True Ghost Stories... ?

Do you believe in ghosts?

  • Yes, though I have never seen one.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • Yes, and I have seen one or more.

    Votes: 18 40.9%
  • I am not certain.

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • I definately do not believe in ghosts.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • No. I believe that ghosts can all be explained scientifically.

    Votes: 6 13.6%

  • Total voters


I don't believe in traditional 'trapped here on earth' ghosts. I believe that sometimes, the veil is thin, and in some places it's even thinner.

My very first encounter with a 'ghost' was when I was about 5 or 6. I'd gone out back to the old carriage house to get my bike. There was a man sitting in the rafters, just swinging his legs and hanging out. When I said hi to him, he dropped down, smiled and walked past me. I went in and told my mom that there was a man in the carriage house. She, of course, freaked out and ran outside. The man was gone, there was no trace of him, and the back gate was still locked from the inside.

The only place I've ever felt a malevolent presence was in a house my family lived in for about 3 years. Lights would flash on and off at night, you could hear voices coming from the attic, doors would slam and lock, all those classic 'haunted house' things. We moved after my step-father dreamed that my baby sister's head was floating in the fish tank and when he woke and went to check on her, her door was locked from the inside.

My current house has several 'ghosts' and none of them really bother me. It's amusing as hell when they fuck with my husband though. He does not believe in spirits, they don't exist. So it's pretty funny to ask him to explain the little girl in the kitchen that only he can see, and the guy in the shop who's been so annoying he won't work down there at night anymore.
Halloween doth approach, and I am interested in knowing how many of you are sceptics when it comes to ghost stories, and how many of you believe that you have had an actual ghost encounter. Feel free to take the poll, or include any stories that you have regarding to either "proving" or "disproving" a ghost.
I sort of do, sort of don't. I don't really believe in them, but at the same time I have heard of things that can't be explained any other way, so I don't really know what to think.
Ghost Story # 1

I have three ghost stories to tell, all actual events that have happened to me throughout the course of my life... though I believe I have had more than three encounters. These three stand out above all the others.

Ghost Story # 1 - Three Strange Balls of Light

I am not certain if this first tale qualifies as a "ghost story". At the time, I percieved what I saw to be "ghosts", though later on in my life I did research into the occurance, trying to see if anyone else had ever reported anything similar, and it led me into discovering tales of "earth lights".

At any rate, I was perhaps twelve years old when this happened. I was at my cousin's house, and we had been dancing around to a tape of Elvis that we were playing on the radio. (we werent telling ghost stories, and we hadn't worked ourselves up into being scared - the mood was quite light, we were all having fun.)

My two brothers, two cousins and I were dancing around to heartbreak hotel, when all the sudden three white lights flew into the room. They hung there in the air for a moment, just hovering there, and we all stopped dead in our tracks. Then out of nowhere, the three lights, zipped off into another room, and we lost track of them.

Later on that night, after our parents had forced us into bed (we were too scared and didnt want to go) the lights visited each of us in turn. When I saw the lights, they hovered above my bed for a while, and then disappeared up into the ceiling.

Only one of my brothers now acknowledges the story. The rest of them pretend that it did not happen.
Ghost Story # 2 - The Ghost Upstairs

I was 18, and I was terrified of sleeping in my room at night. For the past few years, I had felt and heard a presance moving about the second story of the old farmhouse that my mom was renting. I had almost grown to the point that I was able to ignore the footsteps that constantly went up and down the stairs all night long, the doors which were knocked on or opened, the shadows I sometimes saw moving about, and the cold chills that constantly seemed to be sweeping through my body.

My smallest brother was a toddler. He used to sit at the base of the stairs for hours on end, staring up them, and happily babbling away, speaking to someone, whatever it was, or an imaginary friend. I prefer to believe that he could percieve the ghost.

At any rate, I had come to accept the fact of the existance of this ghost, and while it did scare me, I had at least become able to live with all the occurances around me. Until one night.

