Touch yourself for me...

I choose to touch my face, which at this moment is in badly need of a shave. Rough and prickly around the jaw line. ;)
Just ran my fingers through my hair. A deep conditioner is definitly on my agenda for today, and I could use a good trim - it's finally back down to mid-back, but a little scraggly on the ends.

Eh, any excuse for an appointment with my hairdresser - he has very strong hands and does a great scalp massage. :D
I just smacked my ass, and you loved it.

*touches self*

Large, smooth, strong, long, useful for pleasuring women

I :heart: my hands
Reporting requirements

A report on each individual incident of touching myself will require a spreadsheet for reporting purposes.
My large strong hands slowly begin to kneed the firm muscle of my thighs, I rub them together and they become warm, then hot, I take the muscle and pull it away from the bone, squeezing the blood up towards my heart.

I alternate with light sensual tickles making the hair on my legs (which is very fine for a man) tickle and erect as I oh so slowly tease my way towards the elastic edges of my calvin kleins.
You mean I was supposed to stop touching myself since last time you asked? My arms are certainly getting tired but then how do you think I stay in such good shape.
**Scratches head..

Does scratching your head count?

or maybe rubbing my I was deep in thought and HIGHLY intellectual!

Yes..thats what i'll do...

*rubs chin...hrmmmmmmmmmm......curiouser and curiouser
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i've got cold feet... i'll warm them for me, thank me 8)