Trump’s And Local Cops’ Complacency To Blame.


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2020

Welp, the right wing LYING and GASLIGHTING narrative operation is in full swing as it attempts to further inflame and incite with its post-shooting finger-pointing at the Secret Service and President Biden.



The COMPLACENCY of Donald “turn off the fucking mags, I don’t care if they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me” Trump, and the COMPLACENCY of local cops who clearly modeled Trump’s arrogance and false sense of security when attending to their duties, is MOST to BLAME for the shooter’s success at the rally site.

There is little doubt that Trump (and his campaign) harbored a false sense of security in a location with "his people" and there is little doubt that Trump’s (and his campaign’s) false sense of security was shared by the local cops - I mean, what anti-Trump individual would DARE to show their face, let alone try something, in that setting…


The reports coming out about the local cops’ reactions when first encountering the shooter BEFORE he climbed the roof is VERY telling:

From TMZ:

“Security personnel were said to be keeping an eye on Crooks at the rally ... he first raised suspicions 3 hours before the shooting when he brought a rangefinder through a security screening checkpoint.”


The local cops didn’t detain Crooks when they found a range finder???


Did the local cops give Crooks a pass because he was "one of them" ??? Did they give him a pass because of COMPLACENCY??? Did they give him a pass because they had a false sense of security due to the location of the rally in "Trump country" and Trump’s own belief that no one at such an event was there to harm him???


I wonder what the local cops’ response during that screening would have been if Crooks had been a person of color???


Bottom line:


Full stop.

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And if there is no pushback (counter-narrative), then the MAGAts narrative "wins".


Yeah that is what those small MAGA zombie like minds believe. Not facts that win the day.. why else do they spam so much of the same message over and over…

It’s all about crowd size!! Fraud since Joe can’t even get more than 50 at a “rally”.

Crowd size that counts are the ballots, and 60 court cases said they were all good.
I’m waiting for the all the information to come in and be vetted by the DOJ, Congress and the American people, but the idea that the SS is beyond reproach is silly. They ultimately own responsibility for protecting Trump.

Take a good looooooong look at what we’re up against folks. 👇

And whoa, it gets worse and worse. As the Secret Service stonewalls the media and elected lawmakers regarding the glaring security breaches at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Fox News is reporting that federal agents knew there was a threat to the former president’s life ten minutes before he took the stage. They still allowed him to proceed with the rally and had identified the shooter an hour before the attack because he was spotted with a rangefinder by authorities. Spencer added yesterday that Trump had increased security due to a credible assassination plot by the Iranians, and this attack still happened.

It really is looking like they deliberately set this up to expose Trump in a deniable manner. If he hadn't turned his head just as that shot was fired, he'd be dead and we'd be in the incipient stages of Civil War 2, because nobody, but nobody, would think this was not deliberate.

View attachment 2366561

This is how close we came to a second civil war and a lot of dead Democrats....
View attachment 2366564

And there's the outrage about Trump getting up and pumping his fist, because “ooooooo” he’s keeping his secret service in danger to grandstand. First, if the secret service can’t drag a 79 year old man (and themselves) out of danger (and remember their JOB is danger, their concern is supposed to be whoever it is they're protecting they need to find another job. Yesterday.

Second… I realize that very few of you actually understand the mindset but if Trump hadn’t immediately got up and done that, we’d already be in a civil war. Before news that he was all right could have gone out, people would have gone hot. And you have no idea. You really have no idea how many people absolutely hate Biden and the Democrats enough that if Trump was assassinated, they WOULD go hot.

And no, it’s not a Trump cult. There are millions of people out there who believe the Democrats openly cheated to win the last election for Trump. Me among them. There are many of us who would see the assassination of Trump as the last straw, the Democrats taking him out when everything else failed and it looked like he's winning. What this was, was a deniable assassination, where they left him wide open and exposed to a credible threat, after firing up the rhetoric to inflame some nutcase into taking a shot. And but for the grace of God, Trump would be dead and a lot of people would have gone ballistic ...literally.

So make all the jokes you like, and wish Trump dead and that next one doesn't miss as you will, but understand that if there is a second attempt and its sucessfull, things will, literally, go hot, and a lot of Democrats will be dead very very quickly. That's my take, and it's not a threat. Just an assessment of what will very likely happen, and what could have happened.

