Trouble with Accounting (closed for NegateGivity)

The next day, Lunch time.

"Ben, can we have a word in your office?" Hudson asked as most of the office staff was heading out to grab lunch or go to various meetings.

"If you can make it quick. I have a million things on my plate, with all the work for the Trident deal." Benjamin replied. Referring to the upcoming merger with Trident Financial. A merger that was going to make BB Capital insanely rich, as long as it went through. It was a deal that Benjamin had sunk his entire fortune on, being an almost sure bet. As long as no surprises happened in the next 6 months, he would go from Benjamin Baker millionaire, to Benjamin Baker Billionaire.

"Yeah it's kinda important." Hudson arrogantly answered, while walking into Benjamin's large isolated office. Waiting for the other man to take a seat, Hudson stood across the desk from Benjamin.

"Well what's so important?" Ben asked, not being in the mood for whatever Hudson had going on.

"I'm pretty sure I found a problem for the Trident deal." Hudson confidently remarked. "A really big fucking problem."

This got Benjamin's attention. This deal was two years in the making and had everything he had riding on it. If this failed his company would be ruined and he would be broke.

"What, What did you find?" Benjamin asked.

"Are we secure in here? This is extremely sensitive, I don't want anyone else hearing this." Hudson said, enjoying watching Benjamin acting off balance.

Benjamin pushed a button under his desk and his door closed and curtains dropped over his windows. Also electric devices to disrupt any recording devices started, Benjamin was usually a very cautious man.

"There, now no one will hear anything that happens in here. Now out with it, what have you found that will disrupt the merger?" Benjamin asked with irritation.

Hudson pulled out a tablet, loaded up with the video of Benjamin and Chastity. He handed it over to Benjamin's eager hands.

While Benjamin watched the damning video, Hudson said "If this video of BB Capital's Chairman and CEO fucking his barely legal daughter gets out, he'd be ruined. Everything he's worked for for the last 40 years up in smoke." Hudson smuggly said.

Benjamin just stared at the screen, Hudson's words ringing in his ears. This couldn't be happening. The video in front of him both his and his daughter's faces were clearly visible, there would be no mistaken who the participants were. Why had he given into her advances?

"So what do you want?" Benjamin dejectedly asked.

"You understand what this video means right?" Hudson asked knowingly.

Coldly Ben replied "Yes, it means you have my ball in a vice. So again, What. Do. You. Want?"

"Oh Benny boy, so much" Hudson said with a grin. "And you are going to give it to me. Aren't you? Because that video will absolutely destroy you. Publicly and privately. Can you imagine what Liz will do when she sees that?" Hudson asked, enjoying making the big man squirm.

Ben hadn't even thought about Liz. He was only thinking of his company and the merger. Now he was realizing how truly fucked he was. He was always proud to be the husband of one of the meanest lawyers in the state. Ben knew that what ever was left after his company burned, Liz would be there to salt the ashes. God how could have been so stupid.

Completely defeated now, Ben slumped back in his chair "you got me, what do you want?" He asked again, this time knowing however bad, he would do it without question.

Seeing the defeated look in Ben's eyes, Hudson knew that he had won. Now he was going to make sure he kept Ben under his heel.

"Well first, I want a nice office like this, after you announce that I'll be your new CFO. I don't want that shoebox you kept Davis in." Hudson said.

"Um... arr... arrangements can be made." Ben meakly replied. Not used to beingthe one to take demands. Having to negotiate from such a disadvantage was a rusty feeling for him.

"Good, I'm glad we are on the same page. See I don't want to ruin BB. I will. But I don't want to. I want you to continue to be a very rich man, because having you be a rich man, makes me a rich man." Hudson said reassuringly. It was true, controlling a rich CEO would be a lot more fun than turning Ben into a pauper. "Can you live with that?" Hudson asked?

Seeing light in the tunnel for the first time, Ben agreed. He could live with making Hudson CFO. He was a good accountant. He wouldn't be his first choice, but he could do so much worse. Starting to feel relieved he replied "Yes, yes having you as CFO will be great. I'll make the arrangements immediately, so just destroy that video and we will be done here."

