Today is the One Year Anniversary Of "When Bros Collide"


Oh Look....
Apr 13, 2002
Today marks the one year anniversary of "When Bros Collide".

The poster formerly known as "Frisco_Slug_Esq", burdened by a paper trail of his duplicitous positions and obvious double standards ("it's okay for ME to say 'nigger''s NOT okay for YOU to say 'nigger') jettisoned his past and reinvented himself anew as "4est_4est_Gump".

As is usually the case, Vetteman (one of "Frisco's" nearest and dearest...and only...friends here) didn't get the memo.

When the "n00b" 4est_4est_Gump immediately began lecturing us on "the way things ought to be" (unencumbered by his previous contradictory positions), Vetty had had enough. He told the obnoxious newcomer to basically shut his mouth and know his role, and immediately put him unceremoniously on ignore.

Thus began "When Bros Collide"!

After almost scratching his unibrow and wondering why his "bro" no longer immediately came to his rescue when he (Vetty) was criticized for spewing his daily dose of homophobia and xenophobic jingoism, Vetty slowly realized that he'd done fucked up once again.

He quickly un-ignored ole 4est, and they resumed their daily morning RWCJ that continues to this day.

Happy anniversary, boys!