Top 10 Most Hated Sex Story Cliches


You've been Kowalski'd
Jan 17, 2003
Don't you hate it when you're reading an otherwise tantalising erotic tale, and you come across a phrase so utterly ridiculous, so unbelievably hackneyed, so outrageously silly, that you become instantly uninterested? Which of you out there has come across any of these horrid little literary no-nos?

***Please understand, that the following is meant entirely for fun. I am not directly quoting any writer in particular, and I am most likely exaggerating in most cases!***

1. "Unnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" or "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!" or "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

When I get to a point in a story in which the author begins to add extraneous letters to non-existent words, it makes me think that perhaps, in a frantic attempt to hide from the reader that the story has no plot, no dialogue, and nothing original to say, these words were inserted to make the story more interesting. Guess what? It didn't work.

2. "Love tunnel", "love pudding", "throbbing manhood", "love shaft", and any other crass, pedestrian, romance-novel euphamism for genitalia.

I just cannot feel aroused while I am cringing.

3. "She was 18 years old, 5'4" with tanned skin, long blonde hair and DD breasts."

To me, this just displays laziness on the part of the writer. Instead of thinking up some clever way to describe this girl, we have an image of her that could have been quoted directly from a police file on a wanted suspect (well. . . maybe not the bit about the tits. . .) Come on, even to say, "She had enormous jugs." is more poetic and interesting!

4. "He walked into the room and immediately started pumping his cock into her!"

Now, just hold back there a minute! How did we get so quickly from point A to point B? Weren't there some stops along the way? I get so disappointed when I read a description like the one above. Isn't the whole point of a sexy story to build tension, to tease us, to make us get to the point where the pressure is building up and we just can't stand it? Where we want to scream "JUST FUCK HER/HIM/IT/THEM ALREADY! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Don't make it over before I even got started, damn it!

5. "Her ass still had its cherry."

Perhaps my grasp of the English vernacular isn't quite what I thought it was, but isn't the "cherry", so often referred to in porn stories, a synonym for the hymen, a fold of mucous membrane found in the vagina? The author of such a work has some serious need of an anatomy lesson, if they do not realize that the anus does NOT have a hymen.

6. "Oh, I'm cumming!"

I have had my fair share of sexual experiences with a variety of partners, many of whom I would daresay enjoyed themselves. However, I have never heard any of them actually explain to me that they were having an orgasm while it was occurring. I would suggest, not unreasonably, that if someone has to loudly proclaim their climax, that perhaps they are not having a climax at all, but are so bored by the sex that they have to fake satiation merely to get the act of coitus over as quickly as possible!

7. "Her pussy was naturally hairless."

Another in the "genetic abnormality" file. Assuming that we are speaking of a sexually mature adult human female, if she naturally has no pubic hair, she is obviously a sufferer of alopecia universalis, a rare disorder that causes a total lack of body hair.

8. "It's so big!"

If it isn't immediately obvious, and she has to actually SAY it, methinks the lady doth protest too much.

9. "He thrust his penis into her and she immediately orgasmed."

Apart from the fact that it is unlikely to ever happen in real life, it is just damned boring. Of course, it would be nice if it only took me one second to reach climax. . . I would have so much time to do other stuff with my life!

10. "His cock was 26 inches long and ten inches in diameter!"

Excuse me? Has this writer absolutely no concept of human anatomy whatsoever, or did they somehow get inches and millimeters confused? Not to mention the physical impossibility of actually inserting such a genetic abnormality into the orifice of another human being! Hmmm. . . perhaps this sort of misfortunate penile deformation is somehow possible, but only, I believe, in the case of a particularly advanced cancerous tumor of the penis. . . Yawn.:rolleyes:
Top Ten

Good thread!
You are sooooooooooooooooo right about extraneous letters.
One of my pet peeves is dialogue that has the female saying, "Fuck my juicy cunt with your big cock!" It just sounds so unreal.
Another one is the woman who changes in an instant from demure faithful wife to a frenzied fuck machine taking on the whole office/football club/cinema audience. There is usually nothing to account for such a dramatic change save for the husband/ boyfriend mentioning that someone has a big one.

Bearer of the Silver Rose
I don't beleive it. I'm shocked. You mean, when a lady says:

"Oh, I'm cumming!"

She isn't really??

Damn, there goes a lifetime of what I thought were satisfied partners :(
Does she really mean it?

Originally posted by Ian Sinclair

I don't beleive it. I'm shocked. You mean, when a lady says: "Oh I'm cumming!"
She isn't really??

Maybe, maybe not.

But when a lady says, “I am just coming,” that means she’ll be at least another ten to fifteen minutes!