"Do you think that's all I want? Do you think that's all you are going to give?" Hudson mockingly asked. "No, no, no. You Benny boy are going to be my bitch. Remember I own you. At least for the next six months. If that video gets out BB done, after the merger is finalized you'll be humiliated, but BB will survive. You will only have to deal with Liz."

Ben slumped again, having his hopes dashed. Knowing he was right. As long as that video existed, he had to keep Hudson happy. "OK, what else can I do for you?" Ben asked sullenly.

"A lot, a lot. But right now, let's start with a blowjob." Hudson said with a grin.
Ben spent the rest of his day in a daze. Normally if someone had treated him like he had been treated, he would have kick Mason’s ass. Unfortunately doing that would literally cost him billions of dollars. One stupid mistake was going to cost him everything he had worked his whole life for.
As evening set, Ben found himself back in his office, reflecting on his total submission and humiliation. Pulling the tablet out of the locked drawer he hid it in. “How could I be so stupid?” He asked himself.
Pressing play on the video of his demise. Watching as he drove his manhood into the beautiful young nymph. The video of him with a young woman would be scandal enough, but that the young woman was his barely 18 year old daughter was damning.
Sending Chastity away to boarding schools had proved to be a mistake. The girl he sent away, to get the education he had missed out on, had warped their relationship. There was no easy way to say it other than, the woman that came home was a slut. She loved seducing older men.
Ben wasn’t stupid, he was good at reading people. He almost instantly recognized his daughter’s abandonment issues, which made him feel guilty. That guilt had made him bring his daughter to the office, to work as an intern. He was able to see just how much of a manipulative flirt his daughter had become. She had most of the staff drooling over her and doing what ever tasks she had been assigned.
On one hand Ben was impressed, if she actually learned the job, she could go very far. So he decided he wanted to nurture her manipulative ability, thinking himself immune. That was his downfall.
He recognized that she had daddy issues, he just didn’t think she would actually try to seduce her own father. That miscalculation had fucked him. Literally and figuratively.
Watching the evidence of his latest failure as a father in high definition. Despite all it had caused, he still was admiring his daughter. How wonton a lover she was, as well as her beauty. It wasn’t just fatherly pride that made her beautiful to him. She had all the best features of himself and his wife. His sandy blonde hair and high cheekbones, her mother’s deep brown eyes and pouty lips. Not to mention her large firm tits. Also a trait of his wife. The girl was a genuine sex bomb, and she knew it.
What had started as Ben trying to give some fatherly and professional advice, had turned into a tawdry incestuous affair. Normally carrying on at home while his wife was working late. This time he stupidly gave into her advances at the office.
“How could I be so God damn stupid?” He asked himself again. Watching the video, then looking at the time stamp. “45 minutes, 45 minutes in the open conference room?” further realizing the extent of his screw up.
He should just erase the video, but he knows Mason has the original, so there was no point. Also just watching the video made him feel guilty and ashamed, and aroused, which made him feel more ashamed.
Then he thought of what the video had caused. He blew a man. He took a cock in his mouth and sucked it to completion. The memory disgusted him, though not as much as he thought he should be. The there was Mason’s remark before he left. When he informed him that it hadn’t been a one time thing. Also how he was terrible at it. He was surprised at his conflicting emotions.
He was surprised that after he had reluctantly performed his first ever felatio, how insulted he was at the critic of his lack of ability. Of course he wasn’t going to be good at sucking cock, he wasn’t a cocksucker. At least he wasn’t. And who cared if it wasn’t good, what did he care.
But Benjamin Horatio Baker wasn’t bad at anything. He had always excelled at anything he chose to do. No matter what shitty assignments he was given, he always finished way above everyone’s expectations. Being told he was bad at something really just stuck in his craw.
“God Dammit” he cursed aloud to the empty office. “how can this be happening?”