Trump’s Next Wife

While Melania is in New York because she refused to be in the “swamp” that is Florida, Loomer and Trump are getting well acquainted. I am sure the “Christians” on here won’t care.
See, now, this is one of the "jokers to the right" that I mentioned, the far-right wing-nuts who match the awful energy of the far-left wing-nuts of the Squad and other groups.
See, now, this is one of the "jokers to the right" that I mentioned, the far-right wing-nuts who match the awful energy of the far-left wing-nuts of the Squad and other groups.

Which "far-left wing nut" is tied as closely to Harris as Loomer is to Trump?

We'll wait.


(All too easy.)
Why MAGA Blames Far-Right Conspiracist Laura Loomer For Trump's Wild Rhetoric

Loomer, who doesn’t have any official role in the Trump campaign and is best known for her incendiary right-wing—and sometimes racist—rhetoric on social media, traveled with Trump on his plane to the debate in Philadelphia Tuesday and attended the Sept. 11 memorial services alongside him in New York and Pennsylvania the following day, despite her previous suggestions 9/11 was an “inside job.”

She is also among the right-wing figures who helped spread the baseless conspiracy that Haitian migrants living in Springfield, Ohio, are abducting and eating residents’ pets—a claim Trump repeated during Tuesday’s debate, though local officials have said they haven’t received any credible reports of such incidents.

One unnamed adviser also blamed Loomer for introducing to Trump the false narrative that Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t always identify as Black, telling CNN “he wasn’t the one who came up with that talking point,” referring to the claim Trump first made at the National Association of Black Journalists convention and has since repeated several times on the campaign trail.

Over the weekend, Loomer’s tweet saying the White House would “smell like curry” if Harris were elected, a reference to her Indian heritage (her mother is South Asian), sparked bipartisan rebuke on Capitol Hill this week, including from Trump allies who used the racist tweet as the latest example of why Trump should distance himself from Loomer.
While Melania is in New York because she refused to be in the “swamp” that is Florida, Loomer and Trump are getting well acquainted. I am sure the “Christians” on here won’t care.

Melanie has her pick of her Secret Service detail. So much pipe being laid at Trump Tower while Trump gets pissed on by this Loomer skank while she yells racial epithets at him.