Today is the 4th anniversary of the world gone mad

With Covid still an active threat, I hope that everyone is keeping their vaccines up to date and wearing a mask when they’re in a crowded space.
Luckily, most of the anti-vaxxers here are bedridden or under house arrest.
Long covid or long vax?
A mainstream site like The Hill posting that article shows the window shifting on covid vax opinion.

Without an honest accounting of what went wrong, the last thing we should do is give the government more power over our healthcare decisions.
Long covid or long vax?
A mainstream site like The Hill posting that article shows the window shifting on covid vax opinion.
Except long covid shows up as symptoms in unvaccinated COVID survivors as well. It's not limited to any one group. Young, old, rich, poor, vaccinated and unvaccinated, all types have people who developed long covid.
Its the Flu per the CDC but you know better
I get my flu shot every year and I haven't had the flu since I started masking regularly for Covid. Flu is not as dangerous as Covid, but it's still nice not to get sick.
Luckily, most of the anti-vaxxers here are bedridden or under house arrest.
Many of them, sadly, are no longer with us.

Though some of them, i.e. certain people who post on these forums, I will find it hard to shed a tear for if (or when) they do succumb to their own stupidity, and die a preventable death from COVID.
Long covid or long vax?
A mainstream site like The Hill posting that article shows the window shifting on covid vax opinion.
No, it doesn't. It shows The Hill published an OPINION article for these doctors, who by the way, belong to the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Who are they? Observe:

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is a group of physicians and former journalists formed in April 2020 that has advocated for various unapproved, dubious, and ineffective treatments (e.g. hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other miscellaneous combinations of drugs and vitamins) for COVID-19.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The group is led by Paul E. Marik and Pierre Kory.[3] Both would later join conservative or right-wing groups promoting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.

The World Health Organization, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and European Medicines Agency advise against the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 outside of clinical trials, but the FLCCC has contended that ivermectin could reduce viral load and accelerate recovery in patients.
And if you will observe the last sentence WHO, USFDA and EMA state, "...advise against the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 outside of clinical trials". That's how real science works, test it to make sure it will work and not do more harm than good. These doctors are advocating for using the unproven treatments outside any testing. In essence using the patients they are treating as test subjects. So no, the window isn't shifting on Covid vax opinion. It's just the same old quacks trying to sell snake oil because they know better than everyone else.

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