To shave or not to shave?


Jan 23, 2013
Okay, I've been thinking of doing some 'manscaping' recently, and wondered what all your opinions were? That's aimed at both guys and gals, by the way ;)
Okay, I've been thinking of doing some 'manscaping' recently, and wondered what all your opinions were? That's aimed at both guys and gals, by the way ;)

Shaved is very good...I went for a physical a few years back where the female doctor had me drop drawers and she was surprised and ask me end with her giving me her cell phone number...Oh by the the female nurse who had to be there by policy wrote her number on my return slip...LOL.. two with one shaving.:rolleyes:
Shaved is very good...I went for a physical a few years back where the female doctor had me drop drawers and she was surprised and ask me end with her giving me her cell phone number...Oh by the the female nurse who had to be there by policy wrote her number on my return slip...LOL.. two with one shaving.:rolleyes:

Nicely done! I must say I've always leaned towards the more hairless side of things, I just haven't had the opportunity to ask others about their preferences before. Women in particular
Imo, once youve had the soft, warm tongue of an eager woman slide across your shaft and balls.....there's no reason to ever have hair there....the women are always appreciative too. Its win win!

Gonna have to call bullshit on that story tho....flirting with patients is not only totally unethical, but an easy way for a doctor to lose their license to practice.
I don't suck hairy balls...and I like sucking balls...
Yeah balls and shaft. You can leave the curls on top. I personally like running my fingers through them.
Keep up the response ladies this is so good to know, I just wonder if the ladies love this as much as the guys
I do but it first came about because of the suds sticking to me no matter how much I rinsed. Finally got tired of the irritation, grabbed that straight edge and whacked away.

Now though it's mainly because it feels better, even in the summer when things can get a bit wet, rather than anything else (see my sig).
It appears that completely hairless is the way to go, sorry Scentofawoman :/

I bet you'd find that most women want hair on top, just kept trimmed..

this isnt the first time this topic has been brought up...not by a long shot...and typically trimmed hair is better than no hair or a freakin jungle
Shaved is very good...I went for a physical a few years back where the female doctor had me drop drawers and she was surprised and ask me end with her giving me her cell phone number...Oh by the the female nurse who had to be there by policy wrote her number on my return slip...LOL.. two with one shaving.:rolleyes:

Being a Nurse myself, I would have been fired had that happened and lost my license--...:rose:
I'm a student nurse I would be asked to leave University if I gave my number to a patient when I'm on clinical placement. *nods*

Although I have had patients over the years give me THEIR numbers...:eek::eek::eek:

Trust me...THAT will happen...:rose:
shaven but I never thought of keeping anything up top. Looks cool on a woman so I guess something to consider.
Imo, once youve had the soft, warm tongue of an eager woman slide across your shaft and balls.....there's no reason to ever have hair there....the women are always appreciative too. Its win win!

Gonna have to call bullshit on that story tho....flirting with patients is not only totally unethical, but an easy way for a doctor to lose their license to practice.

LOL...sorry but true...she wasn't my regular doctor...but it was nice of her to show an interest...