This year's Alaska dividend is $900....


Apr 10, 2001
66,689 how come I'm not getting any money from the fracking that's taking place in my state?

Gold Rush, what the hell, where are those guys ?

Actually, everyone in America would be getting about $500.00, but, instead we're all getting really good Health Care, and it will only cost a few pennies.
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Your state needs to organize and invest in funds.
The more people who believe this, the fewer we Alaskans have to share with.

True enough, although Reci and I were there in June. Not exactly the dead of winter. However, we were told that Wonder Lake had only just thawed a week or so before we arrived for our vacation.

My only complaint? I thought mosquitoes were bad in Florida. Jebus..
I've no idea. A quick scan of the house's deed doesn't make any mention of either subsurface or air rights.

Whatever happened to buying property and owning what's under it????

The guys with the suits determined they could make more $$ if the estate was split.
True enough, although Reci and I were there in June. Not exactly the dead of winter. However, we were told that Wonder Lake had only just thawed a week or so before we arrived for our vacation.

My only complaint? I thought mosquitoes were bad in Florida. Jebus..

Heh. It was an unusually late spring, therefore a bad mosquito year. But summer was the driest, sunniest I've seen.
I live 14000 feet above a salt mine that will last for several thousands of years.

All I need is a shovel. how come I'm not getting any money from the fracking that's taking place in my state?


Those dividends go to whoever owns the mineral rights to the area(s) being fracked. More and more, when a property owner sells their land, they maintain the mineral rights in the fine print.
900 lol.

Doesn't take much to keep the proles happy. That'll pay for Jr's new quad.

Meanwhile, jereboams of dom are being cracked in the penthouses.