Time to revisit the issue of funding NPR...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
After the hot mic caught them playing politics and the firing of Juan Williams, we know they are only serving the Democratic part of our nation, so why should those of us in their crosshairs be tapped for funding without getting so much as a tote out of them...

The big lesson for me [working at NPR] was the intolerance of so-called liberals. I say intolerance because I grew up as a black Democrat in Brooklyn, N.Y., and always thought it was the Archie Bunker Republicans who practiced intolerance. My experience at NPR revealed to me how rigid liberals can be when their orthodoxy is challenged. I was the devil for simply raising questions, offering a different viewpoint, not shutting my mouth about the excesses of liberalism — a bad guy, a traitor to the cause.
Juan Williams
After the hot mic caught them playing politics and the firing of Juan Williams, we know they are only serving the Democratic part of our nation, so why should those of us in their crosshairs be tapped for funding without getting so much as a tote out of them...

The big lesson for me [working at NPR] was the intolerance of so-called liberals. I say intolerance because I grew up as a black Democrat in Brooklyn, N.Y., and always thought it was the Archie Bunker Republicans who practiced intolerance. My experience at NPR revealed to me how rigid liberals can be when their orthodoxy is challenged. I was the devil for simply raising questions, offering a different viewpoint, not shutting my mouth about the excesses of liberalism — a bad guy, a traitor to the cause.
Juan Williams

Which news outlets do you approve of?
I'm sorry Mr. Lib, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Do you ever have any original thoughts or is it always hate and meme?
I'm sorry Mr. Lib, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Do you ever have any original thoughts or is it always hate and meme?

It has to do with your OP. You disapprove of NPR being liberal - relative to what?
Which news outlets do you approve of?

He disagrees with the concepts that Sesame Street teaches (tolerance, love, understanding). They run contrary to his Glibertarian indoctrination lessons (selfishness is a virtue, kick them when they are down, let Grandma eat cat food, etc).
So no answer to teh brainbuster question of "what news outlets do you approve of"? It's a secret?

He's vague like Romney.
It's teh latest craze!

Not goin' on record with your position gives you lots of room to change it later!

Hell, you can be simultaneously "fully invested" in gold AND teh Stock Market if you phrase it right!
Yeah, the time is long past that we should have jerked their funding. Time for liberals to sell their ideas in the market place of ideas without government subsidy.

I thought your narrative was that the whole mainstream media was selling liberal ideas in the marketplace without subsidy. CNN, CBS, (MS)NBC, Globe, Times, etc? Now it's suddenly time for this to start happening? :confused:
Yeah, the time is long past that we should have jerked their funding. Time for liberals to sell their ideas in the market place of ideas without government subsidy.

If our tax dollars were going to FOX News (which I do not watch you braying jackals), then the very same opposition to the idea of defunding their NPR would be fucking howling mad, offended and in the mood to storm something and occupy it, be it the Dean's Office, an embassy, or Wall Street...

Fucking hypocrites. (Isn't that their worst and most serious charge? ;) ;) )
If our tax dollars were going to FOX News (which I do not watch you braying jackals), then the very same opposition to the idea of defunding their NPR would be fucking howling mad, offended and in the mood to storm something and occupy it, be it the Dean's Office, an embassy, or Wall Street...

Fucking hypocrites. (Isn't that their worst and most serious charge? ;) ;) )

NPR did some questionable stuff with Williams, I agree. But saying they're the liberal equivalent of Fox News isn't accurate at all. NPR is a low-hype network that makes a point of showing multiple points of view on issues - while Fox news is high-hype conservative drama and fearmongering.
My point is they can lose "private" money with their bankrupt ideas instead of the taxpayer's money.

NPR is one of the last remaining *relatively* fair news outlets left in America. Again I agree they fucked up with Juan but overall NPR is something we need to be glad we still have in the world of MSNBCs and Fox Newses.