This thread inspired by The Jerry Springer Show and Literocticans

Mr. Bootie

Da Bootieman is back!!
Jun 16, 2001
This question is mainly for men, but women can respond.

If you have seen the Springer show, you may have noticed that whenever their are lesbians on, you often hear the chant of " We love lesbians! We love lesbians!" The chant comes from the majority of male members. Some hoping to get a chance to make it with the lesbian couple. If my understanding is correct. Lesbians are only interested in other women. So the men might be turned on by watching the women kisss, fondle, or make love. The chances of becoming involved with the lesbians are little to none. That being said. Shouldn't the chant be " We love bi-girls! We love bi-girls! ??

Let's be real here. Guys want to be with the women. Not just look at them......right?? What are your opinions??

aka "Mr. Bootie"

" The Bootie Man, the Bootie Man can
The Bootie Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good
Yes, the Bootie Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good
a-Bootie Man, a-Bootie Man, a-Bootie Man,
a-Bootie Man, a-Bootie Man, a-Bootie Man "
I've met and worked with a lot of lesbians. I'm am almost never attracted. Not that they're not hot, just some weird chemical vibe thing. But baby, bring on those bi girls!
Kgboot, you're absolutely right. The thing is, this idea just doesn't occur to most men. They all seem to think that all they need to do is show the cock, and that's it. It's testosterone poisoning. :D
STD I hear ya', Bring on the bi-girls.

I've met a few lesbians that I wouldn't mind getting with, Howeverr, the ones that I know......are lesbians, but are not turned off by men. I think they are closet bi's. If I can use that term.

Nice to see you April. ((Hug)) and *Kiss* to ya'. Yep!, Some men only think with the wrong head, or the head that is more dominate at the time. We may think we have "game", but those ladies are not playing it. Come on, I know others have opinions on this subject. Post please. Holla' , if you hear me.

aka "Mr. Bootie"
Re: STD I hear ya', Bring on the bi-girls.

kgboot said:
I've met a few lesbians that I wouldn't mind getting with, Howeverr, the ones that I know......are lesbians, but are not turned off by men. I think they are closet bi's. If I can use that term.

thats doubtful ... most lesbians don't "act lesbian" or hate men ... most lesbians have male friends (i do)

i don't get the lesbian attraction thing from guys either ... i think they are brainwashed by lesbian porn which is created for men
Re: Re: STD I hear ya', Bring on the bi-girls.

sexy-girl said:
thats doubtful ... most lesbians don't "act lesbian" or hate men ... most lesbians have male friends (i do)

i don't get the lesbian attraction thing from guys either ... i think they are brainwashed by lesbian porn which is created for men

I agree.

I would personally like to see an actual lesbian porn made for actual lesbians. Hell, any woman can fuck another and make it look good.

Men have no real idea what lesbians are, they just want to watch to girls. Sheesh
kgboot, 100% correct.. springer audience members aren't that bright, for the most part..
crystalizedjoy said:
kgboot, 100% correct.. springer audience members aren't that bright, for the most part..
hahahaha, that is so true!
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Sexy, asnwer my Q

I know it's difficult to come up with an answer

hence my posting it

its not difficult ... yes i would be a lesbian people aren't gay because of experience's
Re: Re: Re: STD I hear ya', Bring on the bi-girls.

BgMma99 said:
I agree.

I would personally like to see an actual lesbian porn made for actual lesbians. Hell, any woman can fuck another and make it look good.

Men have no real idea what lesbians are, they just want to watch to girls. Sheesh

I should have been more clearer in the post I made. Yes, I do have lesbian friends that are strictly into women. We are friends, they are actually good friends with me. We've hung out and done many things togther. It's just outside of that sexual orientaion is different. Then I have a few that say they are "lesbians" but will occasionally fool around with men. They just do not want to say that they are bi to discourage the men they are not attracted to. Or so I've been told.

sexy-girl and BgMma. You do bring up some valid points. Yes, the movies are made for a male audience, but aren't some of the producers females?? Don't the females have a say in how they are bieng portrayed?? True enough, they can fake it and make it look good, but is it all an act?? Please, how should the women be portryaedd?? What is it actually like?? How would you make the scenes different?? What is actually going on?? This inquiring mind would like to know. Thank You for your replys.

aka "Mr. Bootie"

Since we were on the subject.. anyone know of some good lesbian porn made by women for women?

Not that I'm going to watch it or anything.. it's educational information for the community.


:eek: :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: STD I hear ya', Bring on the bi-girls.

kgboot said:
I should have been more clearer in the post I made. Yes, I do have lesbian friends that are strictly into women. We are friends, they are actually good friends with me. We've hung out and done many things togther. It's just outside of that sexual orientaion is different. Then I have a few that say they are "lesbians" but will occasionally fool around with men. They just do not want to say that they are bi to discourage the men they are not attracted to. Or so I've been told.

sexy-girl and BgMma. You do bring up some valid points. Yes, the movies are made for a male audience, but aren't some of the producers females?? Don't the females have a say in how they are bieng portrayed?? True enough, they can fake it and make it look good, but is it all an act?? Please, how should the women be portryaedd?? What is it actually like?? How would you make the scenes different?? What is actually going on?? This inquiring mind would like to know. Thank You for your replys.

aka "Mr. Bootie"

first off they are bisexual by my definition then not lesbian

good lesbian porn would be sex where the couple looked like they were into each other and not into being watched by the camera

and it doesn't matter if women do have a say in how the films are made ... the films are bought mostly by men so they make there films for the people who buy them most ... thats just good business sense

*bump* also for lickerish because i would like to know any good lesbian porn movies :)

if it saves your blushes you can always say you were asking for me anyway lickerish :)