Today's College Football Thread

Go Irish!

Pitt is up on Notre Dame, but it is early
lavender said:
So, #12 Florida is beating #1 Miami - 27 - 14.

In just a bit, #2 Texas plays #3 Oklahoma.

Go Texas!!!!

I can't believe Miami is losing. I can't believe I'm actually rooting for FSU. This is the first time I've been cheering for FSU in my lifetime, I think.

Go FSU...and definitely Hook 'em Horns....go UT
Oh definitely, Go Pitt also.

If they win, and Miami loses, that'll put them 2 games ahead of Miami. No?

Sorry, Irish-haters.

They just scored a touchdown... the surprising thing was that it was the offense that scored it!
sorry lav...its not your fault about the Texas thing.
Rhys said:
sorry lav...its not your fault about the Texas thing.

Did you hear about the Texas A&M student who moved to Oklahoma?

The average IQ in both Texas and Oklahoma jumped by 10 points when he did. :D
One second left, it's coming down to a field goal...

43 yards


It was funny.

Texas can't move up in the polls.

Someone explain it to lavy and the other Texans...
Problem Child said:
I've decided that UVA has the coolest team logo.

UVa has ALWAYS been cool.

(see my addition to Lukky's drunken diddies thread)