Today is Validate Lancecastor's existence on the GB day


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
C'mon people, do your part to make the man feel like he's not ignored all the time. He's crying out for some validation! He needs to feel loved. Ass-lickers aren't doing it for him anymore, he's begging for the ass-kickers to show up and give him attention so he can feel like he's actually saying something intelligent instead of paraphrasing old REDWAVE and Donk rhetoric!

Here's my contribution, from the Man on the Stree CliqueCam.

Killer Chung reporting:

So many people are ignoring Lance. Did the Clique tell you to ignore him? We went out on the street to find out.

Irma Jean of the Foundations Department said:

"I got this funny PM a few days ago that said if I don't ignore Lancecastor, aliens with big teeth would show up and eat all of the tomatoes in my garden. I don't have a garden, but I'm worried about my mailbox. I have tomatoes painted on it. Do you think they would eat my mailbox?"

Sam "the Man" Stan had this to say:

"I got an email from some guy who said that if I ignore Lancecastor the chick in Honeylicks av and the chick in Rubyfriuts av will gangbang me for three weeks straight. You can't let a opportunity like that pass you by."

Back to you, GB.

I have to apologize for the old clique routine, but his political blather has already marginalized his "debate" for him so there's no point.

Will that do?

Signed: One of the ass kickers. :D
KillerMuffin said:

I have to apologize for the old clique routine, but his political blather has already marginalized his "debate" for him so there's no point.

Who is this Lancecastor you speak of?;)
]ooooo(chained) said:
You mean Spearchucker?

He wants to be ignored by the likes of me.

I'm too dumbass...

And he was written off of M*A*S*H far too early.
Rubyfruit said:
You know you love Lance, Muffy.

We all know it.


Yes, but I don't intend on doing anything so, I can't be arrested for it. Your scrawny little love-bunny is perfectly safe from me.
Good Job Killer Chung

Now back to the station where this report is just in:

After feeling ignored for weeks Lance has been discovered hanging out at the pubs with the likes of Redwave and such. This is where he decided to revamp his image and that politics is the place of topic to invest in. Hence all of the anti war threads.

Our investigative team stalked him for several days to see where he would go and to our amazement he went into a BDSM club. They didn't think the old boy had it in him.

Several of our researchers are on the task to discover who is truly in that avatar of his. The probability that it is him is low. The majority feels that he simply clipped it off one of the many porns he has in his DVD collection.

Signing out and back over to you Geraldo......
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I don't ignore him exactly, because I've learned that blowhard bullies like to suckerpunch people at random, so I just kinda watch him out of the corner of my eye, make sure I can see where his hands are. Does that count?
KillerMuffin said:
C'mon people, do your part to make the man feel like he's not ignored all the time. He's crying out for some validation!

Lance is the Lit equivalent of "Who Let the Dogs Out?".

Best I could do.