Tips on how to make a thread flourish in this forum


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
For those who are coming new into the forum, what are some pointers you can give them for making a good discussion or brainstorm session out of an idea?
MissTaken said:
For those who are coming new into the forum, what are some pointers you can give them for making a good discussion or brainstorm session out of an idea?

1- Register. I'm 50 times more likely to respond to someone who took the time to register to Lit than to an unregistered request.

2- Tell me what you want. I can't read minds. An idea like "Grandma fucks grandson, then fucks her daughter!!!" leaves a little too much latitude for my tastes. That, and fucked up punctuation annoys the ass off of me. A pet peeve, but one many authors share.

3- Tell me what you like. Similar to point 2, but more precise. What are the hot spots you're looking for? What things in particular make you hard or certain itsy bits of your anatomy tingle? Is it a certain description you're after, a certain act, or a name? Let the authors know. The more detail, the better.

4- Tell me what you loathe. Anal sex squicks you out? Male/male intimacy sends you running for the puke bag? Let the author know that, too. Why waste their time and yours with a story you get 200 words into then back-click out of?

5- Be polite. I don't expect people to kiss my ass when requesting stories, but a bit of common courtesy goes a long way. I don't make a dime for posting stories here. Don't try to make me feel like I owe you a story.

6- Don't email-stalk the authors. If an author accepts an idea for a story and starts writing it, don't start a campaign of terror against them. Nothing more annoying than opening your mailbox eight hours later and seeing "Hi dude! Is it ready yet?" as a header on your first PM of the day. And the second. And the third ... A follow up message in a few weeks is okay, but limit the correspondence. Writing is hard work!

7- Visit your thread and participate in the discussions. Nothing impresses me more than a story requester who sticks around for a bit, especially when they take an active role in the development of their storyline, and other stories in the same genre. It shows a genuine interest in the writing community here at Lit, and in the author's work.

8- Vote for your story when it is completed, and send feedback to the author. This is the payment we receive for writing the story. We work for hours or weeks, torturing those unruly words into something beautiful and fit for Lit. We post our newborn child, then patiently wait for days until it is posted to Lit. We fret over how it will be received. Will Miss Story Requester like it? Did we capture the essence of her fantasy? Finally comes the day when its up. Then ... NOTHING. That burns my ass like you wouldn't believe! And if you're one of those souls who actually registered your 'nym, you can bet your ass that I'll remember you for years to come. Not in a good way, either.

That’s it for me. I'm sure others can add scads more to this thread.


Look through the archives to see if there's nothing there that fits your idea before you make a request.

The third time you see someone asking for a "Britney does Christina"-story, you won't even bother reading the thread.
Tate covered it pretty well. I like to see details - if you want this story done for YOU, what MUST be involved? Maybe it's imporant that this girl be exactly like you picture, or the situation CAN NOT involve anything other than what you say.
Tat...great job :)

Also, don't be afraid to throw out an idea that you may think is silly...from personal experience, I was a little embarrased about a sex fantasy I'd had and everyone was great and supportive. It turned into my first multi part story.

I think I'm more open to stories that are imaganitive (similar to what tat said about britney and christina). They don't necess have to be completely unique. For example... why not do another catholic school girl story if you have a fun twist?

And chicklet....can't resist....but how's the frozen candy story coming????
1- Register. I'm 50 times more likely to respond to someone who took the time to register to Lit than to an unregistered request.

O.k. so maybe you want to remain anonymous - maybe you want to talk about a personal experience.

But at least, use a "normal" name. - All I have to say is "Troll".

I mean, when I see a thread that was started by a guy with an indian name, I am sure it's a troll - so I don't even bother to read it.

But overall, I also gotta say, register is better. In the beginning, I was unsure, if I should register. I mean, I came to this board, full of perverts. But then I noticed, that I am also a pervert :D

If you register, you have some clear advantages. You will get an e-mail, when someone responds in the thread (but only if you want), and you can start a poll, so you can get a reply by much more people that don't want to write a full comment.
NASCARaddicted said:

O.k. so maybe you want to remain anonymous - maybe you want to talk about a personal experience.

but here's the thing...if you aren't registered, we can't talk to the unregistered person, pm them or what have you. i am definitely less likely to respond to them seriously
NASCARaddicted said:

O.k. so maybe you want to remain anonymous - maybe you want to talk about a personal experience.

My mommy didn't name me Tatewaki. Did yours name you NASCARaddicted?

Seems pretty anonymous to me.

We are as anonymous as we chose to be.

Our monikers, in and of themselves, give away nothing.

