Tib's Costume Christmas Party


Literotica Guru
Oct 6, 2001
Tib's Christmas Costume Party

To all at Lit!

You have been invited to my Christmas Party.

This party has a costume theme whereas you come as a character you have previously played in a thread or if you can’t do that, come as anyone/anything you like (no, not as a horse, Maid. :rolleyes: )

There’s dancing, a cosy fire for people to sit around, food to eat and plenty of drink. So come one and all. There is plenty of mistletoe for all those who likes to kiss ;).

Merry Christmas.


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Standing on my front door step, I feel the cold on my cheeks as I survey the snow-covered street, sipping my glass of sherry and biting into a new heated mince pie.

It looks lovely but it’s bloody cold!

It is 7.30pm on Christmas Eve and it is the night of my Christmas Party.

Closing the front door behind me, I walk into my living room which is now lit only by candlesticks that are mounted on the walls, bathing the room in a soft flickering light and giving it that cosy feel. The only other source of light comes from the roaring fire that I have just prepared.

Going into the kitchen, I inspect the buffet that I have laid out on the various tables, having decided not to have a traditional meal. There are all sorts of food there, from the traditional turkey, roast beef, pheasant to the more delicate (and delicious) hors d'oevres.

As usual, I have a large stock of alcohol though I am offering sherry instead of eggnog this year. Glasses have already been prepared and are stationed by the front door (along with piping hot mince pies) for the guests to take when they enter.

Seeing that there is no set meal, I have moved out all the furniture out of the dinning room to allow people to dance if they wish while the main living room is for those who wish to sit and talk.

Of course, for those who wishes to enjoy the party more privately, I have made sure that all the beds in the spare rooms have clean sheets (well it is a SRP thread after all ;)).

My Grandfather clock starts to chime, telling me to go upstairs and change into my ‘character’ before the first of my guests arrive…
OOC: Great idea, Tib. Are writers to reveal which of their characters they're playing, or is that to be figured out from the writing itself?
On the way up the stairs, I hear the phone ring. I quickly answer it.

"Hiya, llyr2. Nice to meet you. They announce who they are. :) Will you be the first person I greet?"...
I stamped the snow off my feet at the door and let myself in. No need for knocking, I was expected. Or at least I should be. I AM the Hostess with the Mostest, after all.


"I'm heeeeere!"

Tossing my mink toward the Butler of Blunders, I nod my chin, directing Chester to put the huge stack of presents he is carrying under the tree.

"Just put those things over there. I need to go find the host." There's a wicked gleam in my eye as I brandish a large bunch of mistletoe and head for the stairs.

I arrived wearing the leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans I had worn as Dirk in last years high school thread. As I walked inside I saw a very beautiful lady. I approched her to introduce myself. Hhhmmmm mistle toe, that could come in handy.
Adjusting my new red stocking cap, I enter Tib's house. "Happy Holidays!" I say, handing over a bottle of spiced wine. "We just need that heated up and served in some mugs. So, when do we get to unwrap the ladies... er, I mean, the presents?"
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Quickly I straighened out my leather mini and silk tank. I made sure the fanges were in place. I decided this year vampire Dreama was coming to the party. Over top to sheild myself from the cold was a slim fitted leather jacket. I had brough roses with me for the host as a thank you for the invite as I grabbed a glass of sherry and heaed towards a couch.

Aly walks up to the party, nervous, hesitant. She had never been invited to one of the cool people's parties before, and certainly didnt expect to. But when she found Dan's invitation, buried beneath all of her college paperwork, she couldnt believe her huge greenish brown eyes! Why would a cool guy like Dan invite a bookworm like her to a party.

I walked intop the party, my slight 5'1 frame shivering from the cold weather, my b cub breasts were at full attention, not accustomed to the weather. I had worn my heaviest jacket, but this far from the sunny skies of small town southern California. I stepped inside and inadvertantly announced myself with a hearty "BRRRRRR RRRR RRRR oooh"

I took off my jacket and revealed an outfit that did nothing to keep me warm in this weather either, the tight red longlseeve shirt revealing just how cold I was.

As I felt the warm of the room come over, me, I picked up a glass of the wine, thinking a bit of courage. My big greenish brown eyes looking at the world through what was now a mess of red hair.

I brushed the snowy hair out of my eyes and looked around the room, glad to see I wasn't the first one here.
Judge Dredd

Upstairs, I am just putting on my helmet when I hear the first of the guests arrive.

I trust that Maid will look after them! I hope she hasn't come as a horse!

Feeling the soft leather against my skin, I march down the stairs to meet my guests...
Merry Christmas!

Smiles and thank you Tib for the invite...
I have brought in Josephine Meadows, Bounty Hunters. Age 24, brown hair and eyes, fiesty and shoots very very well ;)
Call her Joe, she's testy when treated like a simple female :D


Breeches on, duster located and six-shooters on the hips. I smile into the mirror, check to make sure nothing unappropriate is showing through the men's white shirt and head on out.

Tying up Thunder outside the house, I knock and enter the lively lit building, nodding hello's to those I know and finding a nice glass of wine.
Crystal Delite has entered the building ...


