


I'm not from that web page, I just wanted to get the attention of anyone who may recognize that name.

I frequent another site that recently had a little "skirmish" with thisboardrocks and one of their members said something along the lines of: "we haven't had this much fun since the fight with literotica"

So I was curious if the members here had a "fight" with that board, and if so what the outcome of that fight was.

I'm just curious so if anyone can respond, I'd appreciate it.
I must have missed that one.

However, I doubt you will get many productive responses while you are unregistered.

Honey, there are so many trolls, I doubt you'll find the one you're looking for. But sign on, then you can search.
People come here, ring doorbells and run, and think they're waging a Blitzkreig. We yawn. You couldn't ruffle our feathers if you stapled us to a DC-10.

"Fight". LOL
Nah, I hang out over there. There was no fight, we just don't talk about nothing but sex, and a few who came over from Lit stayed, and some didn't. We have a Cafe, where we post pics, but there's not a lot of members posting nudes of themselves, though they have before.

If you like to talk sports, news, and other stuff besides just sex, it's a pretty cool board, but we can't compete with a giant like this board for diversity. We're just not big enough and not enough members, most uf us are just from in and around 1 city in North Carolina. :)

Over here, I get lost there's so many members, that's why I don't post much.
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I was soooo scared that our board would fall into the abysmal darkness of wayfaring, non-active bbs over that travesty.

My boots are still shaking in the closet, on thier own.