This makes me angry--they're tarred as rapists just for raping someone!

A year each. That's about a fifth as long as one gets for illegally downloading a movie.

i know - just a year each. but then she didn't say no, did she? being passed out due to alcohol kind of got in the way of that.
i know - just a year each. but then she didn't say no, did she? being passed out due to alcohol kind of got in the way of that.

Hey, have some sympathy for those poor football players that have had their careers ruined by that trollop!
i know - just a year each. but then she didn't say no, did she? being passed out due to alcohol kind of got in the way of that.

Nonsense dear. Her female "friend" roofied her on the way to the party. She never had a chance.
Hey, have some sympathy for those poor football players that have had their careers ruined by that trollop!

to be quite fair, giving that they changed her life forever as well as their own, at their ages and with alcohol/whatever involved i do have a certain amount of sympathy for them all as individuals, as young people.

it is possible to have sympathy and still wish to see justice done, though. they appear to come from a privileged background and it's not unusual for people like that to see taking/getting what they want simply because they want it isn't an option.
Nonsense dear. Her female "friend" roofied her on the way to the party. She never had a chance.

please tell me my post's sarcasm wasn't lost :(

and is that what happened? i've not heard too much about the whole sordid affair other than she was passed out 'drunk' when they raped her.
The drug tests they did came back negative but some drugs don't show up after a certain time. It sounds like the alcohol she drank was enough to knock out a 16 year old female.
please tell me my post's sarcasm wasn't lost :(

and is that what happened? i've not heard too much about the whole sordid affair other than she was passed out 'drunk' when they raped her.

My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

edited to add:
And I failed to mention the anal rape because nobody thought to video it, and the group piss they took on her after everyone had finished.
Last edited:
My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

most enlightening, rob, thankyou for that.

it would be fair to say my sympathies have shrunk proportionately, and absolutely nothing of that has been on any news i've heard over here - but i could have missed it. the fact they've only got a year each is really shocking to me.
Last edited:
My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

edited to add:
And I failed to mention the anal rape because nobody thought to video it, and the group piss they took on her after everyone had finished.

Didn't know she dated one of the guys and then she broke up with him. I think you left out Anonymous and women's rights groups getting involved.
My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

edited to add:
And I failed to mention the anal rape because nobody thought to video it, and the group piss they took on her after everyone had finished.

most enlightening, rob, thankyou for that.

it would be fair to say my sympathies have shrunk proportionately, and absolutely nothing of that has been on any news i've heard over here - but i could have missed it. the fact they've only got a year each is really shocking to me.

I can't believe people AND some media outlets are still making excuses for and riding for those shitstain football players.

Didn't know she dated one of the guys and then she broke up with him. I think you left out Anonymous and women's rights groups getting involved.

Yeah, if they hadn't raised hell about this, none of this would be happening. It's scary and disgusting just how easy it is for things like this to be swept underneath the rug.
most enlightening, rob, thankyou for that.

it would be fair to say my sympathies have shrunk proportionately, and absolutely nothing of that has been on any news i've heard over here - but i could have missed it. the fact they've only got a year each is really shocking to me.
The one-year sentence is a minimum. They could be in until they're 21.
My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

edited to add:
And I failed to mention the anal rape because nobody thought to video it, and the group piss they took on her after everyone had finished.
Too bad the judge and jury could not also legally order the high school to disband the football team and bar the school from any future participation in the sport.
My guess it that if either of the criminals had not been part of the high school football team, they would have both been arrested immediately and tried as adults as quickly as the case could be put on the docket.
BREAKING: Jane Doe #Steubenville Now Receiving Threats Via Social Media




Ive learned that Jane Doe is safe. “Fred” refers to Sheriff Fred Abdalla.


UPDATE 3/18/2013

Via WTFR’s Twitter Account:


The top 5 rape apologist reactions to the Steubenville rape verdict

Posted on March 18, 2013
By Emily Mullen

The Steubenville guilty verdict spawned nearly as much rape apology as the original news of the case did, highlighting the point — made by feminists like Zerlina Maxwell and Jaclyn Friedman — that America has a long way to go before it gets past blaming victims and sympathizing with rapists.

Below are the top 5 rape apologist reactions to the verdict.

1. CNN: “Those poor boys’ lives are ruined”

CNN correspondent Candy Crowley responded to the verdict by bemoaning the sad future of two rapists who traumatized one young girl for life but would never get to live out their football dreams.