Hope you don't mind me joining!
This seemed like a really good idea!
I'm bringing a 30s vamp Crystal along .. enjoy!

For info and pic see:



Crystal stood in the doorway.
She drank in the heady atmosphere of a party just about to take off.
Her dress caught in flashes as she moved slowly and sensuously, swaying to the magical spell she wove.

She didn't try to hard.
She didn't have to.
She was a singer.
Her voice had been classically trained and could ease with seemingly effortless skill up and down the scale.
She was officially mezzo-soprano and was most comfortable with the middle to low range.
Her talent was caressing those lower notes and delivering them with the sexy huskiness of an orgasm.

Her eyes, another asset did not focus ahead.
She locked her gaze onto the other party goers who stood or sat around her.
Her eyes seemed to be able to encompass all, yet anyone who knew her knew that her scanning device was in operation.
Who would she select for special attention?
She could spot the moneyed, the handsome, the men who meant trouble at 50 paces and usually played up to all three types.
The highlife, the adoration of a handsome man and the excitement of forbidden fruit combined to make the heady cocktail that was Crystal's life.

Her hair shone in the Christmas lights.
In the age when it was the height of fashion to crop hair into a boyish bob, Crystal retained her overtly feminine locks.
She took great pride in her hair.
Her natural blonde curtain had become as much of a trade mark as the rest of her.

She presented men with an irresistable combination.
Her dresses were cut longer than the shortness of fashion dictated, yet her whole demeanour, screamed vamp, an icon of the freerthinking 30s.

She purred, rather than spoke.
Part Belgian, French speaking, her accent was faint, adding to her enigmatic quality.
Crystal Delite explained her roots, her life, her motives to no man ... or woman.

She needed a drink, and drink she was going to get one
....right now.

Halfway up the stairs I notice that folks are beginning to arrive and almost turn around to go back down when I spot him.

"Drats! It's Dredd!" I gasp in horror. "What have you done with Tim?? Oh the inhumanity of it all! He would never hurt a fly... Okay, so he's a bit of a wimp and passes out a lot and is a sort of exhibitionist when it comes to sex... But he was mine, dammit! MINE!!"

Distraught, I glance down at the almost forgotten mistletoe in my hand. You know... He's not half bad. Lifting it as high as I can, I lean forward and kiss the leather clad hunk.

"Tom? Who's Tom?"

Psst! Twinkletoes! Just cause you named a horse after me in a thread once STILL doesn't make it right. What are you like??? :rolleyes:

Noooo!!!!! It's her!!!

I can feel the Dredd personna starting to disappear, to be replaced by poor Tim.

Please don't go, Dredd! I can hear Tim pleading.

"Stow it, lady!" I suddenly snap back as I feel Dredd fight back. "It's against the law to kiss a Judge."

Leaving a shaken (but not stirred?) Maid of Marvels at the stairs, I walk into the living room to greet the guests.

"Hi, DeliciousMaiden. I am glad that you joined. :D" I hand her a glass of sherry.

I nod to papillon24, Big-n-Hard and captainb. Then stop to take a double-take at Mr Dork. Then I see Sweetp4u and something inside immediately recognises her character as my Keith personna surges to take control just before Maid takes me in her arms...

Nononononono! This is totally unacceptable. I have to find a way to rescue Tim!

"Heads up!" I call out, tossing the mistletoe into the throng of guests gathered in the parlor. Maybe I can get some of the gals to help me out.

"Hiya everyone! I'm really looking forward to getting to know those of you I've not had the pleasure of meeting before now... though I have seen you all in 'action'. Thanks for jumping in here." :D

Now... back to the task at hand. I slip my arms around the intruder and kiss him soundly.

"Do you remember me NOW, PizzaBoy?"

I can feel poor Tim's erm... personna (Yeah, that's it personna :rolleyes: ) struggling to the surface. "Yes!" I crow exultantly. "It's alive!"

Oh wait! That's something else altogether. "Hiya cap! Hot, spiced... wine sounds lovely. Want to help me warm it up?" ;)

I let Tom slither to the floor in a characteristic faint as I cross the room to sit on cap's lap. "That doesn't look like a candy cane, Santa." :D
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Falls off her chair laughing....


"You know, I seem to recall someone that looks alot like that Dredd character roamin' around in Bounty Hunters... Something about wanting to get hitch'd.. In the up coming sequal tho' he ends up shot for cat'n around the brothel... That wouldn't be him would it?" Curious stares
"I could always just solve the trouble here 'n now and shoot the varmit before he can mess with us Bounty Hunters.." winks and grinz
"Oh heck, it's a christmas party, can't be mean yet." grumbles "Of all the darned luck!"

Dumping a bucket of ice water on the poor passed out guy, I chuckle again and get back to enjoyin' the festivities. "Is it manly for a Judge to faint?" :D

Merry Christmas Maid, Tib, Captain, pap, DM, llyr and the mysterious Mr Dork. :D

Crystal Delite

Smiling and looking Tib assessingly up and down Crystal takes the offered glass of sherry.

