonic sociopath is a fraud, basically declaring war on his own citizens.
Trump’s Threats Are Proclamations of Fear

Donald J. Trump is a desperate, terrified, cornered man. That does not mean he isn’t an active menace, but it sure doesn’t make him “strong.”

Is Trump capable of unleashing — or at least inspiring — a jolt of electoral violence across the land with the tweeted wave of a tiny hand? Yes. Is it almost a certainty that his desperate histrionics will get people killed before the election issue is settled? Yes. Is he willing to spill blood in the streets if it means saving himself? Absolutely, yes. In fact, he already has.

Know what that makes him? A desperate, terrified, cornered man. Strong people do not do this, even in the face of defeat. Especially in the face of defeat.

Would a confident man turn the White House into a fortress ringed with federal troops, again?

Would a confident man cheer as his supporters attack a Biden campaign bus in Texas?

Would a confident man declare victory well before the votes are counted, like the little kid playing checkers who slaps the pieces off the board before he loses?
He is such a cowardly piece of human/demon hybrid trash. Putting up a fence outside surrounded by 250 troops.

Trump is freaking out. He knows that if he loses this election, he’s going to jail. And Biden is WAY ahead of Trump! Even in the battleground states!

I think he’s counting on using those troops to keep him in power after Biden wins and to shield him from the FBI or any other group that tries to arrest him.
Trump’s Threats Are Proclamations of Fear

Donald J. Trump is a desperate, terrified, cornered man. That does not mean he isn’t an active menace, but it sure doesn’t make him “strong.”

Is Trump capable of unleashing — or at least inspiring — a jolt of electoral violence across the land with the tweeted wave of a tiny hand? Yes. Is it almost a certainty that his desperate histrionics will get people killed before the election issue is settled? Yes. Is he willing to spill blood in the streets if it means saving himself? Absolutely, yes. In fact, he already has.

Know what that makes him? A desperate, terrified, cornered man. Strong people do not do this, even in the face of defeat. Especially in the face of defeat.

Would a confident man turn the White House into a fortress ringed with federal troops, again?

Would a confident man cheer as his supporters attack a Biden campaign bus in Texas?

Would a confident man declare victory well before the votes are counted, like the little kid playing checkers who slaps the pieces off the board before he loses?

Trump is freaking out! Biden is just 6 electoral votes away from becoming our next president and Trump is throwing one childish temper tantrum after another! He keeps demanding that the election officials stop counting votes! Each time he does this he sounds more weak and desperate!

Why Trump's Election Night speech was so indefensible

Yesterday morning, the Republican incumbent continued to suggest he'd be responsible while the vote count was underway. Trump assured Fox News that he'd declare victory "only when there's victory." He added, "There's no reason to play games."

Those were, to be sure, the right things for the president to say. Unfortunately, he didn't mean a word of it. The New York Times reported on Trump's early-in-the-morning remarks at the White House:

With no winner in the 2020 race and votes still being counted in several battleground states, President Trump entered the East Room of the White House at 2:21 a.m. on Wednesday and asserted without evidence that the election was being taken from him by "a very sad group of people."

"As far as I am concerned," the president declared, "we already have won it."

The problem, of course, is that reality is indifferent to Trump's "concerns" -- and the evidence does not show that he's "already won" the race.
Trump says that he won't leave the White House willingly after he loses. He says that he'll have to be dragged out, "kicking and screaming".

I just hope they film it, so it can be put up on Youtube and I can watch the video a dozen times a day!

Why Trump's Election Night speech was so indefensible

Yesterday morning, the Republican incumbent continued to suggest he'd be responsible while the vote count was underway. Trump assured Fox News that he'd declare victory "only when there's victory." He added, "There's no reason to play games."

Those were, to be sure, the right things for the president to say. Unfortunately, he didn't mean a word of it. The New York Times reported on Trump's early-in-the-morning remarks at the White House:

With no winner in the 2020 race and votes still being counted in several battleground states, President Trump entered the East Room of the White House at 2:21 a.m. on Wednesday and asserted without evidence that the election was being taken from him by "a very sad group of people."

"As far as I am concerned," the president declared, "we already have won it."

The problem, of course, is that reality is indifferent to Trump's "concerns" -- and the evidence does not show that he's "already won" the race.

I find it hilarious that Trump claims the election is being stolen from him.

Trump is a Republican. The Republican Party has spent decades engaging in various forms of voter suppression and voter intimidation, including (but not limited to) purging voter rolls, closing polling sites, restricting early voting, even sabotaging the U.S. mail, but when Trump loses, he has the nerve to complain that the other party somehow cheated!

Grow up, Trump! Your whining and dishonesty are extremely un-presidential.
Trump is a total embarrassment...the world is laughing at us!!

Trump's fixer, Giuliani inexplicably held a press conference outside Four Seasons Total Landscaping — right next door to a sex shop and across the street from a crematorium.