And THAT is why Mayorkas needs to stop his cover up and everyone involved needs to be interrogated and questioned and everything about them investigated. Including Mayorkas and Cheatle. And Mayorkas and Cheatle need to resign NOW. And that's just a start.




I’m waiting for the all the information to come in and be vetted by the DOJ, Congress and the American people, but the idea that the SS is beyond reproach is silly. They ultimately own responsibility for protecting Trump.
It's insane that no resignations have been demanded. Just boggles my mind.
I’m waiting for the all the information to come in and be vetted by the DOJ, Congress and the American people, but the idea that the SS is beyond reproach is silly. They ultimately own responsibility for protecting Trump.


Perhaps BabyBoobs could point to anyone saying the Secret Service is beyond reproach???

We’ll wait.


Meanwhile, BabyBoobs might want to tell their fellow MAGAts to slow their roll on the SINGLE finger pointing at the Secret Service, President Biden, and Secretary Mayorkas.

TIA. BabyBoobs.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

It's insane that no resignations have been demanded. Just boggles my mind.
It’s only been 4 days and there’s been lots of fragmented information trickling out to the public. Some true, some not true, some unclear. But the picture is starting to come into focus now I think resignations will happen pretty quickly now.
It’s only been 4 days and there’s been lots of fragmented information trickling out to the public. Some true, some not true, some unclear. But the picture is starting to come into focus now I think resignations will happen pretty quickly now.
Should've started already. The SS protects a lot of people, including Biden and his family. It makes no sense to not immediately making changes to me. At the very least, Cheatle should be removed. No politics needed here.

Perhaps BabyBoobs could point to anyone saying the Secret Service is beyond reproach???

We’ll wait.


Meanwhile, BabyBoobs might want to tell their fellow MAGAts to slow their roll on the SINGLE finger pointing at the Secret Service, President Biden, and Secretary Mayorkas.

TIA. BabyBoobs.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

I read your rant complaining about fingers being pointed at the SS, and your own finger pointing at Trump, his supporters, and local police. If you were including the federal organization ultimately responsible and accountable for what happened in your rant, sorry I missed it.
Should've started already. The SS protects a lot of people, including Biden and his family. It makes no sense to not immediately making changes to me. At the very least, Cheatle should be removed. No politics needed here.
Fair point.
It’s only been 4 days and there’s been lots of fragmented information trickling out to the public. Some true, some not true, some unclear. But the picture is starting to come into focus now I think resignations will happen pretty quickly now.


Perhaps BabyBoobs would like to specify who they believe will or should resign???


I am willing to state righ now that the local police responsible for the screening FAILURE, and for the securing of the building FAILURE should be disciplined, resign or be fired, depending on their level of culpability.

Full stop.


Your move, BabyBoobs.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

I’m waiting for the all the information to come in and be vetted by the DOJ, Congress and the American people, but the idea that the SS is beyond reproach is silly. They ultimately own responsibility for protecting Trump.
Since when do you believe the DOJ?
I read your rant complaining about fingers being pointed at the SS, and your own finger pointing at Trump, his supporters, and local police. If you were including the federal organization ultimately responsible and accountable for what happened in your rant, sorry I missed it.


BabyBoobs / "some people" obviously missed the part about the perfectly reasonable and evidence based OP being a rebuttal / counter-narrative to the MAGAt bullshit narrative which amounts to a SINGLE finger pointing at the Secret Service, President Biden, and Secretary Mayorkas.


👉 BabyBoobs / "some people" 🤣

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Perhaps BabyBoobs would like to specify who they believe will or should resign???


I am willing to state righ now that the local police responsible for the screening FAILURE, and for the securing of the building FAILURE should be disciplined, resign or be fired, depending on their level of culpability.

Full stop.


Your move, BabyBoobs.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

You read and responded my post where I said I’m waiting for all the facts. I haven’t called for any resignations yet.

If you want my best guess, I’d say the SS director should be and will be updating her LinkedIn profile by the weekend.

On site personnel from SS, especially supervisory, probably should be and will be terminated for sure. I don’t know enough about state, county, and city roles and responsibilities to speculate but it’s likely heads will roll at that level as well.
You read and responded my post where I said I’m waiting for all the facts. I haven’t called for any resignations yet.

