Thread killers anonymous..

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I shall hold you, and your butt to that..

In that case, I shall place my hands where yours are on your AV because your own hands will be on my's that for a trade off eh!? ;)

All Members must remain on watch to ensure the thread is posted in at least every 5 minutes... or Punishment is Deep Purple

Deep Purple is my fave colour :D

I bid you guys goodnight while I go and think of how to kill a thread or two!

*scampers off before anyone catches me*
In that case, I shall place my hands where yours are on your AV because your own hands will be on my's that for a trade off eh!? ;)

Deep Purple is my fave colour :D

I bid you guys goodnight while I go and think of how to kill a thread or two!

*scampers off before anyone catches me*

That more than works for me..;)
What constitutes being nice to get in the list? ;)

safe sex......
"Guten Abend!"

Am I in the right place... Meeting of "Thread Killers United". Got a funny post in my PM said I should join. Currently have eight threads to my credit, not boasting, just stating the facts. I post and they die. Odd... I really only came to this site to improve my English skills. English must be a lethal weapon in my mind, still reading the instructions...LOL

Fröhliche Weihnachten, Obsequium :kiss:
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