I was laying in bed, and all the sudden a wave of fear washed over me from nowhere. I percieved that something was behind me. I was laying in bed, facing the wall. I was afraid to move... for some reason the presance felt more powerful to me than it ever had before. Then all the sudden, I felt a chill right at the small of my back, and it felt as if something was slipping inside me, some great coldness. It filled me up, made my body cold, and I found that I could not move when I tried. I sensed the emotion of triumph, not coming from me. I tried with all my might to move, but found I could do no more than breathe, and move my eyes. I tried to scream, I could not seem to make my voice cooperate... no sound came out at all, I could not control the intake or exhallation of my breath. The only thing I could control was my eyes.

I have never been more frightened in my life. I gathered up all of my willpower, and attempted to "force" this thing "out" of me, at the same time trying to scream loudly. Midway through the silent scream, my voice kicked in, and I felt the coldness rushing from my body. The scream sounded odd, having started from nowhere. My brother broke down my door (it was locked, I hadn't locked it) and ran into my room.

I wouldn't sleep in my room after that. For some reason, I percieved that the ghost was bound to the upper floor of the house. I slept downstairs in the living room, my mom grew quite mad at me, kept telling me to grow up. Still, I would not go back to my room.

A few months later, I found out I was wrong. The same thing happened again as I was resting on the couch, though this time I heard words in my head. "Found you".

I moved out of the house, to live on my own. I never spent the night there again.

I voted Yes but I have never seen one. My daughter lives in a house that is over 100 years old and she has told me a few different encounters that I believe.
Pretty freaky but she told me to this point she does not feel threatened by them. Just sad, as one sound was a child crying and another was a couple of adults with the male voice being argumentive and the female voice crying.
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Ghost Story # 3 - In the Mirror

My mother has long since moved out of the house I mentioned before. She and my stepfather bought his family's old place, where he had been raised. His father has been dead for some time, and never had the opportunity to meet his grandchildren.

My little brother, the toddler in the previous story, I believe has always had the ability to percieve things that others can not. He has grown up some since then, but insists that he has conversations regularly with his Grandpa, who visits him some times in his room. (he is almost seven, and recognized a picture of his dead grandfather when he saw it for the first time, knowing precisely who that was.)

I have never felt an "evil" presance in that house, though occasionally the hairs on my neck do rise as I sense something to be in the room with me. I have thought little of it, and simply accepted it as the spirit of my stepfather's father.

I only even mention this, because this last occurance was so recently. Within the last two weeks. I was spending the night at my mom's house, watching my brother and sister while my mom was out of town. I was reading a book in the guest bedroom, and all the sudden out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement in a nearby mirror. I glanced up into the mirror, and could distinctly see the shape of a figure standing in the doorway, though it was black, like a shadow, with no features, just an outline.

I looked over to the doorway, and could see nothing. I looked back to the mirror, and could see the figure there. It shifted slightly. I watched the figure for five minutes or so, before it faded away.
Doesn't anyone else have a tale to tell? We can sit around a campfire and make smores.

Then lick them off of each others bodies.

My MIL's house is haunted. A young man, mentally disabled. I had no prior knowledge of him before I saw him the first time (seen him quite a few times, always feel him). I mentioned him to my MIL and she said she had seen him too. He was the son of the people who used to live there.

A friend of mine used to have a ghost in his room. He would go to sleep and wake up with scratches on his back in a V shape. He moved and the ghost stayed. When his brother moved out, the ghost followed him. They both think that it's their mother. Who knows?

I do believe in ghosts, but not like "boo!" ghosts. Spirts that are still around, that linger, yes, i believe that.
I'm quite suprised that so far the poll says that 100% of us believe in ghosts.

Why, then, are we so afraid to admit it?
I've seen a few.

The first time I saw what I now believe was a ghost, I was ten or eleven. I was home alone, since my dad was a work, my mom was at a PTA meeting, and my sister was at band practice.

Regardless, I was sitting in the living room, reading a book. I sensed a presence in front of me, so I looked up. A vaguely humanoid figure was standing in front of me, about five feet away. It was misty and mostly transparent.

