Trivia Question


Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2002
Who was the first couple to be shown in bed together during prime time television?

Answer to follow shortly.

I'm bored, can anyone tell?
The first TV couple to share a bed was not on "The Brady Bunch" or "The Munsters," but was on "The Mary Kay and Johnny" show in 1947. It was the first situation comedy ever.
It was Mary Kay and Johnny avery early sit com on television. :D
Google made everyone smart.

I remember when calculators came out and took all the fun out of knowing math, too.
katelync said:

I was just being who...I mean what do I win?:p

Hmmm.....I'll have to think about that one. Give me a minute, I'll find something good for you.
Lancecastor said:
Google made everyone smart.

I remember when calculators came out and took all the fun out of knowing math, too.

I don't normally do this but I can't stop myself on this one: WHEN was math ever fun? I flunked algebra twice.....
Hmmmm...I guess you all are right. Sorry katelync. :( I was just watching the Sunday Night Sex Show the other night, and that was one of her trivia questions.