To One and All, especially those I write with. *s*


Hmm, so many choices.
Jun 24, 2002
Well the visit with my out of state BDSM Lifestyle friends was wonderful, albeit too short.
Then, wouldn't you know, it was a short visit to the hospital for me and as if that wasn't aggrevation enough when I got home again, raring to write and end the 'withdrawl' *L* I found my computer's motherboard and power supply had died. Sooooooooo, that meant waiting until I could afford a full upgrade.
However, I've returned again and do hope that we can begin writing again. Please let me know if you'd like me to return to the stories we shared or if it's "to late" as they've progressed to far since I've been away.
If that's the case I'll just watch for new ones where we can again 'enjoy' each other. . . and write together again also. *lil grin and wink*
So very happy to have you back with us. To see you well and your computer working.........Hugs and kisses----Angel:kiss: :heart:

PP hun.. dear... *sighs*

can you do me a teenie tiny favor? just a little one, it isnt much really...


lol dang, ok but you know a trillion threads to say "hi" is. well Never mind.

Glad you are back :kiss:

Need a lesson on how to use Pm gimme a ring ;)


Hi Pea. If you prefer I will in the future. Just figured it was faster than PM'ing.
Happy Holiday to you and yours. *BS

There is an option to PM everyone on your list at once ;)

It's alright, Im just bitchin' because I have to go and read every single new post....

I wanna raise! ;)

Merry Christmas and happy new years PP

Do behave yourself ;)

well ok, if your going to do it be good at it :D

Ya mean ya get paid to read?!?!?!?!!! What a great job. *LOL*

Thanks Pea. Hope Santa is good to you and yours.
Ummmm ....
I dont get paid SQUAT!

:D thats why I lectured ;) hehehe

Ok Im checkin outta here but offer is open if ya need lessons on the evils of PM'ing ;)


Re: G*

PhoenixPrime01 said:
Thanks Pea. *s

Hi sarah and thanks. It's good to be back again.

Yes it is Phoenix , and it is good to have you back for the festive season ....:D....btw did you see the post I put on for you on page 4 now ?....:D
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hiiiiiya PP!!

Welcome back to this world!

Apolgies for not being round much this week ... it's the party season round here !!


Saturday morning has seen me sober and rested with my head down (oohhherrr) and catching up with my posts.

(Yes at last! - Thad has a question awaiting him...)

So great to see you back with us hun!

{{{loving huggies and gropes}}}

Mari x
:rose: :kiss: :heart: