Todays funny website

If you wondered why nobody replied to this post it is obivious really, what can one possibly say to this sort of lunacy? It is a interesting link yes, funny? Perhaps, yet I don't get english humor sometimes so it is more wankish idiocy than anything.

Well carry on.
Gusty Wind said:
riddder... you like too pOOP and piss on my friend's posts...

ridddder = Right~Duhhhh.. aka *U*

and you think you are always right

you must have *zero* self esteem..

.to be putting people down all the time

and you are just a pissy~POOP..

Mind your own fucking business...

and you NEVER been welcome in any other threads...

Because every words came out of you ````STINK>>>!!!!!!!!!!


ASk for more ...IGNORE... him....

I have nothing against you, I didn't say I I hated it, it just wasn't that amusing to me. So what? I am sure you have things which don't amuse you, and I am sure you are one who doesn't hold back hence your words now. Just because I don't understand english humor doesn't mean it is bad now does it?

We all know you and your beloved usage of ill rated half quips is tired and trite. Yet I don't go around bashing other people like you because spreading rumors is well so infantine in it's scheme.

I never said nor did I imply that I am always correct. I just expressing my opinion on a given topic on a given day, at a given time. Just as you have on one of many other occassions.

Self esteem? Funny that you should mention this for it seems like that is the common belittlement here when someone wishes to talk ill of someone without knowing them. Since you have resorted to such tactics you hardly make one feel anything other than ill favored towards your buffoonery.

Yes we don't have to like one another. Yet as I have said it before, respect is more about acting like an adult, than belittling someone because you don't agree.

Grow up, find something else or for that matter someone else to whine about, cause your little charade means little if nothing to me.
These two websites are oldies but funnies..........lmao