Tonight's Seinfeld is pretty stupid...

Young Knave

Literotica Guru
Oct 9, 2000
Elaine's failed a drug test because there were some poppy seads on her sandwhich. A duh. That might happen, if there were about a pound of seads on it. What an inane plot twist.

The writing on that show really got lazy during the last few seasons, didn't it.
It was fine. Complain about something worthy, like "Joe Millionaire" or peanut butter and jelly in the same jar.
I'm pretty sure it was a rerun.

And you can fail a drug test from that. Certain Opiate tests are very sensitive.
When wasn't a Sienfeld episode stupid?

let the flames begin
how strange.....

that wasn't my episode of Seinfeld at all!

Mine was the series finale. :eek:
Oh, no. Not the old "I flunked a drug test after eating a bagel" legend.

There aren't enough opiates in a gazillion pounds of poppy seeds to flunk a drug test.

That's a fact.

Here come the "I knew someone once...." stories.
I knew someone once.

Poppy seeds contain both Morphine and Codeine and can cause false positives for Opiates in urine tests. Most Opiate urine tests have a cut off level of 300 ng/ml. Ingestion of a single poppy seed bagel can produce an opiate level somewhere around 250 ng/ml three hours later. 3 teaspoons of store bought poppy seeds can result in 1200 ng/ml 6 hours later (1). We have read an estimate that 70% of DOT opiate positives are from poppy seeds. The U.S. Military uses cut off levels of 3000 ng/ml in order to minimize false positives.

The profile and levels of Opiates that show up in a urine test can generally be distinguished from Opiate use if care is taken...however it is not a simple thing and results are often mis-read by companies giving drug tests. If eaten recently and in great enough quantity, poppy seeds will result in positive morphine and codeine results, with morphine predominant. This can be distinguished from recent Codeine use because of the comparative levels of Morphine and Codeine present. However Codeine use in the past (not recent) can result in a similar profile as Morphine is a metabolite of Codeine. Codeine is eliminated from the system more quickly than Morphine, so an extended period after Codeine use, levels of Morphine may be higher than those of Codeine.

Actually, since opiate users are liars, that story holds no watre.
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