Ties that Bind - Closed for Horny_Aussie_72


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012
Karie Mae Lyndstrom

My father's sense of timing had never been the best for me. I was in the middle of studying for my graphic design class when he came into my basement apartment to ask me to fill in for Meggie, his secretary, who had come down with the flu. It wasn't some unfamiliar to me. Before Dad had hired Meggie, I had worked in the office regularly as his secretary. It had been a heavenly relief when that woman had come to apply for the position. Since the day I met Dad's partner, Andrew, I have felt so drawn to him but he never really saw me as anything other than a child.

We had little talks over the years and got to know each other. I enjoyed his interest in technology and he seemed to like mine in case history. We had different views on alot of things, which made conversations very interesting. There were even a few instance when I made him laugh. That uncontrolled smile was enough to make my heart skip a beat. I was still kind of shy with him and didn't actively seek him out but on occasion, he would start one that lasted for a while.

I tried not to let the feelings show but sometimes it was hard. Andrew was a sophisticated and intelligent man that took my breath away. I never saw myself as any great beauty. Computers had always interested me and so did art. I found a way to use that by studying graphic design. My style wasn't like many other girls. I preferred simple but feminine clothing that weren't revealing. The interest managed to distract me from my growing feelings for Andrew. When he started dating Rachel Macky, I realized that these feelings were stronger than I initially thought. I was in love with him.

Women came and went in his life but none ever stayed. I learned later on that Andrew's mother left his dad for his dad's best friend years ago. It left some damage on Andrew that effected how he saw women. That day I was going to eventually have to talk to him again. My brown hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail and wore a purple sundress with a white sweater. I sat down at Meggie's desk and began going over Dad's schedule for the day so I would be familiar with his appointments. I hear a door open and I know who it is. Continuing to stare at the computer screen that I had been reading, I tried to pretend to be too preoccupied in what I was doing
I came into the office early this morning, I had a big case going before the Supreme Court today just after lunch, and my nerves were running rampant. I had broken up with Rachel after about 6 weeks, because of the stress this case was putting on me. It was a case that could impact the future of industry throughout the country. I had been revising the Case Law that I had sited in my submissions to the Court, and I was also practising my opening statement in the mirror. It felt stupid, but it had always helped me, but this time it wasn’t working. I needed feedback, I needed someone to pick my argument apart.

‘Who can I go to in the office? Who can help me here?’ I thought to myself as I glanced at my gold Rolex. It was just past 8 o’clock and I knew Harper, my mentor and partner, would be here.

I went down to his office, and walked into his reception area, “Hi Meggie.” I said paying no mind to the beautiful young girl behind the counter, as a result of the torture my nerves were subjecting me to, “Is Harper in yet? I need to see him.” As I finished my sentence I realised the mistake I had made.

“Oh sorry, Karie. I didn’t realise it was you. Is your dad in, I need to talk to him about my Supreme Court case today.” I said explaining, "Be nice if we could catch up some time, I have a case that would put your mind to the test." Flashing her a friendly smile as I waited for her response.
I tried not to be hurt that he didn't notice that it was me but Andrew could be a dit sometimes. It was usually worse when he was distracted by work or relationship problems. One of the few times he really opened up to me, he had talked about his parents. It had only been because he was a tad tipsy at the office Christmas party and my dad asked me to bring him home. The conversation was awkward for me because he spent a part of it leaning onto me. I had no sexual experience with men but I recognized how my body reacted to him.

The attraction has always been there as well as the emotions. That's why just being around him was a little uncomfortable because my body always ached for him in a way. He just never saw it me. "It's okay, Andy. Meggie is pretty sick so Dad asked me to fill in for her today." I pushed the button and dialed into Dad's office. "Dad? Andrew needs to speak with you. Alright." I put down the receiver. "You can go in, Andy. Dad doesn't have anything for another hour anyway."

I watched him walk through those doors and snuck a look at his backside. Mom would have choked on her own tongue if she had ever caught me staring at Andrew like that. She is one of those people in my life who keep encouraging me to into the convent that's down the street from the office we were in. I rolled my eyes at the thought. My situation felt hopeless so I took out my journal, a purple composition notebook that I had doodled all over,and started writing.

March 19, 2013

He will never see me as nothing more than a child. Does he even notice that I am female at all? God, it's hopeless. Everytime i close my eyes at night I see him in my dreams. Life seems so cruel to bring him into my life, let me fall in love with him and there is no way in hell that he will ever feel the same. It hurts so bad and I can't even look at anyone else. I have loved this man since I was 16 years old. I sometimes wish he had never come into my life, that he had never signed on to work with my dad. I keep watching and waiting for Andrew McGraw to wake up and see that I am a woman and that he's had my heart in the palm of his hand all this time.