"Why thank you sugar... "

She purrs and sips at the glass.
Her eyes on his, she delicately runs her tongue over her smooth lips tasting the sherry still coating them

"Mmmmmm... ideal.. not too sweet ... "

Crystal turns and glances casually around the room letting an amused smile play on her lips.

"I think you're wanted baby,"

She whispers in his ear, letting her hot breath tantalise him momentarily. She nods across the room, indicating the guest in question and brushing the lightest of kisses on his cheek, she turns to saunter about the room, to observe the strangers who seem to populate this gathering.
My arms slid around Kate’s waist as she nestled into my lap. “Now see what you’ve done,” I said mockingly, looking at the squirming pile on the floor. “Mistletoe didn’t always have a good reputation, you know.”

The morphing Dredd/Tim looked around, wiping the water out of his eyes. I waggle my fingers at him from behind my lapwarmer’s ample bosom.

Crystal, Josephine, Aly, dangerous Dreama… such a sea of sweet sensuousity.

“Well, no, my dear,” I said, adjusting my seat. “It hasn’t got a spiral stripe, I’m afraid. But it does taste sweet, I’m told. Plus there’s a bit of a bend. But… what are these? A pair of sugar cookies, with strawberry gum drops?”
See him? Do you see him???

"The fool has just fainted. That bird has just kissed him and all he does is faint! What a wimp!" I grumble as I look through the living room window.

"B-Boss! It's cold! Can't we go in?" Whimpers one of my lackeys.

"No!!!! Not until we have executed my carefully laid out plan."

"P-plan, Boss?" Whimpers the other one.

"Oh for God's sake!!! The Plan!" Where do I pick up these morons? "The one where we sneak in, knock Mr Almighty Tibvo out and I take his place while you get rid of him."

I must admit, I am feeling pretty chilly out here in the snow but I'm not going to admit that to my wimpish minions.

"Oh yes!" I continue. "Tibvo's gonna pay. Just because he is Him At The Keyboard's favourite. Just because he has over 1400 posts. Look what he has done to the others. GreenSleeves is gone (RIP), Jehanox has been replaced by Zehrman, his original persona and I have been given this stupid name and He still doesn't take me seriously!"

"W-what about Zehrman, Boss? I-I thought you said that he was coming to help?"

"You must be joking. Now that Him has given him back that part in Home Front, that wimp doesn't want to do anything to jeopardise what he's got! Says he is washing his hair or something. The gutless wonder!" I fume.

"Oh! Oh! Someone's coming, Boss!"

"Quick! Zip up your snowman suits! We don't want anyone to see us!" I growl.

"Whhhattt!!!!" I splutter as I am covered with freezing cold water. Looking up, I see Joe (Sweetp4u) standing over me.

Christ! Has she had a boob job or something? I don't remember them being that big!!!

Then she turns and walks off.

"No! Don't leave me, my love!"

Oh no! It's my Keith character!

Unable to hold him back, I find myself lurching to my feet as I start to diluge her with soppy sentiments (oh the shame of it!). Then, thankfully, something catches my eye which allows me to take momentary control.

Those snowmen I can see through the window. Did I see them just move?...
As she pulls into the driveway of Tibvo's house, Messa realizes that the rumors she had heard through the grapevine were true! Those moving snowmen had to be Ovbit and his minions. No one except the WoWzers were supposed to have minions, dammit!

She had to get closer to see what they were up to. Perhaps she could infiltrate their gang. But how? Suddenly, a scathingly brilliant plan came to mind. If this didn't fool those wallies, nothing would.


Handing Keith divorce papers and custody of the 12 heathen children back on the stud farm, I smile and go wait in line to speak with Santa

In walks Aaron

Aaron, ducks his head as he steps in the door.

"Nice place" he mutters to himself. "Better than the way it looks at home."

OOC: Excerpted from the RP: At 6'10" of burly muscle, Aaron was a giant of a man. He had been in the new revitalized army, trained to be a "super-soldier" complete with cybertech implants and gene therapy enhanced senses.

For the party, Aaron has left his rail gun at home.

"Ohhhh! Eggnog!"
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A divorce!!!??? I feel Keith take over again as papers with the word 'DIVORCE' all over them are thrusted into my hand.

Saying a quick hello to ozme52, I find myself going after Sweet.

"But sweet thing! How can you do this ta me, baby?" Shut up, Keith! "I thought you were happy with me, the hosses and our 36 kids!"

36??? Jeez! I thought Sweet said that they had 12 kids. They have been busy after Bounty had finished!

"I was so happy when ya told me about the new one coming." I can't help but to gently touch her bulging belly.

Dredd! I need your help!!!...

I smile demurely as I search for something to grasp that will keep me from falling off cap's lap. Ahh... This ought to do the trick! I think as his eyes take on a glazed look.

"But… what are these? A pair of sugar cookies, with strawberry gum drops?"

"I always thought they were more like plum puddings," I murmur, giving them a bit of a boost. Oh well... One man's sugar cookies are another man's plum pudding. "Go ahead, cap. Treat yourself to a handful." :D