three way treat

What no comments? I may just have to remove these pics if they are so unpopular.......Let me know what U guys think.
more, more!

don't take them down, give them a while to get the word around... The women look very attractive, and the guy looks very lucky!

Show us more, orgy!!
orgy said:
What no comments? I may just have to remove these pics if they are so unpopular.......Let me know what U guys think.
where'd they go so quick? I just got here!!
isn't there a one hour rule here on Lit...

damm i always miss out on some of the best pics it seems like:(
i'm here, but no pics. :-( Please bring them back and I will be sure to comment.
orgy said:
What no comments? I may just have to remove these pics if they are so unpopular.......Let me know what U guys think.

Maybe you had to remove them because they are pics you swiped off a website, just like your other thread?