Diane Marie
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I started this thread as an off shoot of erotic clichés by Whispersecret.
"What is the main thing in love? to know and to hide. To know about the one you love and to hide that you love. At times the hiding (shame) overpowers the knowing (passion). The passion for the hidden-the passion for the revealed." by Marina Tsvetaeva
Erotic Poem or not? Regardless of whether you believe it is or isn’t, it surely deals with an awful lot in four very short sentences. Love, knowing, hiding, passion and shame. A good number of us could write a very erotic story from those five words. I dare say many could write one inspired by those four sentences.
Would each story be original, unless it’s just a typical fuck story, I think they would be. I might add, I defy a writer of purely fuck stories to write such using either the four sentences or the true meaning of those five words. In my mind impossible. How each author dealt with characterization, emotions, passions, shame because of that passion(morals) and finally the erotic, would make each story uniquely theirs.
Is this not the heart of erotic literature, as opposed to pornographic literature. I do believe there is a vast difference between these two forms of literature. It is not tit for tat, one deals with the nature of human beings, while the other deals only in the physical acts we humans can do.
One type well call a woman a cum sucking whore, the other well deal with who she is, why she does what she does, even to the point of dealing with her morals. Depending on the author, one may handle the moral question as a sociality judgment, "she’s loose", while another more circumspect author is going to deal with the moral conflict within(conscience), and how she’s resolves that conflict. Society may judge her a slut, she may think of herself as sexually liberated, which approach is taken depends on the author.
I guess the heart of what I’m trying to say is that most of the stories written here rarely deal with the emotional issues, if they do many are totally unrealistic. One that comes to mind is a couples first sexual encounter with another couple, the author used a totally unrealistic avenue, the easy way out, to get the wife’s consent. I’m sorry, I’m a woman, she dealt with both her emotions and her morals, a woman just doesn’t jump in bed with her best friends husband, not without first dealing with her feelings. Maybe she dealt with those long before that night, making it seem seamless as she slipped into his arms, but she dealt with her emotions. I also do not believe a man jumps into bed with his wife’s best friend without dealing with some emotions and some of his morals.
Moral conflicts are part of our daily lives, you can just ignore them but they are there. When I cheated on my first husband, I had to deal with my emotions but the bigger conflict was with my morals. I’m not sure I resolved either but I justified both or I would not have cheated. After doing so again I had to deal with the emotional and moral, how I dealt with that may be totally different then how someone else would have done so. A wife cheats, clichés story, but my story is unlike that of another who cheats, but only if I tell of the emotional and the moral conflict, then it’s very unique.
Even something as simple as having sex on the first date, emotions and morals have to be dealt with. For most women I know, that is just not morally acceptable. Maybe however she gets caught in a moment of passion, how she deals with her emotions along with her morals is not only important to a story, it can turn a bad story into a great story.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that good erotic literature, deals with the inner most parts of our beings, only one of which is our sexuality. Fear, hate, passion, lust, morals just to name a few. Writing in this venue can be so much more then just writing sex stories, and in my mind they should be. In a way erotica literature is uniquely suited for this, because we don’t hide what so many want hide, Sexuality.
Some of you may say hold on you haven’t mentioned characterization. Haven’t I? Real live people have all of these, how can you portray a real person if you ignore the most important parts of us. The outside is only a container for that which is within.
It is my opinion that all of the clichés stories mentioned, and more, can be given new life, becoming truly erotic if they are written in this way.
Any opinions?
"What is the main thing in love? to know and to hide. To know about the one you love and to hide that you love. At times the hiding (shame) overpowers the knowing (passion). The passion for the hidden-the passion for the revealed." by Marina Tsvetaeva
Erotic Poem or not? Regardless of whether you believe it is or isn’t, it surely deals with an awful lot in four very short sentences. Love, knowing, hiding, passion and shame. A good number of us could write a very erotic story from those five words. I dare say many could write one inspired by those four sentences.
Would each story be original, unless it’s just a typical fuck story, I think they would be. I might add, I defy a writer of purely fuck stories to write such using either the four sentences or the true meaning of those five words. In my mind impossible. How each author dealt with characterization, emotions, passions, shame because of that passion(morals) and finally the erotic, would make each story uniquely theirs.
Is this not the heart of erotic literature, as opposed to pornographic literature. I do believe there is a vast difference between these two forms of literature. It is not tit for tat, one deals with the nature of human beings, while the other deals only in the physical acts we humans can do.
One type well call a woman a cum sucking whore, the other well deal with who she is, why she does what she does, even to the point of dealing with her morals. Depending on the author, one may handle the moral question as a sociality judgment, "she’s loose", while another more circumspect author is going to deal with the moral conflict within(conscience), and how she’s resolves that conflict. Society may judge her a slut, she may think of herself as sexually liberated, which approach is taken depends on the author.
I guess the heart of what I’m trying to say is that most of the stories written here rarely deal with the emotional issues, if they do many are totally unrealistic. One that comes to mind is a couples first sexual encounter with another couple, the author used a totally unrealistic avenue, the easy way out, to get the wife’s consent. I’m sorry, I’m a woman, she dealt with both her emotions and her morals, a woman just doesn’t jump in bed with her best friends husband, not without first dealing with her feelings. Maybe she dealt with those long before that night, making it seem seamless as she slipped into his arms, but she dealt with her emotions. I also do not believe a man jumps into bed with his wife’s best friend without dealing with some emotions and some of his morals.
Moral conflicts are part of our daily lives, you can just ignore them but they are there. When I cheated on my first husband, I had to deal with my emotions but the bigger conflict was with my morals. I’m not sure I resolved either but I justified both or I would not have cheated. After doing so again I had to deal with the emotional and moral, how I dealt with that may be totally different then how someone else would have done so. A wife cheats, clichés story, but my story is unlike that of another who cheats, but only if I tell of the emotional and the moral conflict, then it’s very unique.
Even something as simple as having sex on the first date, emotions and morals have to be dealt with. For most women I know, that is just not morally acceptable. Maybe however she gets caught in a moment of passion, how she deals with her emotions along with her morals is not only important to a story, it can turn a bad story into a great story.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that good erotic literature, deals with the inner most parts of our beings, only one of which is our sexuality. Fear, hate, passion, lust, morals just to name a few. Writing in this venue can be so much more then just writing sex stories, and in my mind they should be. In a way erotica literature is uniquely suited for this, because we don’t hide what so many want hide, Sexuality.
Some of you may say hold on you haven’t mentioned characterization. Haven’t I? Real live people have all of these, how can you portray a real person if you ignore the most important parts of us. The outside is only a container for that which is within.
It is my opinion that all of the clichés stories mentioned, and more, can be given new life, becoming truly erotic if they are written in this way.
Any opinions?