So, registering is a good idea.

Being polite to everyone on the forum is a great idea.

I have a pet peeve that runs lit wide. If you want me to read your thread, use proper spelling in the thread title.

Details are good, necessary. But, don't write the story here as a story idea and leave no room for brainstorming or imagination.

Just a few thoughts that have probably already been posted.

Don't post a thread about poetry on the General Board when Poetry has a Board all it's own oops lol.
and besides proper spelling if you post something you should also use stuff like caps commas paragraphs and that stuff otherwise it is very hard to read if you write proberly it is easier on the eyes and more people will read it and so your chances are bigger that someone will start a story about it you wouldn't believe how many times I see a posting in a thread when someone doesn't use stuff like caps commas or paragraphs this is really annoying
NASCARaddicted said:
and besides proper spelling if you post something you should also use stuff like caps commas paragraphs and that stuff otherwise it is very hard to read if you write proberly it is easier on the eyes and more people will read it and so your chances are bigger that someone will start a story about it you wouldn't believe how many times I see a posting in a thread when someone doesn't use stuff like caps commas or paragraphs this is really annoying


don't post too bare bones an idea or too fulldressed an idea- give the players something to play with.:)

like, ya, Britney and Buffy are way overdone, so suggesting a story like " Britney meets Buffy" is pointless. But we had fun a few eeks back with " lets kidnap Britney".
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NASCARaddicted said:
and besides proper spelling if you post something you should also use stuff like caps commas paragraphs and that stuff otherwise it is very hard to read if you write proberly it is easier on the eyes and more people will read it and so your chances are bigger that someone will start a story about it you wouldn't believe how many times I see a posting in a thread when someone doesn't use stuff like caps commas or paragraphs this is really annoying

Almost as annoying as the long, run-on sentence without punctuation, caps or proper spelling above ...


I thought I would add

if you want a thread to remain in this forum, follow the guidelines as set forth in the upcoming sticky or in the link at the bottom of the page. We have few rules, but those limits we do have will be enforced.

NO reference to sexuality involving individuals under the age of 18 will be allowed to remain on the forum.

NO copyrighted images will be allowed to remain on the forum.

Just a reminder, all. If you want a thread to have any life on this forum, please keep in mind the guidelines set forth by the webmasters.

Thank you,

Miss T
Re: I thought I would add

MissTaken said:
NO copyrighted images will be allowed to remain on the forum.
I know I am pedantic, but what you mean is:
NO stolen copyrighted images will be allowed to remain on the forum.
All my work is copyrighted by me including my AV.
Re: Re: I thought I would add

Charm_Brights said:

I know I am pedantic, but what you mean is:
NO stolen copyrighted images will be allowed to remain on the forum.
All my work is copyrighted by me including my AV.

I'm pretty sure that's what she meant = )

MissTaken, what about making this thread a sticky for all the newbies that happen upon our forum? Or maybe adding Tate's tips, which I think are invaluable, to your "Forum Rules" thread?

Re: Re: I thought I would add

Charm_Brights said:
I know I am pedantic, but what you mean is:
NO stolen copyrighted images will be allowed to remain on the forum.
All my work is copyrighted by me including my AV.

Thanks for clarifying that for anyone passing through!

Re: Re: Re: I thought I would add

Chicklet said:
I'm pretty sure that's what she meant = )

MissTaken, what about making this thread a sticky for all the newbies that happen upon our forum? Or maybe adding Tate's tips, which I think are invaluable, to your "Forum Rules" thread?


Sounds like a good idea.

If anyone is opposed, please feel free to pm me.

Tatewaki said:

Almost as annoying as the long, run-on sentence without punctuation, caps or proper spelling above ...

I was kind of thinking that too.

It's worse, though, when "authors" don't know how to spell or write in their stories.
BlessedBe said:
I was kind of thinking that too.

It's worse, though, when "authors" don't know how to spell or write in their stories.

Or thread titles?

How many times have we seen thread titles concerning the

"new writter"


It is like fingernails passing over my mental chalkboard!

MissTaken said:

It is like fingernails passing over my mental chalkboard!



The horror! The horror!

<Walking away slowly from this thread!>

yeah, I noticed the same on a few different boards.

Some threads have names like "Hey, look at this" .... or "Hey, cool" .... does this make curious enough to open the thread ? There is plenty of room for the threadname - so use it.

On the other side: I also saw thread names, where the whole message is in line one.

Imagine a thread name like: "What about Britney Spears and Buffy go out on a date and find out that they are sister so they have lesbian incest sex" ... this would be way too long (and the subject has been beaten to death).