"Those jobs aren't coming back" is a lie.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
One basic fact ruins that lame anti-American argument:

If you block Chinese imports, people aren't just going to do without computers. The same goes for clothes, too. People aren't going to go naked. The jobs will come back if we put a stop to foreign outsourcing.

Nations that have large manufacturing bases are prosperous nations. Nations with low trade deficits are prosperous nations. Nations with big trade deficits are in irreversible decline.
One basic fact ruins that lame anti-American argument:

If you block Chinese imports, people aren't just going to do without computers. The same goes for clothes, too. People aren't going to go naked. The jobs will come back if we put a stop to foreign outsourcing.

Nations that have large manufacturing bases are prosperous nations. Nations with low trade deficits are prosperous nations. Nations with big trade deficits are in irreversible decline.

If we block Chinese imports then Taiwanese/Thai/Vietnamese/Indian/Mexican/Cambobian/etc imports will all surge. Do you want to block them all? And then block imports from Canada, Europe, and other non-blocked countries that originated in China?

Can you think of any problems blocking imports from most of the world?
If we block Chinese imports then Taiwanese/Thai/Vietnamese/Indian/Mexican/Cambobian/etc imports will all surge. Do you want to block them all? And then block imports from Canada, Europe, and other non-blocked countries that originated in China?

Can you think of any problems blocking imports from most of the world?

Well, there was a time when we didn't block them, but taxed them, with protective tariffs. Sometimes those do do what they're supposed to.
Well, there was a time when we didn't block them, but taxed them, with protective tariffs. Sometimes those do do what they're supposed to.

They won't do anything though aside from a little revenue at the cost of higher US consumer prices. US workers average $49k per year while Chinese ones average like $2.8k with no real benefits. No tariff is going to even out that imbalance in any measurable sort of way IMO.
Well, there was a time when we didn't block them, but taxed them, with protective tariffs. Sometimes those do do what they're supposed to.

And when the US decided they were going to put a protectionist tariff on European steel imports, the EU threatened retaliatory tar riffs on US imports into Europe. The yanks backed down pretty damn quickly.
If we block Chinese imports then Taiwanese/Thai/Vietnamese/Indian/Mexican/Cambobian/etc imports will all surge. Do you want to block them all? And then block imports from Canada, Europe, and other non-blocked countries that originated in China?

Can you think of any problems blocking imports from most of the world?
Can you think of any problems blocking Americans from the global job market? If these countries want to sell us stuff, they need to buy more from us.
They won't do anything though aside from a little revenue at the cost of higher US consumer prices. US workers average $49k per year while Chinese ones average like $2.8k with no real benefits. No tariff is going to even out that imbalance in any measurable sort of way IMO.
Those workers who have jobs may average at $49K. The population of employed workers is decreasing, the population of people earning LESS than $49K is increasing, and eventually we're going to collapse from the sheer weight of people without jobs.

What then?

You cannot argue that we can run such huge trade deficits forever. Something eventually will give.
Those workers who have jobs may average at $49K. The population of employed workers is decreasing, the population of people earning LESS than $49K is increasing, and eventually we're going to collapse from the sheer weight of people without jobs.

What then?

You cannot argue that we can run such huge trade deficits forever. Something eventually will give.

Even if the population of people earning less than 49k is increasing it's still several scales of magnitude away from Chinese labor.
Even if the population of people earning less than 49k is increasing it's still several scales of magnitude away from Chinese labor.
So? That doesn't mean we should keep Americans away from jobs producing goods and services for Americans.

What do you have against Americans having jobs, anyway?
So? That doesn't mean we should keep Americans away from jobs producing goods and services for Americans.

We don't...you can produce whatever you want right here in Murikuh.

Just remember when you set up shop all your employees "NEED" :rolleyes: a "FAIR" wage right? Child care...Obamacare...safety stuff....EPA...TAXes from all the liberals who want to stick it to "THE MAN" by taxing his balls off.

Now....when you put your 5,000 pair of shoes up on the shelf next to the 40 dollar Chinese made VANS or 80 dollar Korean Nike's how many units do you think you will sell? ;)

Bottom line is 99% of american's can afford american labor past min wage/commission without some kind of special exemption/subsidy/protection from the government by paying protection money to their elected officials.

What do you have against Americans having jobs, anyway?

IDK ask the people in DC who are hostile toward business to the fucking extreme....they sit on the left side of the isle FYI.
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We don't...you can produce whatever you want right here in Murikuh.

Just remember when you set up shop all your employees "NEED" :rolleyes: a "FAIR" wage right? Child care...Obamacare...safety stuff....EPA...TAXes from all the liberals who want to stick it to "THE MAN" by taxing his balls off.

