Those Eureka moments


Deviant but Romantic
Mar 2, 2022
So whilst reading a post about long series stories by @Djmac1031 I started thinking about HOT AND FUZZY and how I didn’t have a properly fully fleshed out ending. I had pieces of an ending but nothing satisfying.

Then, like the lightning bolt my head was struck with inspiration so obvious I felt like an idiot for not spotting it sooner.

Anyone else have tales of inspiration, how it occurred and what it was. I’d love to know,
So whilst reading a post about long series stories by @Djmac1031 I started thinking about HOT AND FUZZY and how I didn’t have a properly fully fleshed out ending. I had pieces of an ending but nothing satisfying.

Then, like the lightning bolt my head was struck with inspiration so obvious I felt like an idiot for not spotting it sooner.

Anyone else have tales of inspiration, how it occurred and what it was. I’d love to know,

Um. You're welcome I guess lol.

I know some people are against the idea, but I personally enjoy discussing story ideas and directions with other authors, especially when I'm stuck on something.

Sometimes just talking about the problem helps get the gears moving again.

I've had several cases where I've found inspiration after chatting with other writers here, and of course I thank them for it.
I use relationship self-help books to set up/find arguments (add snicker here.) I tired of using the same worn out trope fights where I inadvertently painted a "more right side" and "more wrong side" and tried to build connection through them coming to a middle ground.

Ok but ultimately unfulfilling. Cotton candy emotion if you will.

Real world, two sides have their own experiences/histories and literally ARE TRUE, RIGHT, VALID, and IMPORTANT through those lenses. Two things can be all those things when viewed through vastly different lenses. Intrinsically I know this but it's not always top of mind. (especially if I've been doing significant outlining. A more technical/problem solving & solutions part of the process)

So I try to mental space myself into those natural incongruencies and the relationships that work towards more of a mutual understanding of each other's side than an ultimate solution.

Makes for more realistic conflict I find, which is a key driver of most any good story.
So whilst reading a post about long series stories by @Djmac1031 I started thinking about HOT AND FUZZY and how I didn’t have a properly fully fleshed out ending. I had pieces of an ending but nothing satisfying.

Then, like the lightning bolt my head was struck with inspiration so obvious I felt like an idiot for not spotting it sooner.

Anyone else have tales of inspiration, how it occurred and what it was. I’d love to know,
I was sitting in an orchard and an apple fell on my head. I wrote my first story - Wanting to be Wanted - right there on my phone.

So whilst reading a post about long series stories by @Djmac1031 I started thinking about HOT AND FUZZY and how I didn’t have a properly fully fleshed out ending. I had pieces of an ending but nothing satisfying.

Then, like the lightning bolt my head was struck with inspiration so obvious I felt like an idiot for not spotting it sooner.

Anyone else have tales of inspiration, how it occurred and what it was. I’d love to know,
Since you want to hear about it (everybody loves talking out it!): The Geek Pride entry (not up yet) was based on an idea for a screenplay I had years ago. (I had a lot of trouble with scripts, which is why I stopped doing them.) Then when Chloe announced the event, I was struck that it would work as prose. The biggest new thing was that I found I needed a main character to pull it all together.
Porn was discovered by people painting on cave walls. Probably goes back further to before writing. Every band of hunter-gatherers probably had some guy skilled at making up erotic stories and delivering them verbally.
And I thought I had a problem with taking stuff too literally 🤣.

Alright, I'll give a serious answer now.

I've been praying and wishing for a "eureka moment", so that I can finish "My Sneaky Wife Jennifer".
Alright, I'll give a serious answer now.

I've been praying and wishing for a "eureka moment", so that I can finish "My Sneaky Wife Jennifer".
I was gonna joke

“Do you want me to finish your sneaky wife, Jennifer?”

But then I thought, maybe THIS is that Eureka moment for you.

To the original question - I find it helps thinking about it while I'm driving, or going for a walk, or wandering around the supermarket. Anywhere except in front of the keyboard. The notes section on my iphone is full of one-liner memory-joggers of ideas I've had while out and about to incorporate later.

Porn was discovered by people painting on cave walls. Probably goes back further to before writing. Every band of hunter-gatherers probably had some guy skilled at making up erotic stories and delivering them verbally.

Yes, but they had to curtail it when some people could no longer get off unless there was an old, bearded man willing to pop into their cave and narrate the live action. That's always been the problem with too much porn.

As for a Eureka moment, I get them all the time. Not many big ones, lots of little ones. When stuck somewhere in a story then suddenly I realize if I have MMC do X then FMC can do Y and they both get a Z! Big ones come when I'm researching something for a story and find a chunk of info that opens a rabbit hole 10 feet wide. I end up halfway into a story when I realize the story I was supposed to be working on has a deadline coming up.
To the original question - I find it helps thinking about it while I'm driving, or going for a walk, or wandering around the supermarket. Anywhere except in front of the keyboard. The notes section on my iphone is full of one-liner memory-joggers of ideas I've had while out and about to incorporate later.

Yes, but they had to curtail it when some people could no longer get off unless there was an old, bearded man willing to pop into their cave and narrate the live action. That's always been the problem with too much porn.
Yes, absolutely it's good to think about it while doing something else. Except, I should write it down as notes as soon as I can, or just add the notes digitally to the bottom of the document. For an entirely new story, it helps to create a "notes" page which, if it goes right, turns into an outline of the story. I got negligent about that, but I'm relearning the value of typing out ideas before I forget them. (Sorry, I see you already mentioned notes.)

That old, bearded guy was considered a nuisance by some people, but valued by others. Thus they worked out a deal where he was only in there half of the time. The ones who liked him - well, otherwise it would be like watching a porn movie with the sound turned off. Not that the dialogue in those things is particularly important.