
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Are you LOOKING for someone to nail you to that cross you're carrying?

nah the duct tap is working just fine and chaffs a whole lot less. plus it prevents having to get a needle and getting splinters

Dixon Carter Lee


There. All your martyr fantasies come true. Now post about puppies or shut up.
Bump another bit of history...

For you new folks to enjoy...

Dix was/is great.

Even if he's a wannabe Stand Up.
Oh fuck my cock has just gone limp. I thought DCL was back.
Don't bump old threads, asshole.

I'm gonna ask Manu to change my name to ''Dixon Tang Lee" to honor he.
I don't either... We couldn't stand each other! I think he referred to me as some kind of retarded monkey crap (or something like that).

But this thread was pretty funny :D