I was distracted when a courier walked into the room with some papers for Andrew. He was still in Dad's office so I took it from the man and decided to take the papers to his office myself. I didn't notice that when i picked up the stack of papers that I also snagged my journal with them. I walked over to Andrew's office and placed the papers on his desk with a post-it note as to their relevance and left to go back to what I was doing.
My preparatory chat with Harper went longer than I anticipated. The buzz of Harper's phone advising him his 9 o'clock appointment was here. I thanked Harper for his time, and quickly retreated to my office, flashing Karie a quick smile as I headed out. I thought she tried to say something to me as I raced back to my office, but I was to preoccupied to register whether she had or hadn't. I paused for a moment just out of eyeshot and thought about going back to check, but decided not to look like a fool, and retreat to my office.

When I arrived back at my office, I immediately noticed the papers and the post it note on my desk. I knew just by looking at them, they were the papers required for my upcoming case. I picked them up and placed them in the small suitcase I was using to transport my paraphernalia. It was then I noticed the misplaced purple notebook sitting on my desk. The doodles on the front cover intrigued me. They were flowers, hearts, and a collage of other doodles.

I flicked through to a page in the middle of the book, and it was blank. So I started turning back the pages, to find the last entry in the book. I picked the handwriting as soon as I saw it. It was identical to the writing on the post-it note Karie had put on the papers that had arrived for me while I was in Harper’s office.

I was going to close the book and return it to her when the sight of my name caught my eye. I read the entry, and was surprised with the contents. I could feel my eyes getting wider as I read. I finished reading, and snapped the book shut, and pondered what to do with my new found information. I kept the book with me for a while, and as I tried to prepare my thoughts kept returning to Karie, and what I had read.

At about 10:30, I took the book down to Harper’s office, and kept it out of sight. I said to Karie, “I found this on my desk. Does it belong to you?” As I handed her back her journal, I smiled unintentionally. Before Karie took her book back, I said, “Listen Karie, I’m not overly sure about what to do about a certain issue a friend has. I was wondering if maybe we could have dinner together, so I could ask your input?” The last half of this came out somewhat shyly, I looked at the floor as I waited for a response.
I sat back down at my desk and started on the typing I needed to get done for Dad. Andrew exited the office and I felt the goosebumps on my arms come back. When he smiled back at me, my tongue was temporarily unable to function. Damn that handsome face. I tried to get out the news about the courier but he was gone before I could form the words. Andrew was one of the only people I knew that could knock me off balance like that. It didn't bother me too much since he would see the post-it note with the stack of papers.

Work was pretty uneventful for me. Dad had several appointments before it was even 10a.m. The man always worked way too hard for his profession but my dad had always been a workaholic. It was one of the reasons he never noticed my growing infatuation with his partner. Don't get me wrong. I loved my father very much but I always wished he paid more attention to what was going on in my life. There had been many times when I wanted to come to him for advice about Andrew or about school. A girl still needs her father even after she's grown.

The appointments had slowed down and I was catching up on some reading when I saw Andrew come down to my desk. There was this look in his eyes that I couldn't really identify and he was holding something behind his back. What the hell was he up to? A pit in my stomach formed when I saw that what he had was my journal. I looked back up at him. "Yes, it is mine. I must have picked it up with the papers when I dropped them off. I must have dropped it there too by accident."

The smile he gave me had my heart thumping in my chest. I sighed in relief at his question. That was why he was acting like that. Andrew needed help and wanted to get her input. It wasn't the first time that he'd vented to me about some kind of problem. I never minded to try and be a good friend for him. The fact that he felt comfortable enough to confide in me made me feel good. "Sure, Andy." I was a little puzzled by his tone. He had never sounded like that with me before. "Mario's?" I smiled fondly.

The old Italian restaurant was a favorite of mine and of Andrew's too. The pizza there was some of the best in town in my opinion. The guy who owned the place had moved to the U.S. from Florence, Italy when he was 18 years old and had come to open his own restaurant. I worked there for a few years when I was in high school and Mario was like another father to me. Tonight would be one of the slow nights so they would be virtually alone there. We could talk without any problems.
I knew Mario’s well, so when Karie suggested Mario’s for dinner, I jumped at the chance. It was a quaint little family owned restaurant, that had a nice atmosphere, and was dimly lit, which seemed to make a for a romantic atmosphere. It surprised me that Karie had suggested it, but nonetheless, with what I had just read, I could easily put 2 and 2 together, and come up with 4. I went back to my office smiling, and somewhat pre-occupied with what I had read.

I finished preparing everything I needed for the case that I had been working on, but all the while, Karie’s words were repeating in my mind, “Every time I close my eyes at night I see him in my dreams… It hurts so bad and I can't even look at anyone else... I have loved this man since I was 16 years old…”

Even as I went through my normal routine of making sure that I had everything I needed for court, I could still hear Karie’s words echoing through my mind. I went through and double checked I had all my documents, the affidavits, even some spare pens. I looked at the clock, and saw that I still had 15 minutes before I had to leave the office to get to court.

I picked up my phone, and dialled Karie’s desk. When Karie answered her phone, I said, “Karie, just so we understand, I was wondering if tonight was a date, or just 2 friends going out for dinner. I just need to know how you see this.”