This thread is for my UK homies and George Foreman!

this really has almost nothing to do with Spin's intention on this thread but I feel like telling this story so I'm going to do it here, since it has to do with George Foreman.

so you know how like all George Forman's kids are named George Foreman? Well this year when Mr K and I were doing all of the Christmas cards, we had to keep trying to remember all of our friends' kids' names. Let me tell you, our friends have been pretty damn prolific over the past 4 or 5 years too; there's kids a-popping out all over the place it seems. So what we decided is that all of our friends' kids' are now named George Foreman, and next year we are just going to send out cards that say "Happy Holidays to you and all of your George Foremans." And now this joke has become such a feature of our lives that we seem to have deleted the word "child" out of our vocabulary when speaking to eachother and now are always referring to kids as "George Foremen." It's just this stupid thing we do now.

Aren't you glad to know that?
peachykeen said:
Aren't you glad to know that?

i love in-couple jokes where the couple find it funnier then anyone else because their in LUVVVVVVVVVVVVVV :p