When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

from the office wisdom of David Brent
Funny post. I agree with most of what you wrote but I don't know about this one:

zebeaux said:

6. "Oh, I'm cumming!"

I have had my fair share of sexual experiences with a variety of partners, many of whom I would daresay enjoyed themselves. However, I have never heard any of them actually explain to me that they were having an orgasm while it was occurring. I would suggest, not unreasonably, that if someone has to loudly proclaim their climax, that perhaps they are not having a climax at all, but are so bored by the sex that they have to fake satiation merely to get the act of coitus over as quickly as possible!

I have never done this, but most of my partners (males) have made that "announcement."
Hi DarlingNikki,

I think this is definitely a 'gender' issue.

Apparently us men have a knack for pointing out the bleedin' obvious!

How a woman doesn't know we are cumming beggars belief. But I still do it just to offer reassurance that everything (on my part anyway), has gone to plan!!

Ian Sinclair said:
Hi DarlingNikki,

I think this is definitely a 'gender' issue.

Apparently us men have a knack for pointing out the bleedin' obvious!

How a woman doesn't know we are cumming beggars belief. But I still do it just to offer reassurance that everything (on my part anyway), has gone to plan!!


Sometimes it is not so obvious and it can be really helpful to hear. ("helpful" romantic, I know. Those are obviously not the most memorable times.) But even when it is obvious and not necessary, I still enjoy hearing it...
You gotta be kidding...

Zebeaux, I can't agree with you on #6. I admit that the 'announcement' seems sort of superfluous, but the vocalization adds to the intensity of the moment for some people. I certainly like to do it occasionally, particularly during intense orgasms. Some of my partners have also been so inclined (particularly when told that I like to hear it). But Ian is probably right. It seems that such vocalization is more common among men.

Octavian, I suppose you are questioning the detailed descriptions, rather than the core of the statements? For example, 'fuck me hard, make me come' or 'yes, put your cock in my cunt' or 'sit your pussy on my cock' are all phrases that I've heard or said myself. Not too many adjectives in them though... Maybe the heroines in those stories that bug you have a stronger literary bend? :)

What seems to me a little weird is that all these women come so fast. It seems that it's almost instantaneous, once the man goes down on them. Sure, it happens sometimes in real life too, but usually it takes a little more patience... And that's the fun in it, isn't it? Anticipation? :cool:

Couldn't agree more......

Hell, I'm 51....and in all my years I don't recall ever once having a woman tell me she was "cummming!"

Most of the time its a 'vulnerable' facial expression, a gasp or moan perhaps....even claw marks on my back. Good enough for me to get the point she's feeling good without having to consciously tell me she is.

BTW......if I've ever done that in any of my stories (maybe I have) I'll have Laurel pull them immediately!

I remain,
"Fuck my juicy cunt with your big cock!"

Oh dear, I used those exact words just last night - only I wasn't sitting infront of my computer at the time. ;)

Alex (fem)
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Oh really?

Hmmm Bragis, so tell me......

"Fuck my juicy cunt with your big cock!"

Oh dear, I used those exact words just last night - only I wasn't sitting infront of my computer at the time.

Alex (fem)


I remain, (laughing)
the_bragis said:
"Fuck my juicy cunt with your big cock!"

Oh dear, I used those exact words just last night - only I wasn't sitting infront of my computer at the time. ;)

Alex (fem)

*grins* I knew I liked you!

6. "Oh, I'm cumming!"

As far as expressing this aloud and in words - for some of us, it is a requirement *smiles*


"6. "Oh, I'm cumming!"

As far as expressing this aloud and in words - for some of us, it is a requirement *smiles*


Obviously......I've been married to the wrong types of women......
"Fill my juicy cunt with your big cock!"

Hidden Self

I think you are right. It is not the core statement. But most of the time when I read this type of dialogue it grates on me. (Perhaps I have led a too sheltered life)


You’re spending too much time reading stories on Literotica. Next, you’ll be referring to your 34DDs!
Anyway what’s wrong with this? “Fill my moist vaginal orifice with your tumescent male appendage!”

Hi Octavian,

Long time no read.

You’re spending too much time reading stories on Literotica. Next, you’ll be referring to your 34DDs!

Actually, I always give myself huge big enormous sexy great tits in my stories. :) Why? Well because it's the closest thing I'm ever going to have to ever having huge big enormous sexy great tits! :)

On a more serious note, perhaps the style of writing and dialog depends on the category the story is in.

Romantic - "I want to make sweet and passionate love to you."

Loving Wives - "I want to please you so much."

Lesbian - " I want to give you what a man can't."

Non Con - "Shut up and take it!"