Now....when you put your 5,000 pair of shoes up on the shelf next to the 40 dollar Chinese made VANS or 80 dollar Korean Nike's how many units do you think you will sell? ;)
Plenty, if the docks are closed and the ships carrying the imports can't dump them here at all.

Bottom line is 99% of american's can afford american labor past min wage/commission without some kind of special exemption/subsidy/protection from the government by paying protection money to their elected officials.
Where's your math to back that up? New Balance is made in the USA and I'm seeing shoes there for $120 and below. Wanna bet what kids are paying for overseas outsourced Nike's? Far more than that.

IDK ask the people in DC who are hostile toward business to the fucking extreme....they sit on the left side of the isle FYI.
How about we just close the ports and block off the cheap labor shoes from Shirtwaist fire factories, 'k?
So? That doesn't mean we should keep Americans away from jobs producing goods and services for Americans.

What do you have against Americans having jobs, anyway?

Plenty, if the docks are closed and the ships carrying the imports can't dump them here at all.

That whole freedom bit...yea...can't do that kind of shit crazy boy.

Where's your math to back that up? New Balance is made in the USA and I'm seeing shoes there for $120 and below. Wanna bet what kids are paying for overseas outsourced Nike's? Far more than that.

And Nike makes more money in a fucking day than new Balance does all year....you know why? They aren't fucking stupid...that's why.

How about we just close the ports and block off the cheap labor shoes from Shirtwaist fire factories, 'k?

Freedom...sorry Nazi boy...

The question is why do all that when you can just financially enslave a 3rd world shit hole like china to do your dirty work so mother fucking cheap that even with shipping cost there and back you will double even triple your profit margins over american labor. Until you make american labor competitively cheap (BAHAHAHA) it's never going to happen.
That whole freedom bit...yea...can't do that kind of shit crazy boy.
Why can't America do that? Is China going to force us to keep them open?

And Nike makes more money in a fucking day than new Balance does all year....you know why? They aren't fucking stupid...that's why.
So what? Their workers aren't making shit. Close the ports and they'll make the shoes in America. People won't go barefoot.

Freedom...sorry Nazi boy...

The question is why do all that when you can just financially enslave a 3rd world shit hole like china to do your dirty work so mother fucking cheap that even with shipping cost there and back you will double even triple your profit margins over american labor. Until you make american labor competitively cheap (BAHAHAHA) it's never going to happen.
Okay you anti-American shit weasel, how about this.

America has the POWER to shut down its ports and force everything to be made here. What part of this do you not understand?

What we lack is the balls. You should be quite familiar with that problem.
Why can't America do that? Is China going to force us to keep them open?

So what? Their workers aren't making shit. Close the ports and they'll make the shoes in America. People won't go barefoot.

Okay you anti-American shit weasel, how about this.

America has the POWER to shut down its ports and force everything to be made here. What part of this do you not understand?

What we lack is the balls. You should be quite familiar with that problem.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should...what part of this do you not understand???

We can't just shit all over everyone's freedoms simply LJ's tampon is going toxic on him. You're a broke ass bitch who failed a the game of life in this nation.....we get it....but your fail is hardly justification to go shit in the prom punch bowl and ruin it for everyone else.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should...what part of this do you not understand???
We should. Because reducing the trade deficit absolutely does put more Americans to work.

We can't just shit all over everyone's freedoms simply LJ's tampon is going toxic on him. You're a broke ass bitch who failed a the game of life in this nation.....we get it....but your fail is hardly justification to go shit in the prom punch bowl and ruin it for everyone else.
Oh here we go, you can't substantiate your argument so you make up lies and accuse me of being broke. Dude, you've never even held a single job in your life. We all know that. You live in your mother's basement and you don't even know what it's like to work.

I challenge you to actually go find someone who lost their manufacturing job to China and tell them to their face what you say here. After you get your face pulled out of your ass and then summarily smashed in, then you'll finally get the point.

Cutting down imports does NOT amount to shitting in any punch bowl. Much less at a prom which you will never be allowed to attend.

Foreign outsourcing kills American jobs and you clearly admit you cannot deny that.

The time is coming quite soon that people like you will fear for your life when the American working class gets tired of your bullshit. Have you seen how easily politicians win elections when they fight foreign outsourcing. Well, have you, little shit weasel?
The jobs aren't coming back. America is liquidating its middle-class to fund a new social organization akin to the Chinese system: Mandarins, bureaucrats, and peasants.
The jobs aren't coming back. America is liquidating its middle-class to fund a new social organization akin to the Chinese system: Mandarins, bureaucrats, and peasants.

