To The One


Reborn into kitty
Mar 7, 2002
Who sent me a pm in French!

When are you going to translate it for this hillbilly so she can understand it? :p
Eumenides said: has a translator. You could use that.

I thought about looking up the translation but this pm is two very long paragraphs and it would take me ages. I'm hoping that they will take pity on me and just give it to me in English or hillbilly.. either works. :D
amelia said: works to translate 150 words at a time. but i have to warn you, some of the translations need translating.

Well hot damn! Thanks bunches amelia.

It worked! Some words don't translate well but I got the gist of what was said.

So to you sweet doll who sent that pm, Thank you very very much!

Here is my reply - with a bit of help lol - I hope that it translated well enough from English to French to be understood.

Je pense que vous êtes une personne véritablement merveilleuse et je suis très heureux que nous avons les amis devenus. Je dirais à chacun quel amoureux vous êtes mais alors je suis égoïste comme le ce et préférer garder des personnes un secret et tous à me.
Les grands gros smoochies humides partout et m'envoient svp dorénavant des messages qui ne m'incite pas à demander à d'autres ce qu'il indique. À moins que vous m'envoyiez également la traduction. :D

wait a minute, wait a minute here...are you tellin' me that smoochies is a real french word? ok, i want to know what that means:D
unclej said:
wait a minute, wait a minute here...are you tellin' me that smoochies is a real french word? ok, i want to know what that means:D

Pfft you had doubts?

His_kitty said:
Well hot damn! Thanks bunches amelia.

It worked! Some words don't translate well but I got the gist of what was said.

So to you sweet doll who sent that pm, Thank you very very much!

Here is my reply - with a bit of help lol - I hope that it translated well enough from English to French to be understood.

Je pense que vous êtes une personne véritablement merveilleuse et je suis très heureux que nous avons les amis devenus. Je dirais à chacun quel amoureux vous êtes mais alors je suis égoïste comme le ce et préférer garder des personnes un secret et tous à me.
Les grands gros smoochies humides partout et m'envoient svp dorénavant des messages qui ne m'incite pas à demander à d'autres ce qu'il indique. À moins que vous m'envoyiez également la traduction. :D


Whoever sent you this was not French. I think they went to Bablefish and translated the original into French as there are many grammatical mistakes a French speaker would never make. The sentiment is very sweet however.
roxanne69 said:
Whoever sent you this was not French. I think they went to Bablefish and translated the original into French as there are many grammatical mistakes a French speaker would never make. The sentiment is very sweet however.

Read what I said over and it will become clearer.

I would never post someone's pm to me.. even though I cannot read French well others here can (such as yourself) and that would just be wrong of me to do.

I used the translater that amelia linked me to.. translated the original msg from them then typed in mine back and translated to French for him.

As I said I'd hoped that it would translate from English to French enough so that they could understand and get the gist of what I said back. :)
His_kitty said:
Read what I said over and it will become clearer.

I would never post someone's pm to me.. even though I cannot read French well others here can (such as yourself) and that would just be wrong of me to do.

I used the translater that amelia linked me to.. translated the original msg from them then typed in mine back and translated to French for him.

As I said I'd hoped that it would translate from English to French enough so that they could understand and get the gist of what I said back. :)

*blush* sorry, I read it too fast. I didn't realize I was reading your reply. I did however PM scrymettet earlier asking him to help you. Sorry for the misunderstanding. It did translate well enough for him to understand and the lovely sentiment shines through.