
Mischka said:
Thought you might like this av.

niothing finer than a naughty nun

I thought i thanked you once for it, but maybe our paths didn't cross, but THANK YOU with a :p and a :kiss: wherever you feel least appropriate;)
I wasn't sure if you saw it - I only kept it up for a few hours. Okay, now I'm off to change into an av that won't offend someone's religion. ;)
Oh yeah? Well, you can just stick your pincil where the sun don't shine.

Someone negatively commented about a nun av before. Don't remember the parties, but I remember the incident.
Mischka said:
Someone negatively commented about a nun av before. Don't remember the parties, but I remember the incident.

I have to agree with todd (for once). Leave it up just to piss them off.
OK, this is the absolutely most provocative avatar I've ever used, and you guys are telling me to switch back to the goth nun? Geez, this place is hard to please.
Mischka said:
Someone negatively commented about a nun av before. Don't remember the parties, but I remember the incident.

i think it was a pic that mouse or miles posted of a youngish nun inserting a cross into herself that many thought I would find offensive being the most outspoken funnymentalist, but i shocked them all when i posted it was good to me and the upside down cross mya have been uside down to the viwer but from her persepctive to look at it it was upright.

then the thread died, much like this one is about to do after i hit send