
Jan 18, 2013
Loved your story 'A Simple Persuasion' and also 'Claiming an Ally'

Both stories a well written, drawing the reader into the story, making them feel all the emotions of the characters. It is truly a gift to be able to do that! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Also I would love to read more on the 'A Simple Persuasion'. I just love where you've gone with this story so far!

You are one of my new favorite authors!! Again thanks for sharing!!
It's nice of you to leave feedback like this for an author, but you might also want to put it in the public comments if you haven't already. There's no guarantee the author will see it here.
I really like seeing readers volunteering comments on stories they like here. PennLady's right about commented directly on the story and giving it a good rating, but I like to see the occasional testimonial here (that doesn't look like it's from a alt of the author). Links to the story would be doing the author a big favor.