To tame an Angel...


Feb 22, 2013
Why do humans push the limits? Why strive to control everything, however limited, that their microcosmic world can offer? Why do men dominate and women submit? Why do they seek to rape, and degrade, and humiliate, and sometimes, seek to be humiliated in return. Throughout history, the unnessecary drama of such human impulses, guided by their all powerful hormones, has been the driving force behind every atrocious act humanity has ever performed. This is in the mind of every modern man who interacts with any woman all across civilisation. Domination. What does it mean to dominate, and why do these barely evolved animals seek it so... Hungrily...

To take complete control of another. To use her body and soul to their own purpose and will. To ignore the social constructs they have built in their time which say that everybody is equal, and to ignore the feministic 'rules' of sex in which, in fact, women dominate culture by being behind every man with power, holding the keys to their races sexuality over men's heads.

They call this a 'power game', though in truth, it is not about power. They call it domination, though it is not really about control. It is the violent tendencies of their race, born deep into all of them, defining them for thousands of years, combined with the just as natural sexual urges creating something more liberating than both. Foreplay is supposed to be about equality and is the essence of consensuality, but in the deepest recesses of a man's heart, a man who has stood apart and said to the world, 'I reject your designs! I will not be what you want me to be!', true foreplay is in the struggle. Of the chase, or the overpowering, that stimulates both their sexuality and violence in a way more powerful than either of these alone.

It is the thought that a woman under their thumb is no longer a woman. In a way, no longer human. No longer independent of thought and self aware as all humans are. Therefore her protestations are meaningless and fall on deaf ears, her screams, irrelevant.

It is the thought that, within a man like this's grasp, she transforms from human into object. Toy. Possession. Nothing more.


I admit that over the many years I have lived amongst their kind, I have too fallen prey to those same follies. The evil side of their race can, at times be so strong, it reaches out and infects that around it. Even one such as me, who didn't know more evil existed than what I'd already inflicted. They could even show a demon new depths of torment! But though a human would deny that depravity in their own heart, I am at least able to be honest when I say that these motivations are not mine. I care not for breaking taboos and finding new heights and new depths for the soul to explore. Nor the social chains holding people in place in their tiny lives. I just seek the sweet intoxication of the 'divine'. To use it at will.

In the earliest writings of my kind, writings that have long been lost to the earthly realm, damaged from the transition from hell and the translation into human doctrine, I found something fascinating. A method of harnessing the power of 'divinity'. The incredible potential that the soilders of heaven all possess. We once had it too. Stripped of it long ago, before the world in its ignorance believed us confined to myths written only for those with faith, all demons begged for its return. To feel that peace again. The heroin of our people...

All you need to do is consume the tear if an angel every day.

Sounds simple, though I had spent decades in research just to find that out. Decades more to find an angel, hidden among the billions of humans on this plane. Notoriously difficult, its almost impossible to tell an angel apart from the masses, and like us, they hid well. But find one I did. Where else but New York City. Living in its annimosity. The very place where an angel would be needed most in the world, and now there was one less...

The collar preventing her from accessing the 'divine' herself fit snugly around her neck as I threw her to the floor of the soundproofed basement...
I had failed.

It burned straight into me, that horrendous feeling. That hurt, horrendous weight sitting so heavily upon my soul.
I had... failed.

A guardian angel, who couldn't keep her charge safe. Of everything I thought I needed to worry about, it was the one thing I never expected. I had tried and tried and done so well... but their own bad habits, their own vices I tried to get them to stop, that was the one thing I couldn't prevent.
A heart attack. He was only 27. This wasn't my fault, it wasn't!

But they didn't hear me. They didn't want to.* I had one job. To keep him safe. The person he was to become- The difference he was supposed to make. I had failed to let it happen. The hurt and ache that came from it wasn't just from the shame of* failure, to hear the Council's decisions on my actions... It was made so much worse on knowing I would never see him again. My failure had caused us to be separated. It would cost me even more than just that, I was certain of it. I had grown to love my charge, from the day he was born to the day I had failed him.

I wasn't allowed back into the gates until the decision was reached, the final verdict delivered to the apartment I kept via dove. A tiny strip of paper, carried in its beak. Banishment.

It broke my heart even further. I wasn't allowed back in. Stuck here? In this place?
I could redeem myself. I had to find some way. Maybe if I could provide hope to the people of this city, make the Council rethink their decision- Let me back, let me find Jason again. I could fix this, I could! I had to! There was so much hurt in this city, pain and hatred, distrust. Lack of faith, no more belief. I could do something, restore some of it. Try. If they saw what I could do, they... Maybe...

The human form I took wasn't too far different from my divine appearance, but was certainly lacking in its glory. They hadn't taken that from me, had they? A testing focus, the feel of the wings and the warmth building within. Not as strong as it once was, but certainly still there.