I stared at it for what must have been at least five minutes, then it slowly drifted down the hall towards my room and disappeared. I never saw a ghost in that house again. I was nervous about sleeping in my room for about a week after that, but since I never saw it again, I figured it must have just been passing by on it's way somewhere else.
MissVictoria said:
I'm quite suprised that so far the poll says that 100% of us believe in ghosts.

Why, then, are we so afraid to admit it?

I know what you mean. I used to be afraid to admit I believed in ghosts because I had actually seen them. But I was young and didn't want people making fun of me. Now, I don't care. There is alot of stuff I won't do though, because of the energy I pick up. It's very un-nerving, you know?

Thanks everyone for your contributions so far. It makes me feel like less of a psycho.
Oh dear... it looks like this thread has been affected with the weird bug floating around here this morning!
Maybe there is a ghost on the site? Sorry, couldn't resist! Things have been extra strange today

Sorry I screwed up the thread. The PCG was me. Though I'm sure you could figure that out.
well I am as they say 'of two minds' on this issue.

On the one hand, as a science professional, I do believe that most of what people interpret as 'ghosts' has a rational, empirically valid explanation.

However, I have had two very specific experiences that I cannot explain.

So, I will just stay a skeptic who is open to all possibilities.
I do believe in ghosts, although I have never actually seen one. I can feel them.

My my other is fortune-teller/psychic. Not one of those phonies. I grew up in a house that was haunted, but it wasn't haunted by bad spirits. I have such fantastic stories from my mother. The only ones I have aren't as great. That cold feeling.. creeping up on you and engulfing.. trying to scream, to push it away.. feeling your soul squished, trying to breathe, trying to get free.

One time, I was sooo tired of this recurring event that I checked out some sites on the internet, and took out some incense and small charms and tried to seal all the windows and doors to my room so that I could sleep at night. It's not that they tried attacking me, but that I was so sensitive that their presence would disturb my sleep and drive me numb. It would drag me out of sleep to be frozen in bed. Anyhow, after I had done this, I "woke up" to find myself in that trance-like state. I felt something carry my motionless body to the door, then all of a sudden I would be back on my bed. This was repeated a couple times.

Finally when I "awoke", I took all the charms down. I got the message that they were trapped in my room. The energy of when I was charming the place must have called them.

I remember this one night.. our dog had just died a few days ago... I was lying in my bed, and awoke in this trance like state. I could hear something clicking in the bathroom. Then, i felt in come up behind me.. I knew it was our old dog. It had gone for a drink in the bathroom, a familiar sound and then had come to see goodbye. It also visited my brother who was sleeping on the third floor. He saw her, said that her nipples were covered in ice...

The last dog that died, I was living with my grandmother. I had recently stopped living at my parents house and it had just been hit by a car while my sister was putting tombstones in the front yard for halloween. Anyways, I awoke in this trance like state to feel him jump out from my left and cuddle with me for a while.

I hate not knowing who or what it is though.

That's my two cents for ghost stories.

I was sober too..........

I was at a friends house spending the night, he had warned me earlier that their house was haunted.
We were in the living room talking when an old rocker moved like someone had gave it a push from behind. my friend laughed and said, "I told ya this place is haunted". About an hour later, the patio curtains flutter in a direction inward like something was walking behind them, my friend ignored them while I shit my pants!
Early in the morning, a heavy banging noise came from the garage. My friend got up from the television annoyed, and said, "watch this!" He opened the door from the kitchen to the garage, and pointed up to an attic hatch, with the latch still swinging back and forth. He locked the latch and grinning, closed the door. No sooner had he closed it, the banging started, and he opened the door quickly..the banging stopped but the latch was undone, and still swinging back and forth! My friend told me that the ghost wasn't dangerous, and just liked to play with the household.
Nothing else happened until morning when we woke up. Every door and window in the place was wide open, and I'm a very light sleeper and would have heard any stirring.

*Now when something goes bump in the night, I usually yell out, "Cool it, I'm trying to sleep!" Just in case......:D