top 100 most viewed poems

Senna Jawa

Literotica Guru
May 13, 2002
My poem, at least for a moment, in the early hours of October 2, made it to the top 100 most viewed. It scored 1763 clicks. Funny-fun.

Betting on these things would be addictive. A week ago my poem almost made it. It was withing two clicks (1675 versus 1677 for the 100th one). Then it got two more "views", and it looked like it would share the hundredth place with the other one. Maybe it did for a very short time but I didn't see it (and I doubt it). I checked the list of tops and saw that another outsider kicked the 100th poem out of the list and even got right away to place 99. That meant that the previously 99th poem became the 100th one, and it had 1718 clicks or 41 more than mine! Thus it was not clear that mine will ever get onto the list at all. But it did so by gaining 86 clicks in one week, which is its normal tempo of 12+ per day.

I see in the top 100 poems by our regulars: Judo's appetizing "I Want To Lick You While You Scream" is on 93rd place with 1860 clicks. As I have predicted (but I am surprised that my prediction got fulfiled :)), Judo's poem has overun her aromatic poem "A is for Anal", which is placed 98 with 1804 clicks. Still ahead of these poems is one by Nakedangelina, "38 minutes to orgasm" (was it
"2 weeks and 38 minutes to orgasm" two weeks ago)?--with 1911 clicks it occupies place 86.

Our less active participants are positioned still nearer the top: KatPurrs (61 & 25), RisiaSkye (45), KillerMuffin (15). Did Debbiexxx visit us on occasions? She is all over the place! But far ahead of everybody is "A Funny Fuck" (perhaps an audio) by SteamyChik.

What About Disposa?

Whenever I look at that list--admittedly not often--I see some of my poems hanging on it. Dispos-a-Girl is usually on there. The last time I checked, she was holding on to the number 10 spot. Usually a few others are on there, too. Disposa has the most clicks--over 1,200, though still not as many as my sole story.

Senna, darnit, I swore I'd never look at these numbers! They make me crazy! Why, for example, do Seaside at Summer's End and Sea of Soapy Love--two poems totally different in both form and content--each have 66 clicks? Are there 60-odd people out there who like poems with the word "sea" in them? And why do my Disposa poems, which are thematically linked, vary so widely in the number of clicks they receive?

I was sure that submitting audio files for some of these poems would affect their popularity. Not so. One of my poems, the more recent She Stoops to Conquer, received an H (like a bullet on a Billboard list, haha), I thought because the audio came out so well. That one never made it anywhere.

This is why I can't look at these numbers! The more I think about it, the more it raises questions that make my head hurt!

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Re: What About Disposa?

Angeline said:
Whenever I look at that list--admittedly not often--I see some of my poems hanging on it. Dispos-a-Girl is usually on there. The last time I checked, she was holding on to the number 10 spot. Usually a few others are on there, too. Disposa has the most clicks--over 1,200, though still not as many as my sole story.
Angeline, you are talking about a different list, about the Top Rated Submissions: Poetry. Over there our regulars are present eminently: Lauren Hynde's poems at this time occupy position 5 13 19 21 29 36 37 43 54 55 78 81; Angeline's (yours :)) are placed: 7 9 18 38 53 63 86 94; and Judo: 8 26 30 39 47 56 58.

I have just checked this list for you. Otherwise I don't follow it.

Have fun with numbers, and interpreting them,
Oh, no! :)

My poem got already kicked out of the top 100 most viewed poems. Thus it was there only for about 10-12 hours.

I'll let you know about any new dramatic developments :)
ni ni na na nu nu

is my interpretation of the numbers...

SJ, you've got way too much time on your hands.

Kat~ ;)
Re: ni ni na na nu nu

KatPurrs said:
is my interpretation of the numbers...

SJ, you've got way too much time on your hands.

Kat~ ;)
Who knows :) To me numbers (and geometry even more so) are more sexy than all the sex talk on Literotica!

At this very moment my poem has exactly the same number of clicks as the 100th one, both have 1769. But mine is not listed. I guess, the earlier one has to be overcome by the newcomer.

Re: ni ni na na nu nu

KatPurrs said:
is my interpretation of the numbers...

SJ, you've got way too much time on your hands.

Kat~ ;)

which is worse? time or cum on his hands?

*weighs the options* hmmmmmmmmmm.....:p
Re: Re: ni ni na na nu nu

Senna Jawa said:
At this very moment my poem has exactly the same number of clicks as the 100th one, both have 1769. But mine is not listed. I guess, the earlier one has to be overcome by the newcomer.
But this time it is strange. The 100th poem on the Most read: Poetry list has 1769 views, while my   'round...   has more: 1774. But it is not on the list. Poor software? A bug?

Re: Re: ni ni na na nu nu

Suzi said:

which is worse? time or cum on his hands?

*weighs the options* hmmmmmmmmmm.....:p

It didn't take me long...definitely time. If it were the other, he probably wouldn't touch the damn keyboard. ;)

Re: Re: ni ni na na nu nu

Senna Jawa said:
Who knows :) To me numbers (and geometry even more so) are more sexy than all the sex talk on Literotica!

At this very moment my poem has exactly the same number of clicks as the 100th one, both have 1769. But mine is not listed. I guess, the earlier one has to be overcome by the newcomer.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wha? did somebody say something? oh, SJ, sorry, you were talking about your poems' numer of reads again...ahhhh well I thi...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Re: Re: Re: ni ni na na nu nu

KatPurrs said:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wha? did somebody say something? oh, SJ, sorry, you were talking about your poems' numer of reads again...ahhhh well I thi...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Anybody, who knows KatPurrs whereabouts, call 911 NOW!