Today's Trump-Grift is Bibles.


Literotica Guru
Jul 31, 2014
Because $5 billion from his failing social media site is never going to materialise, Trump needs yet more cash.

Now that Easter is approaching, he's flogging Bibles for $60 apiece (with a six-week delivery, so you may get it by Halloween if you're lucky). Alternatively Amazon has a selection of leather-bound versions for around 15 bucks.

It's the only one endorsed by the Great Golden Grifter, buy yours here:

But wait, there's more! It comes complete at no extra charge with a copy of the US Constitution!
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For the meager contribution of 175 million dollars and 99cents, the first 100 suckers will also receive…
As opposed to the Bribem policy of grifting Ukraine and WW3.........

who else is surprised that "bibles" offend the communists!
Just to catch everyone up on what’s going on: So Damien became president by fooling the evangelicals that he was pious and now he is hawking to the rubes the holy word of their God and savior for a fee.
Just to catch everyone up on what’s going on: So Damien became president by fooling the evangelicals that he was pious and now he is hawking to the rubes the holy word of their God and savior for a fee.
Placeholder for the fun!
What's next, Trump's Magic Elixir?

Right wingers are the biggest rubes.
Look to the past for clues. His latest business partner posted a required S-4 document detailing Trump's involvement with failed products.

The failures include Trump Steaks, Trump Bottled Water, and Trump Vodka

"The S-4 cites a USA Today article from 2016 finding that “over the previous three decades President Trump and his businesses had been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts. ... In the 1,300 cases where the record establishes the outcome, President Trump settled 175 times, lost 38, won 450, and had another 137 cases end with some other outcome. In the other 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs’ claims against President Trump.”

Some light reading for entertainment on his failures are cited by LA Times:

Failed Businesses citations - partial list
As opposed to the Bribem policy of grifting Ukraine and WW3.........

who else is surprised that "bibles" offend the communists!
Thanks for once again proving Lincoln correct (though there is question about the original attribution)

Regarding trump, the guy is a terrible human being, but he is fascinating in a train wreck kind of way. I mean, there’s no grift too small or tasteless that he wouldn’t glom. Kind of interesting though that the biglier cons, like steak and university, have been replaced with smaller ones like NFTs and bibles. Has he tried hawking trump smart water yet?
Thanks for once again proving Lincoln correct (though there is question about the original attribution)

Regarding trump, the guy is a terrible human being, but he is fascinating in a train wreck kind of way. I mean, there’s no grift too small or tasteless that he wouldn’t glom. Kind of interesting though that the biglier cons, like steak and university, have been replaced with smaller ones like NFTs and bibles. Has he tried hawking trump smart water yet?
The big question is who buys this crap? And why?
Thanks for once again proving Lincoln correct (though there is question about the original attribution)

Regarding trump, the guy is a terrible human being, but he is fascinating in a train wreck kind of way. I mean, there’s no grift too small or tasteless that he wouldn’t glom. Kind of interesting though that the biglier cons, like steak and university, have been replaced with smaller ones like NFTs and bibles. Has he tried hawking trump smart water yet?
Carbon based water perhaps?
Haha, segment on tv-he did sell trump water, and peices of the suit he wore on the day he was indicted, among other things
MAGAts have "Commemorative Plates Celebrating American History Crafted in the Denver Mint" adorning their faux wood panel walls in their trailers.
I'm wondering, what the next grift could be. This one was clearly inspired by 'Beware of false profits' after his fraud cases.

The next one could be from 'Trickle-Down Economics'. Maybe bottled Trump-piss?
The Bible?? Doesn’t that speak against the rich??
Getting into Heaven with all their riches?
Camel though the Eye of the Needle??
Is Trump pushing Communism!???
Thanks for once again proving Lincoln correct (though there is question about the original attribution)

Regarding trump, the guy is a terrible human being, but he is fascinating in a train wreck kind of way. I mean, there’s no grift too small or tasteless that he wouldn’t glom. Kind of interesting though that the biglier cons, like steak and university, have been replaced with smaller ones like NFTs and bibles. Has he tried hawking trump smart water yet?
In what way is he a "terrible human being"?

You mean like the 900k abortions last year alone? After all, state sponsored abortion is the wet dream of Sanger......and Ginsberg.

Steak and "university" eurofagonian is your talking you spell it "colour"?

The only "university" con that I know of would be the millions that Burny's wife remember......

Did they ever pay that back or did they buy another vacation house?
In what way is he a "terrible human being"?

You mean like the 900k abortions last year alone? After all, state sponsored abortion is the wet dream of Sanger......and Ginsberg.

Steak and "university" eurofagonian is your talking you spell it "colour"?

The only "university" con that I know of would be the millions that Burny's wife remember......

Did they ever pay that back or did they buy another vacation house?
^^^ Trying very hard, here ya go 🏆
In what way is he a "terrible human being"?

You mean like the 900k abortions last year alone? After all, state sponsored abortion is the wet dream of Sanger......and Ginsberg.

Steak and "university" eurofagonian is your talking you spell it "colour"?

The only "university" con that I know of would be the millions that Burny's wife remember......

Did they ever pay that back or did they buy another vacation house?
Multiple lawsuits were filed against Trump University alleging it defrauded its students.
Seeing Trump holding a Bible makes me nauseous, leading to the thought, "How can evangelists be so damn stupid about Trump and religion?"

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