Most outsourced jobs if they came back wouldn't be considered middle class. They'd get stuck in a Right-to-Work state with low wages, minimum benefits, and annual raises at or below the inflation rate. And the workers would qualify for Food Stamps.
We should. Because reducing the trade deficit absolutely does put more Americans to work.

If it's that fucking absolutely bitchin' go make your case you should have no problem getting that crazy shit passed. :rolleyes:

Oh here we go, you can't substantiate your argument so you make up lies and accuse me of being broke. Dude, you've never even held a single job in your life. We all know that. You live in your mother's basement and you don't even know what it's like to work.


I challenge you to actually go find someone who lost their manufacturing job to China and tell them to their face what you say here. After you get your face pulled out of your ass and then summarily smashed in, then you'll finally get the point.

LOL fucking union pussies wouldn't do shit but stomp their feet and keep picketing...one of the lib bitches might spit but the recoil of that might cause a spinal injury (I know...they are inverts but I try to give them a little credit).

Cutting down imports does NOT amount to shitting in any punch bowl. Much less at a prom which you will never be allowed to attend.

Bullshit...shit's in big bidnizz punch bowl...they like increasing their profit margins, they should be allowed to. When an american kid wants to work in a sweat shop 20 hrs a day 365 days a year for five bucks a day they can have the job.

OH NOES NO PROM!! My hopes and dreams are forever shattered!! :rolleyes:

Foreign outsourcing kills American jobs and you clearly admit you cannot deny that.

Never said it didn't...this is just more of your bat shit crazy ranting.

The time is coming quite soon that people like you will fear for your life when the American working class gets tired of your bullshit. Have you seen how easily politicians win elections when they fight foreign outsourcing. Well, have you, little shit weasel?

Fear for my life? LMFAO keep dreaming....

What bullshit? I'm just a disabled/retired vet who pays his bills on time, doesn't cause trouble, nice pretty gardens out front and keeps to himself :D I don't even fucking vote man! I'm enjoying retirement buddy, no one is coming for me....

Fight the foreign outsourcing all you want makes absolutely zero difference to me, my income or lifestyle.
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If it's that fucking absolutely bitchin' go make your case you should have no problem getting that crazy shit passed. :rolleyes:
Obama has already slapped China with tariffs and also beaten them in WTO disputes. Progress is being made.

LOL fucking union pussies wouldn't do shit but stomp their feet and keep picketing...one of the lib bitches might spit but the recoil of that might cause a spinal injury (I know...they are inverts but I try to give them a little credit).
Really, now? Here's why you have never said that to a union person's face.


Oh and did I forget to mention that this union made-and-delivered ass whupping went to court in Snyderland and it was dismissed?


Of course you are.

Bullshit...shit's in big bidnizz punch bowl...they like increasing their profit margins, they should be allowed to. When an american kid wants to work in a sweat shop 20 hrs a day 365 days a year for five bucks a day they can have the job.
Sweatshops should be outlawed and the products that they produce should be banned here.

OH NOES NO PROM!! My hopes and dreams are forever shattered!! :rolleyes:
Who needs the prom when you have your trusty sock, right? :D

Never said it didn't...this is just more of your bat shit crazy ranting.
So you don't care if this country suffers an economic collapse as a result of all the unemployment? Yup, you really do live in your parents' basement, you fucking retard.

Fear for my life? LMFAO keep dreaming....
No doubt because you live in your mommy's basement and nobody will ever hear you spouting your nonsense in the light of day.

What bullshit? I'm just a disabled/retired vet
Translation: you sprained your thumb while playing Call of Duty too often.

Fight the foreign outsourcing all you want makes absolutely zero difference to me, my income or lifestyle.
Wait, I thought you just said that the end of foreign imports would make everything go up in price, which would be bad for retirees. Wait, I forgot, your "lifestyle" is entirely provided by your generous parents.
Even if the population of people earning less than 49k is increasing it's still several scales of magnitude away from Chinese labor.
Again, this means nothing to people who have lost their jobs. They're earning nothing per hour. That means you can't buy any of that cheap Chinese crap.
Obama has already slapped China with tariffs and also beaten them in WTO disputes. Progress is being made.

LOL China has Obama's balls in a fucking vice grip dumb shit....lol "Progress is being made" lmfao keep telling yourself that crazy.

I can't tell if bad baby shitter or julybaby is dumber but the 3 or you morons are either the same person or 3 dumbest fucks I have ever encountered.

Really, now? Here's why you have never said that to a union person's face.

Oh and did I forget to mention that this union made-and-delivered ass whupping went to court in Snyderland

Of course you are.

