This really stinks

fond of facials said:
When are they going to fix this anyway?

Laurel said soon.....I believe Laurel.....

Laurel wouldn't lie to us....they're not going to change this over to some pay site where only people that pay can attach files and look at them, right?

fond of facials said:
I didn't mean to sound rude, I just want to post my pics. My bad.

*laughs* Sorry....someone pushed my paranoid button, this is what came out.
QuickDuck said:
we could just email them to each other :p

Hmmmmm, I do have a private e-mail just for lit.
I can give you some server space ... my FTP is down so you gonna have to send them manualy
fond of facials said:
Hmmmmm, I do have a private e-mail just for lit.


...oh, wait.....that would require me having pics to share.

Damn my modesty.
fond of facials said:
Hmmmmm, I do have a private e-mail just for lit.

hehe i would share if i had some to share.... well ones i had not already posted on my pic thread. (see the link in my sig line :p)

yay for shameless advertising :D
For what it's worth, I got tired of not being able to post, so I went to and got a free web hosting site for my pics. Might be something to look in to!
