Today's "liberals" really are complete scum


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
The few good things "liberals" used to stand they no longer stand for, and every conceivably disgusting and socially destructive policy or belief they angrily promote and defend. Perhaps that is why they are so hateful and angry on the internet and elsewhere. They use anger and hatred to mask their own shame and self-loathing for being such scumbags.

Other theories, anyone?
That's why they began calling themselves Fabians and Progressives until they so tarnished those brands that they went back to Liberal and now they sort of bounce around all of the definitions so that they acquire the patina of plausible deniability...
Where I agree with old school "liberals": animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to "free" trade, support for blue collar private sector unions (NOT for public sector unions), opposition to foreign wars, respect for traditional cultures in foreign countries, perhaps a few other areas. With the exception of environmentalism, they either no longer advocate any of these things are take the opposite view today. Even their "environmentalism" is mostly a sham to divert tax money into phony "green energy" front companies they and their friends own.
You have no idea as to what an "old-school" Liberal is.

At best you have described "middle-school."

Old school liberal can be surmised in three simple words which underscore a complex dynamic:

Life, Liberty, Property

"Today's "liberals" really are complete scum."

"Perhaps that is why they are so hateful and angry on the internet."

Irony, an important food group for the diet of the modern vegetarian.
The few good things "liberals" used to stand they no longer stand for, and every conceivably disgusting and socially destructive policy or belief they angrily promote and defend. Perhaps that is why they are so hateful and angry on the internet and elsewhere. They use anger and hatred to mask their own shame and self-loathing for being such scumbags.

Other theories, anyone?

Read John Stuart Mill's essay, "On Liberty" and learn what a Liberal is. You really have no idea.
That's why they began calling themselves Fabians and Progressives until they so tarnished those brands that they went back to Liberal and now they sort of bounce around all of the definitions so that they acquire the patina of plausible deniability...

Fabians? We're back in the nineteenth century?
I dislike extremists of all manner.

Is renard for real or is it a ruse?

I have difficulty believing someone with his bizarre views isn't confined somewhere.
The few good things "liberals" used to stand they no longer stand for, and every conceivably disgusting and socially destructive policy or belief they angrily promote and defend. Perhaps that is why they are so hateful and angry on the internet and elsewhere. They use anger and hatred to mask their own shame and self-loathing for being such scumbags.

Other theories, anyone?

Republicans weren't always the twisted creatures you see before you today. They were people, like Mitt Romney. They have twisted into twisted creatures who would rather die than help anybody who doesn't share their hatred.
Tough words but little productive discussion.

The Left, whatever you call them or yourselves, want an ncreasngly large government, that by the nature of government, will grow until it as total control.

The Right, whatever they are to be called, want a smaller government under a Const ituiion that places limits on what government cam do.

But since extremism is feared, neither side fully advocates eith Left or Right and settle for some cowardly compromise that pleases no one but continues to bankrupt the nation not only financially, but morally and ethically.

I lay this tendency to 'compromise' on all things, as a female imperative since they cannot physically or mentally defend the larger government concept. Therefore an appeasement, a compromise, a selling out of vales and virtues is the only path left and it must inevitably lead to collapse.

he last bastion of human individual libety is rotten to the core. Join me, let us put it out of its misery and begin again.

Amicus Veritas:rose:
Sweeping generalizations much, Amicus?

Quite a broad brush you have this morning.

Of course, if you were honest, you'd admit you want a Republican to win in November so you could finally gain honest really want one of those shiny new Department of Bedroom Affairs monitoring jobs.
I've stopped being so angry and just became suicidal. Idiots make me sad rather then angry now. But I'm on four different medications to try and curb that. That's really the only reason that I'm still alive...
I've stopped being so angry and just became suicidal. Idiots make me sad rather then angry now. But I'm on four different medications to try and curb that. That's really the only reason that I'm still alive...

Hook me up with your pharmacist. Alcohol seems to be a poor way to commit suicide but I might step up to bleach, car accidents or being a super hero soon. Actually would you mind being my side kick you won't have to do anything degrading. Just dress in right red, yellow and green so criminals are less likely to see me when I sneak up.
The few good things "liberals" used to stand they no longer stand for, and every conceivably disgusting and socially destructive policy or belief they angrily promote and defend. Perhaps that is why they are so hateful and angry on the internet and elsewhere. They use anger and hatred to mask their own shame and self-loathing for being such scumbags.

Other theories, anyone?

Coming for a place of peace and mutual respect as you do surely gives your point of view unquestioned credibility.
The few good things "liberals" used to stand they no longer stand for, and every conceivably disgusting and socially destructive policy or belief they angrily promote and defend. Perhaps that is why they are so hateful and angry on the internet and elsewhere. They use anger and hatred to mask their own shame and self-loathing for being such scumbags.

Other theories, anyone?


Someone posting anonymously on the internet, calling people scum, then calling others hateful.
I assume it's just nipples mcgee. Impossible for two people to use the same avs have the same stupid temperament arrive when the other vanishes and not be the same person.