I say it to them allllll the time buddy....I yell "Commie slugs!!" at them every time I see them, at worst they give me the bird and huff off. That childish bullshit your cry baby union bitches pulled in that vid doesn't fly around here....

I pitty you for calling that an ass whupping....like a typical union thinker you totally half ass the job, no wonder no one wan't your shit bag workers and MI can barely keep the fucking lights on.


Like I said, your "Union made ass whupping" is just as fucking lame as the products the make....fucking pathetic.

Why would I be mad it got dismissed? MI is a shit hole you couldn't pay me enough to live in....IDGAF if they all slaughtered each other. If an asteroid leveled the whole state, zero fucks given.

Sweatshops should be outlawed and the products that they produce should be banned here.


Who needs the prom when you have your trusty sock, right? :D

:confused: You needed prom to get laid? LOL that explains everything.

So you don't care if this country suffers an economic collapse as a result of all the unemployment? Yup, you really do live in your parents' basement, you fucking retard.

Nope...don't give a shit, unlike you my ability to house and feed my family is not dependent on government hand outs that provide an FDA approved meal in a box.

No doubt because you live in your mommy's basement and nobody will ever hear you spouting your nonsense in the light of day.

You're projecting yourself again LJ....it's obvious with how relentless you are with the "Mommy's basement and nobody will ever hear you" bit...it's ok LJ there are others just like you. And you have taken the first steps in rectifying this problem....recognizing it and reaching out for help and we are all proud of you for taking such a big leap like this.


Translation: you sprained your thumb while playing Call of Duty too often.


Wait, I thought you just said that the end of foreign imports would make everything go up in price, which would be bad for retirees. Wait, I forgot, your "lifestyle" is entirely provided by your generous parents.

It's bad for dumb shit retirees like you and your union buddies who couldn't make a fucking penny without punching a clock if their lives depended on it.
Interesting factoid of the month: March's job report showed an unusual anomaly, more unemployed blue-collar workers found jobs that white-collar workers for the first time in a very long time. LINK

Now, one month's worth of data is certainly not indicative of a trend, and Vettebigot is still unemployed, so I'd caution anyone not to read too much into this.
LOL China has Obama's balls in a fucking vice grip dumb shit....lol "Progress is being made" lmfao keep telling yourself that crazy.
Obama beat China in WTO disputes you idiot. If China fucks us up, then we no longer buy their products. Their economy gets ruined.

Really, are you that ignorant?

I can't tell if bad baby shitter or julybaby is dumber but the 3 or you morons are either the same person or 3 dumbest fucks I have ever encountered.

I say it to them allllll the time buddy....I yell "Commie slugs!!" at them every time I see them, at worst they give me the bird and huff off. That childish bullshit your cry baby union bitches pulled in that vid doesn't fly around here....
No, you don't. Not after the first time you got your teeth knocked out.

I pitty you for calling that an ass whupping....like a typical union thinker you totally half ass the job, no wonder no one wan't your shit bag workers and MI can barely keep the fucking lights on.
Okay, I see your point. The kind of ass whupping you usually get for back talking union workers is far more severe than that. :)

That's an ass whupping you have never delivered to anyone.

Like I said, your "Union made ass whupping" is just as fucking lame as the products the make....fucking pathetic.
That's funny coming from the idiot who champions "Made in China"... shit that's known for both breaking down in days or weeks, and being toxic, too! I bet your house is made of Chinese drywall... that is, if you even live in a house.

Why would I be mad it got dismissed? MI is a shit hole you couldn't pay me enough to live in....IDGAF if they all slaughtered each other. If an asteroid leveled the whole state, zero fucks given.

You are a traitor and should be deported out of this country. I'd be glad to black bag you and set you adrift myself. And you wouldn't even fight back you'd cry like a little bitch all the way across the Pacific.

:confused: You needed prom to get laid? LOL that explains everything.
"I know you are but what am I?" Great comeback, little boy!!!

Nope...don't give a shit, unlike you my ability to house and feed my family is not dependent on government hand outs that provide an FDA approved meal in a box.
LOL you have no house or family. You're just a homeless fucking bum.

You're projecting yourself again LJ....it's obvious with how relentless you are with the "Mommy's basement and nobody will ever hear you"
Oh look, another "I know you are but what am I?" comeback!

You've been utterly trounced in this argument and all you've got left is a bunch of childish comebacks.

This whole country was made by union labor, including the roads you drive on. Don't like that? Stay off the roads. Turn off your electricity, too, because the power lines were raised and maintained by union people.

Go back to the stone age, little boy. Oh wait, that would be a Great Leap Forward for you.

As I said, you don't belong in America. And when this economy collapses because of offshoring, you're going to be in the second group to go to the gallows. The first, of course, being the Plutocrats.