“Stop! The! Count!” Trump's supporters chanted Wednesday afternoon outside the TCF Center in Detroit.

“Count! The! Votes!” Trump's supporters chanted Wednesday night outside the Maricopa County Elections Department in Phoenix.

Rick Santorum (who is part of the "fuck your feelings" Republican Party) is urging Democrats to consider the feelings of Trump and other Republicans as they deal with the trauma of losing a national election.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is ignoring the results of the 2020 and says he'll be cooperating with the Trump transition team as they transition for Trump's second term.

I swear you couldn't make shit like this up! Of course, the world is laughing at us!!
"Teh GOVERNORS need to step up! Teh President said so!"

Coz viruses respect state borders, dontcha know. :rolleyes:
"Teh GOVERNORS need to step up! Teh President said so!"

Coz viruses respect state borders, dontcha know. :rolleyes:

PFC "can't put the fork down" doesn't understand that while viruses/leftist don't respect borders of any kind, legal authority DOES.

And public health policy is a STATE issue not a WH issue, no matter how much the (D)'s act like ignorant children and stamp their feet.
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Trump has used bullying to cultivate an illusion of winning — but losing is a defining feature of his life

President Donald Trump is throwing an epic temper tantrum over his election loss, but one of his biographers said losing has been the defining feature of his life.

The president cultivates an image of winning, but journalist Tim O’Brien wrote a new Bloomberg column cataloguing some of the key moments in Trump’s life where he got smacked down by the individuals and institutions he challenged.

“It’s worth recalling that none of Trump’s grotesque and damaging behavior of late was unexpected,” O’Brien wrote. “He’s spent most of the year telegraphing his desire to stain the Constitution and stave off relinquishing the presidency. He labeled the electoral process fraudulent before the election even took place, and everything he’s done since has been in character: deploying a squad of incompetent, tragicomically bonkers stooges led by Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell to challenge the legitimacy of the vote and continuing to threaten and corrupt the Republican Party so it enables his caudillo act.”

At the end of the day, Trump at his core is who Trump has always been — a vaudevillian bully,” he added. “His history is also chock full of examples of people and institutions that not only stood up to him but batted him back after he puffed his chest and swung his fists.”

"There are myriad examples of Trump manipulating institutions and making end runs around the law,” O’Brien wrote. “At the end of the day, however, Trump didn’t make the media crumble, the courts acquiesce, law enforcement look away or Democrats succumb. He has inflicted long-term damage on public trust and leadership, visibly rendered in the nation’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but he hasn’t managed to fashion a throne for himself despite his fascination with dictators, propaganda and blunt force.”

‘The election wasn’t stolen — he blew it’: Michigan Republican says Trump ‘did everything possible to lose’

President Donald Trump insists the election was stolen from him in Michigan, but Republicans there haven’t been willing to indulge his fantasy.

The president has zeroed in on the state, which he narrowly won in 2016, in his effort to overturn his election loss to Joe Biden by claiming widespread fraud and pressuring legislators to overrule the will of the voters, but few Republicans are buying it.

“We must not attempt to exercise power we simply don’t have,” said Aaron Van Langevelde, who sits on Michigan’s board of state canvassers, which was statutorily obligated to certify the election win by Joe Biden. “As John Adams once said, ‘We are a government of laws, not men.’ This board needs to adhere to that principle here today. This board must do its part to uphold the rule of law and comply with our legal duty to certify this election.”

The president bought into spurious claims that majority-GOP state legislators could appoint electors for him, and some of Michigan’s highest-ranking Republicans felt obligated to accept his invitation to the White House as he floated that theory in public.

“The unfortunate reality within the party today is that Trump retains a hold that is forcing party leaders to continue down the path of executing his fantasy of overturning the outcome — at their own expense,” said Jason Cabel Roe, a Michigan-based GOP strategist. “Frankly, continuing to humor him merely excuses his role in this. The election wasn’t stolen, he blew it. Up until the final two weeks, he seemingly did everything possible to lose. Given how close it was, there is no one to blame but Trump.”

The president has pushed claims that Republicans were not allowed to watch the votes being counted in heavily Democratic areas, but the state’s longtime elections administrator said the process went completely by the book.
Power, influence, money and ego are what interest DT.

Aside from ensuring his legal survival - and something tells me we won't see him seriously pursued - I imagine his priority is the monetisation of his position.

He was a s surprised as anyone that he won in the first place, and I daresay he doesn't love the jobs downsides, but will have become addicted to the status.

Soon his ability to send a tweet at 3 in the morning - so he can sit back and watch it hit the news and smirk at how godlike he is - will start to wane. Not instantly, but it'll wane all the same.

He's not stupid enough not to grasp this reality, he knows he's only got so long to stay relevant or miss the boat. Ivanka is probably his nominee for 2024.