If you want my best guess, I’d say the SS director should be and will be updating her LinkedIn profile by the weekend.

On site personnel from SS, especially supervisory, probably should be and will be terminated for sure. I don’t know enough about state, county, and city roles and responsibilities to speculate but it’s likely heads will roll at that level as well.


Quelle surprise that BabyBoobs already has off-site / tangential Federal authorities on the “will be terminated, for sure”’list (omg, BabyBoobs said “terminated”), but BabyBoobs doesn’t “know enough about, state, county, and city roles and responsibilities to speculate” - DESPITE the growing evidence that the local cops TOTALLY dropped the ball when they found a range finder on Crooks during a screening check three hours BEFORE the shooting and FAILED to detain him, and when they FAILED to prevent Crooks from gaining access to the roof of a building that was their responsibility.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


Quelle surprise that BabyBoobs already has off-site / tangential Federal authorities on the “will be terminated, for sure”’list (omg, BabyBoobs said “terminated”), but BabyBoobs doesn’t “know enough about, state, county, and city roles and responsibilities to speculate” - DESPITE the growing evidence that the local cops TOTALLY dropped the ball when they found a range finder on Crooks during a screening check three hours BEFORE the shooting and FAILED to detain him, and when they FAILED to prevent Crooks from gaining access to the roof of a building that was their responsibility.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

I said I’m waiting for the all facts to be presented and vetted. I haven’t called for any resignations. You asked me to speculate so I did. In case you didn’t know, SS is ultimately responsible and accountable. The director herself said the buck stops with her.
I said I’m waiting for the all facts to be presented and vetted. I haven’t called for any resignations. You asked me to speculate so I did. In case you didn’t know, SS is ultimately responsible and accountable. The director herself said the buck stops with her.


BabyBoobs "thinks" a canned response from the Secret Service director means "something" in relation to the FAILURES by local cops.


The Secret Service director should NOT take the fall for the FAILURES of local cops. But a strong, smart woman like the Secret Service director taking the fall for the FAILURES of the "men" of local law enforcement would be par for the course in America.


Let’s see if the times have truly changed, and responsibility and consequences are assigned to those who TRULY deserve the blame: Trump (and his campaign) and the local cops who FAILED in multiple ways and on multiple occasions.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


BabyBoobs "thinks" a canned response from the Secret Service director means "something" in relation to the FAILURES by local cops.
“Canned” or not, she what she said and she was right. Her subsequent comment about the slope of the roof didn’t inspire confidence in her leadership.
“Canned” or not, she what she said and she was right. Her subsequent comment about the slope of the roof didn’t inspire confidence in her leadership.


BabyBoobs wants to pretend that Donald - “turn off the fucking mags -I don’t care if they have weapons - they’re not here to hurt me” -Trump bears no responsibility for his arrogance, his snubbing of security protocols, and the chaos environment of his rallies.


And BabyBoobs want to pretend that local cops at sites Trump chooses for his rallies don’t share that arrogance and lackadaisical attitude towards security - as evidenced by the FAILURE to detain Crooks when a range finder was found on his person during a screening (because he was white???), etc.


Side note:

There have been reports from those who regularly attend Trump rallies, that the rallies are ALWAYS crazy with negligible security due to their very nature - Trump’s nature - chaos.

Trump (and his campaign) and local cops played fast and loose with security. (The site choice FAIL- the range finder screening FAIL, the building security FAIL, etc)



👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

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BabyBoobs wants to pretend that Donald - “turn off the fucking mags -I don’t care if the y have weapons - they’re not here to hurt me” -Trump bears no responsibility for his arrogance, his snubbing of security protocols, and the chaos environment of his rallies.


And BabyBoobs want to pretend that local cops at sites Trump chooses for his rallies don’t share that arrogance and lackadaisical attitude towards security - as evidenced by the FAILURE to detain Crooks when a range finder was found on his person during a screening( because he was white???), etc.


Side note:

There have been reports from those who regularly attend Trump rallies, that the rallies are ALWAYS crazy with negligible security due to their very nature - Trump’s nature - chaos.

Trump (and his campaign) and local cops played fast and loose with security. (The site choice FAIL- the range finder screening FAIL, the building security FAIL, etc)



👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

Send your talking points to SS leadership. They need all the help they can get.