This officially sucks


Purveyor of Pleasure
Nov 21, 2001
Nude Sunbathing On Fire Island Banned By Officials After Complaints Of Assault, Sex

A decades-long tradition of nude sunbathing on Fire Island beaches is coming to an end this summer: Fire Island National Seashore authorities have announced plans to enforce long-standing laws banning the practice.
Nude Sunbathing On Fire Island Banned By Officials After Complaints Of Assault, Sex

A decades-long tradition of nude sunbathing on Fire Island beaches is coming to an end this summer: Fire Island National Seashore authorities have announced plans to enforce long-standing laws banning the practice.

I take it you go to Fire Island in the summer-time?
yea, yea, I know, haha

But seriously, they should be thankful Sandy didn't haul the whole fucking place into The Great South Bay, but instead they have to get exclusionary and start banning people who just want to be naked and left alone.
Our local Fire Island:


You can walk to it on an extreme low tide. Keep off the uplands as they are private property. No one will bother you if you're sunbathing nude because there's no one there, except for the wind power crew.