BDSM - "You know you want it bitch!"

They all mean the same thing - "I want to have sex with you".

Well have a great day,

Alex (fem)
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The "I'm cumming" quote

Haha! Ok, I stand corrected. There's nothing wrong with a bit of dirty talk in the sack every now and again! I hereby strike 10MHSSC#6 from the record. But it still bugs me when I read it in dirty stories. I think it tends to state the obvious.
I'll add one:

Over 25 female virgins with the bodies of centerfolds.

Now, I know they exist but I don't think they're the norm. When no reason is given, it irritates me. Even a simple, "I was waiting for the right guy" or "I was raised in a religious family and I think I'm ready to step beyond that" or "Guys are afraid to talk to me for some reason". Some reason. Anything.

For some reason we don't see too many over 25 male virgins with the bodies of Chippendales dancers....
Ooop, one more

Women shooting juices as they come.

Apparently some women squirt. I haven't met one, but I believe some women squirt. But in porn stories, these women are everywhere, and men pointing out that they're licking up gushes of juice to indicate that she's come, you know I'm good, she's come.

Heck, I knew one woman who dried up after her orgasm. Didn't make for quite as good a story, however: had to go for the simultaneous O nearly every time, since if she came first intercourse was going to become painful and difficult soon.
I must admit, maybe I'm doing it wrong to but I've never been rewarded with gushing juices all over my face. (Would be nice though)
One of my pet hates is when the male writer (and they are always male) describes the length of his penis. Feels like I'm overhearing some teenagers having a convo in the bathroom after a few too many. Hardcore trippers!
Hi pops two pennyworth

Agree as soon as I see a dick size quoted in whatever, millimetres, inches, feet, metres I switch off.

If it needs saying for any reason I tend to refer to it as average, above average, or below average and leave the reader to decide what average is.

Women or men shouting I'm cumming, never heard it myself much, I do drop it in for humour occasionally but never in a serious note.

Gushing juice's, yes they do happen I have a wife who needs to change the bed sheets after sex, or so she tells me, hehe.
On that other subject, they do blow hot and cold, Lorri my wife is 70 percent of the year Mrs sensible and 30 percent Mrs nympho bless her.

Multiple letters to describe high emotionnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am guilty of this but never more than a 2 or 3 letter extension, Ahh see sums it right up.
You are Sooooooooooooooooooo lovely sends me daft and again switch off time.

Just my little contribution, nice little discussion thread this.

In reply to the quote; 7. "Her pussy was naturally hairless."

Another in the "genetic abnormality" file. Assuming that we are speaking of a sexually mature adult human female, if she naturally has no pubic hair, she is obviously a sufferer of alopecia universalis, a rare disorder that causes a total lack of body hair.

Not so rare or actually is it anomaly in some ethnic groups. Javanese natives, and Amazon Indians being an example, and they still have head hair. The girl may have lied to the guy too..him being naive and all.
I HATE the police report type discription..i mean how the hell do you know the size of a woman's breasts just by looking at'em?

Also the stupid cock size thing, be it big or little i dont need to know!

"pleasure poker" is a euphemism that made me fall about laughing.

I don't mind the odd added letter word "ooohhh yessss!" for example, but multiple exclaimations like this do become rather yawnsome

Hate txt language full stop.....except for thru...I use that all the time when i am chatting, but it should NEVER be used in a story!

Oh and i use the most dirty,depraved language imaginable mid-fuck(see!) but if it's totally out of character it is distracting!

I also squirt, quite liberally too, I am afraid of drowning my poor husband sometimes....
The gushing thing...women, during orgasm, having a liquid expultion is something quite rare, but wonderful. I do love the penis descriptions too...they sound so, well, "Letter to Penthouse" don't they? I just with that the stories, on the average, were more Erotic, not least right off the bat. Get to the: "her pussy was so wet that it swallowed my enormous cock like a sausage into a kiddie pool", eventually, but seduce the reader in a little first.
Hey, I met a Japanese guy who could guess breast size accurately just by looking at them. It's a common game by the salariman guys in Japan. Some are pretty amazing at it. Back in the 1950s, western men used to play the same game, guessing a girl's figure....that was before PC & feminism killed it.
Other than that, I'm sure clothing shop assistants would be fairly good at those sort of guessing games too. At least from my experience they are.
But guys like to play with numbers, so I'm quite happy in Japan that mine are measured in centimetres; and they love breasts in Japan. It's quite common for women to feel other women's breasts, make comparisons & such.
If you don't like numbers, use both good descriptions and numbers...there's marketing in writing a story that grabs attention. Why aim only for one gender's inclinations.