tiny_tits journal and random thoughts

So far, you've just approached me. So no action needed.

There are sooo many variables that come into play here, this could go 15 different paths- and only a couple would end with plans for an after Target meet.

I'd have to instantly like your vibe (and you mine). Please don't ask me to define this- I can't.

And I would have to be in the right frame of mind at that moment.

And I'd have to be available- or at least not very serious about someone.

Is that a good start to your question?

Good as any in this fairly superficial medium. What I figured: depends on so many variables and interactions of variables that a simple answer is hard to conceive, much less provide.

My previous discussions of this sort usually involved lots of free time and copious adult beverages.

But I thank you for your sincere attempt. And thanks for providing this forum.:rose:
I don't get this reference.

It's a 50 Shades joke. In the original, it's a lead in to him showing her his dungeon, but people had a lot of fun coming up with different takes on what his "unconventional desires" might be. A room full of wargaming figures, a collection of My Little Ponies, ...

So the mention of "unconventional items" in the bedroom fit the meme perfectly.
Have you done that?

I must admit, the guy getting the blowjob doesn't get the full blowjob experience- there is a lot of distraction going on.

To give a proper blowjob, you really need her full attention.
It was mostly blowjobs with everyone watching.
The last 'M' was my boyfriend who then fucked me after (I thought) all the guys were satisfied- turns out they were ready for round two.

In all, I gave five blowjobs and one fuck.

Ha ha! Apparently watching you with each successive M got the ones you thought you'd finished turned on again. I suspect that their readiness was very apparent to you.
I must admit, the guy getting the blowjob doesn't get the full blowjob experience- there is a lot of distraction going on.

To give a proper blowjob, you really need her full attention.

I'm sure there's a great sexy distraction going on, and that extra arousal of the situation would probably more than make up for it;)
Ha ha! Apparently watching you with each successive M got the ones you thought you'd finished turned on again. I suspect that their readiness was very apparent to you.

It was. And what a turn-on it was for me as well.
I'm sure there's a great sexy distraction going on, and that extra arousal of the situation would probably more than make up for it;)

To be fair, a rotation is in order for this, just as long as condoms are used for ass.