They had set a cap on my abilities. At least they hadn't left me completely helpless.


It had been weeks now since my fall from grace, taking to visiting the churches, talking to children as I could. Parents weren't trusting of me, a thing I quickly learned. The homeless folk I passed, however, they seemed to see it. They knew. They listened to me, and let me try. To see them brighten, see the better life ahead of them... It made me feel so much better. "Keep faith," I whispered softly to the man who clung to my hand now, praises of his own choked out as the blanket I offered him fell against his shoulders. "There's not much I can do at the moment, but I swear to you. Things will be better."

"I can see it in your eyes," He agreed softly, touching my cheek, causing a shiver to course through me. Such a warm hand. "You have something more to you."

"Everyone does, sir. Those hands of yours... They are a gift. Focus on them, and you will find your calling. You will find your way." the more I held them, the more I could feel it. "You can paint. You- You've been painting. Drawing. Take them. Take all of those. Show them to the church. You'll see."

A curious look took to his features with my words, a smile spreading. "I... I have. I will! I- Oh, thank you!"

That was what I needed. It made me feel a thousand times better, a restart to his life with the suggestions I tried to give. Can't guide a life directly, but can push it in its proper direction. That man had greatness awaiting him. He just needed to follow it. If I could just keep going, if I could just keep showing others the things hidden within them...

It set the light inside me to warm once again. I could feel it radiating so nicely, the bliss of it all. This was what I needed- every time I tried to help, I could feel it happen again.

I didn't know.
How could I have known?


An angel was never meant to feel pain. The hurt of a broken heart, perhaps- but physical pain was something I had never encountered. I felt it for the very first time as my body hit the floor, cement catching me and causing the first sense of true pain to enter my body. A sharp cry, confusion and shock. An attempt to rise, to find the cause of it. My head was absolutely lost, panic racing through me. I barely remembered a thing....

I didn't know any of this. Not my home. Not my normal surroundings. Unfamiliar.
Fear. This was what fear was like.
I didn't like it at all.

I saw him then, the man staring at me.
Recall started to slowly come back with that, the man who had been watching me. I had thought...
He... My head. Why couldn't I remember? Touched me. Grabbed me. This was not my first pain- No. Earlier- He... Something. Pain! There was pain then too! Fear. Lots more fear then as well.

"Oh... God...," I managed to choke out, trying to get to my feet, finally noticing the thing at my neck. It caused more pain, a lingering sting against my skin, a hurt that burned down into me. It cancelled the light inside. The warmth I had felt before- It was gone. An icy pool left sinking inside me. A sickening feeling that flooded me completely. Shuddering against the floor, the want to rise completely gone now. Too many new feelings at once. Overwhelmed by it all. "No... No, no no- This... No... Get this- GET IT OFF ME!" My fingers tried to grab against it, tugging furiously, trying to remove the cause of the new feelings, the new hurt I didn't understand as I glared up at the man I didn't know. "Why?!"

His eyes.
That alone made me halt, staring at him.
He didn't have to say a word.
Those eyes were enough to say a thousand things. To cause even more fear than I even thought possible to flood over me.
"You're... a..."
It had been easy. Suprisingly easy. I had expected the worst when I planned to take her. Thought it would have been the most impossible task in the world. A fight, resistance, a flurry of wings as she either escaped or called down the armies of heaven to aid her. A guardian I can fight easily, maybe even five or ten, but every guardian sent to this plane was bequeathed the ability to call for help from above. One single thought is all it took, and the Soldiers would appear. Time nor distance applied in the transition from heaven to earth and they would have arrived within a moment, ready to smite evil such as me. Yes, guardians are easy, Soldiers, with their holy missions and white-hot flaming blades, their almost omnipotent strength, extensive training and infallible will that had honed their skills since Creation would have not been so easy to shrug off.

So I was amazed when it took nothing more than simply following her to her mortal home one day and sneaking in that night. Like all of them, the apartment was just what I had expected. Religious dogma was the only real decor. Other than that it was simple and humble. It sickened me. As I entered though, my prey woke up. I thought I was done for. I had planned to get the collar I carried on while she slept. But nothing happened. Well, she screamed a lot, but nothing that actually mattered. In all it took less than a minute to subdue her, wrap the deeper-than-black leather around her neck (which instantly sealed itself. No clasp on it, and now only I could ever remove it). Tie her arms and gag her before literally dragging her to the car I needed to use for transport in this realm. Soon, I told myself. Soon I will have strength beyond belief. Power enough to travel the way they do at will, simply slipping in and out of matter, covering infinite distances in the blink of an eye.