2. The judge: “This is the problem with social media”

Feministe’s Jill Filipovic tweeted that the judge in the case noted that the verdict is a lesson in “how you record things on social media that are so prevalent today. As she said, “Problem =/ the recording.”

3. Author/blogger Michael Crooke: “It’s just buyer’s remorse”

Author/blogger Michael Crook, who additionally claims that “rape doesn’t exist,” won the race for most-likely-to-be-poorly-executed satire, at least until he took to his Twitter feed to demand that the survivor be “held accountable”, tell women that “skimpy clothing is pretty much implied consent” and encourage every woman to not “dress like a whore if you don’t want to be treated like one.”

4. Way too many people on Twitter: “Die, Jane Doe!”

Clearly, death threats are not the way to go.

5. Lee Stranahan on Breitbart: “The town’s the real victim here”

Stranahan says that the media and Anonymous are the real villains in the case, though they really should’ve been paying more attention to rapes reported in Occupy camps anyway.
Last edited:
My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

edited to add:
And I failed to mention the anal rape because nobody thought to video it, and the group piss they took on her after everyone had finished.

I heard on some outlet (and I could be mistaken here) that the young lady didn't think to press charges. It was that her mom saw all the talking about it on social media and reported it.
Holy fucking shit! I've been cruising on youtube looking at a lot of clips on this. There's so many I'm not going to post them, but I hope anyone interested in this takes time to do so.

From what I've seen, not only was the girl raped by the 2 football players, but she was dragged/carried to several parties that night where other sexual violations were committed. She was mostly unconscious or seriously impaired throughout the whole ordeal. No one attempted to stop it at any point. In fact, some bragged and thought it was funny. The girl doesn't remember most of what happened and wasn't aware of it all until the postings on twitter started. Prior to the trial, one of the rapists was interviewed and stated there was no rape. (He got sentenced 2 years in juvenile detention, not 1 year). His attorney had filed for a change of venue prior to the trial.

The town authorities knew about it, but covered it up. When her parents found out, they took the postings and video clippings (also posted on youtube, but now removed) to the police and nothing was done, citing there wasn't enough substantial evidence to investigate what happened that night. The coach refused to bench any of the players.

Most all the witnesses and alleged participants live across the state line. When the Ohio judge requested they be allowed to participate in the trial, a West Virginia judge denied the request citing they were all minors and could not make them appear in court in another state where there was no jury.

What sickens me most about this is that some people, particularly a CNN reporter, is concerned about the future of the rapists. And they don't care what happened to the girl?

There are some clippings on youtube about the group 'Anonymous' being involved and those clips show snips of photos and cell phone footage of people at those parties, but only one or two shows a couple of faces. Many of Steubenville's residents have protested w/'Anonymous' leading 2 of those public rallies outside the courthouse.
My apologies, I was piling on the sarcasm too (not directed at you).

I posted this in another thread about the rape
The whole case is a lot worse when you understand exactly what happened

  • Girl dated football player over the summer.
  • Broke up with him right when school started.
  • Scorned, humiliated football player arranges a premeditated rape party ("bring your cameras guys!")
  • Got a mutual friend to convince girl to come to this team party.
  • "Friend" roofies girl's drink on the car ride over to the party.
  • Girl was wobbly when she arrived from the roofie, passed out soon after.
  • Gang rape ensued.
  • Girl sobers up, went to the cops.
  • Female prosecutor (whose son was on the same fucking football team) declines to press charges.
  • Some people think this is wrong, so prosecutor refers rapists to juvenile diversion program (!!) which is run by.....the coach of the high school football team (!!!).
  • Nothing happens. Embiggened rapists make jokes about party and post fingerbanging pictures on Facebook
  • Stuebenville has great year on football field!
  • AFTER the season, the shit hits the fan. Then and only then does Prosecutor then refers case to hand-picked special prosecutor, a married male lawyer who wants to get in the female prosecutor's panties in the worst way. He will provide cover for rapists....
  • Whole lurid story hits the internet, then and only then are the "correct" procedures followed. "Special" prosecutor is dismissed.
  • Two main rapist charged and convicted, each gets a one year sentence for rape.

edited to add:
And I failed to mention the anal rape because nobody thought to video it, and the group piss they took on her after everyone had finished.
Thanks Rob. From what I've seen only on youtube so far, everything you've said here is the truth.

Really though, what makes people so proud of their football team they would cover it up or turn their heads the other way?