Time to Ask Obama about His Social Security Number


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
By Jack Cashill

September 10, 2012

I have been communicating with the intrepid Ohio private investigator, Susan Daniels, for some time. A few weeks ago, I got to meet Daniels. She is smart and sincere, and she understands her subject matter thoroughly. The left-wing "rebuttals" of her data, to this point, have ranged from the inept to the absurd.

More to the point, Daniels has information that the Romney campaign needs to know and needs to talk about: President Barack Obama has apparently been using a fraudulent Social Security number for the last 25 years.

On July 2 of this year, Daniels filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama's name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security number.

Husted has responded by seeking to dismiss Daniels' complaint, claiming that it has no basis in law. Daniels fired back that President Barack Obama has violated Ohio's identity theft statute that "expressly prohibits the use of another's 'personal identifying information' and expressly lists the use of another's 'Social Security number' as prohibited." She did not expect much out of Husted, and her expectations appear to have been met.

Friday, Daniels took another tack. She filed a sworn affidavit under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2935.09, which allows a private citizen "having knowledge of the facts" to request prosecution or arrest of an individual who has committed a crime. The affidavit makes the case clearly. I would strongly recommend that readers forward this to conservatives of influence and demand that they take it seriously. Allow me to cite the affidavit in full:

Now comes Susan Daniels, Affiant, and being first duly sworn deposes and avers, on the date set forth herein below, that the following assertions are true on the basis of her direct personal knowledge, observation, and experience, as follows.

1. Affiant is and has been a resident of the state of Ohio since 1941.

2. Affiant has been a licensed private investigator by and in the State of Ohio since March, 1995 and is in good standing as a private investigator with the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

3. In pursuance of her occupation, Affiant is and has been able to access proprietary databases and acquire information from a variety of sources, including licensed investigation entities throughout the United States.

4. In August, 2009, Affiant, in the course of her private investigation practice, was engaged to investigate the background of President Barack Obama (hereafter the "Accused.")

5. As a consequence of that investigation, Affiant has become aware of the following facts:

a. Accused uses, throughout the United States, the State of Ohio, and each of its 88 counties, the Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx. [Daniels uses the full number.]

b. At the time of issuance of that Social Security number, the Social Security Administration assigned Social Security numbers on the basis of the Social Security applicant's state of residence and zip code.

c. At the time of issuance of that Social Security number, 042-xx-xxxx, Social Security numbers beginning with the digits "042" were issued only to residents of Connecticut.

d. Accused was not, in 1977, a resident of the state of Connecticut; nor has he ever been a resident thereof.

e. The Social Security number now used by the Accused throughout the United States, the State of Ohio, and each of its 88 counties, was previously issued to another person.

f. The Social Security administration never reissues Social Security numbers.

g. Therefore, the Social Security number used by the Accused cannot rightfully and lawfully have been obtained, misleading public officials.

h. Therefore, Accused has fraudulently and obtained, used, and continues to use Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx throughout the United States, the State of Ohio, and each of its 88 counties.

i. Therefore, Accused has violated and continues to violate ORC Sec. 2913.49 "Identity Fraud," Ohio's "Identity Theft" statute.

6. Affiant submits this affidavit, pursuant to ORC Sec. 2935.09, to the "reviewing official" in accordance with the mandates and prescriptions of said ORC section.

7. Further, Affiant sayeth naught.

The above statements are true to my personal and direct knowledge, observation, and experience, as I may answer to God.


Susan Daniels​

tee hee
Funny, I didn't peg you as a birther.

Edit: Or whatever the fuck this paranoid shit makes you.
Funny, I didn't peg you as a birther.

Edit: Or whatever the fuck this paranoid shit makes you.

tee hee

You're a big fucking dunce is why, one who only reads in order to attack, belittle and to attempt to demoralize, but you know what? you really suck at it because your hate overshadows any innate sense of humor you may have possessed before becoming a total political junkie...
the words

Tee Hee cannot be used by anyone without permission:mad:
BUSYBODY has left the building!


Tee Hee now:cool:

Show me the receipt!

Text it to me...

Did busy go and start another thread about John Edwards' hair this morning or something? You guys have gone nuts lately.

Hey ease up homey, we're both voting for Obama...

Just because I have the balls to admit it to myself is no reason to hate on me.
This is easy to resolve.

Just roll back to the election the Republicans stole in 2000 and make Al Gore President in November.
You're a big fucking dunce is why, one who only reads in order to attack, belittle and to attempt to demoralize, but you know what? you really suck at it because your hate overshadows any innate sense of humor you may have possessed before becoming a total political junkie...

Yeah, you start paranoid dumbshit threads like this and you open yourself up to being demoralized and belittled. And you really sound like a weakling trying to personally attack me from your sad stance in this thread. Like I said in the other thread, you've gotten off to a HORRIBLE start here this week. Just go to work.
Yeah, you start paranoid dumbshit threads like this and you open yourself up to being demoralized and belittled. And you really sound like a weakling trying to personally attack me from your sad stance in this thread. Like I said in the other thread, you've gotten off to a HORRIBLE start here this week. Just go to work.