Another ability that I craved, granted by the 'Divine' I sought. And there were other things too. Some abilities so powerful it is a constant wonder that these pathetic creatures haven't wiped us all out yet! For now though, my control over the world extends only far enough to perform the far less spectacular shielding. Shielding the car stopped anybody from witnessing the angels' protests and muffled screams as I drove. A passerby would only see an unremarkable, non-descipt car, like so many others, and not think to look twice. They could see only what I wanted then to see. Shielding the house as well had the same effect. Nobody found a demon that didn't want to be found...

Chuckling to myself, I raised an eyebrow at the angel, crouched in the basement floor, fingers desperately seeking a way to remove the collar. I waited to see if she could finish her sentence.

"A demon?" I finally said on mock inquiry. "A hellion? Spawn of Satan? Shai'tan? The harbinger if the cataclysm?" I chuckled once more at the fear in her face.

"I wouldn't bother trying to get that off" I added, reaching forward to stroke the inconceivabley black leather around her thin pale neck. "This was forged deep in the pit of doom from the skin of captives. Captives from the War!"

The War of the Falling was the only real war heaven and hell had ever actually fought. Before the world became infested with these human masses, before they even existed, the earth was a battlefield for this momentous war. The aim? Lucifer wanted revenge on the authority that expelled him. He sought a return to glory, taking his old masters seat as his own. The outcome was, a disaster. Though the demon hordes were clearly slyer and smarter than their angelic counterparts, the incredible power of the Soldiers was simply too much to resist. Lightning and fire scorched the earth for a thousand years at their command, and the routes out of the pit of doom closed up forever. One or two demons could escape up here now and then, but thanks to the war, an army would never again walk the earth.

Though one good thing had come out of it all. Hundreds of angels were captured near the beginning. A number unheard of before or since. Extensive experimentation unearthed many secrets and many methods we were previously unaware of to fight them.

Smiling sickly at the memory I now relate to her, I leant in closer. "They were the ones who gave in, those who.made your leash. They renounced their useless god and swore fealty to Satan forever in all lives if he would just let them die. They told us everything we wanted to.know. That's how it stops your tricks. It is the very essence of the proof that your kind is not as holy and infallible as you want these humans to believe." She had been trying to draw away from him as he spoke, as far away as he could so he seized the trembling beauty by the back of her neck and held her still.

"I am Abdiel. Perhaps you've heard of me?" I questioned. "They once called me the God of Slaves. I was charged with the very prisoners that you currently wear and enjoyed breaking them myself!"

I spoke to her now in barely more than a whisper. "And I am greatly looking forward to breaking you too..."
The words impossible for my own tongue to bring forth flowed so easily from his, those eyes still set upon me, mocking the horror and confusion I held over this entire situation. Each term, each syllable he uttered, that smirk holding steady- it all added another turn into my stomach.

The nonchalant warning on the thing at my neck made me pause only briefly, fingers still resting against it but no longer trying as I listened doubtfully to his words.

The pit of...

...Captives of war?

The longer it settled, the more I came to understand. He was talking about... Oh- Oh God.

My hands yanked down abruptly, harder breaths stolen as that sickened feeling grew even worse. He had put the flesh of fallen angels against mw. He had imprisoned me with my own kind-! Pushing back against the floor, trying to keep as much distance as possible from this Nothing Near a Man, refusing to look back up again. Not to those eyes. Not to see... That look... again.

He was too close. No matter how much I tried to get back from him, this room was too small. He was there. Right there. Too close, relaying the things I didn't want to hear.

I had to try. Focusing as best I could, to try and pull forth the light within. Meager as it was before, but it had to be enough to do something... anything.

But there was nothing. Still that emptiness, that lack of... of anything at all. Just as he said, it cancelled out everything I had been able to do before. A frightened shudder ran through my spine, a sharp cry leaving my lips as his hand found my neck. Frozen in fear, staring up at the demon who clutched so tight.

A faintly known name. One I had been told in passing, of those who dared to talk of the War in further detail. Mentions of the horrors faced by those who fell in battle, the torment that received... His hand was mentioned as one of those causes. The hand that held me now.

His words, so softly whispered, so perfectly pronounced in that tiny space, they alone nearly felt painful to me. They stabbed straight through, stealing away my own voice as I attempted to speak.

Finally... just simple words. Enough to manage to sneak free.

"You want to kill me...?" A harsh swallow, finally managing to look him fully in the eyes, confusion and fear left to them as I tried to make sense of him. "Is that it? Then why- why all this? You could have- you could have done that back there. I was... asleep. You- You could have just..."

That wasn't it, was it? That smile was still there.

"I won't be your slave," I finally hissed out. "Is that what you want? You can try. Try all you want. But I won't. You have no power over me. None. This is not your domain. The only power you have is.. is THIS!" Another tug against the thing at my neck, a disgusted whine given at knowing its creation. "You fear who I am without it?"