This Is What The U.N., France, Germany, And Russia Defended..

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Who is really promoting "blood for oil?"
The bastards that allowed this for 12 years to come to this, share in the responsibility for the "civilian" casualites. (a soldier that dresses like a civilian shooting at us gets killed)
The children that die in this conflict can thank the sponsoring nations and organizations, for their short lives here on the planet.

Ready to pick up a sign to defend these bastards on April 7th?

Reminiscent of the Hitler Youth of World War II, Saddam Hussein has trained an 8,000-strong army of children to face coalition forces in Baghdad.

In a report by the New York Daily News, Peter Singer of the Brookings Institution explains the children are considered a junior Fedayeen Saddam – the paramilitary forces Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has dubbed "death squads" for the atrocities they commit.

The child army is called Ashbal Saddam, or Saddam's Lion Cubs, according to the report.

"Whatever the Fedayeen has been willing to do, you can extrapolate that these children will do the same," Singer told the paper.

After the first Gulf War, says Singer, Saddam began forcing boys as young as 6 into military boot camps. By age 10 the children are trained in the use of small arms and basic infantry tactics. Their uniform includes shirts with the inscription "Ashbal Saddam," according to the Paris-based International Federation of Human Rights.

So, what can U.S. forces expect to see from the Lion Cubs?

"Ambushes, sniping, hit-and-run tactics are the most likely things we'll see," Singer said.

Facing child warriors is nothing new for U.S. forces, having battled them in Vietnam, Somalia and Afghanistan.

U.S. military personnel are taught tactics to use when fighting children.

Keni Thomas, an Army Ranger who fought in Somalia, said that in the heat of battle, a soldier is a soldier.

"At the time, it is not a difficult decision to make," he told the paper. "In the end, only you know what you see down your sight. Whether it's a man, woman, child or machine firing at you, it's a threat."

In a December 2002 report titled "Iraq: A Population Silenced," the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor disclosed that Saddam Hussein forces "children between the ages of 10 and 15 to attend 3-week training courses in weapons’ use, hand-to-hand fighting, rappelling from helicopters, and infantry tactics. These children endure 14 hours of physical training and psychological pressure each day." If families object to having their children turned into soldiers for Saddam, said the State Department report, they're "threatened with the loss of their food ration cards."

Saddam's recruitment and cultivation of child warriors is not surprising considering his close ties with the Palestinian Authority. As WorldNetDaily has reported, under the direction of PA leader Yasser Arafat, Palestinian children are commonly taught to hate Jews, to glorify jihad, violence, death and child martyrdom almost the earliest ages. Use of children as warriors, human shields and as suicide bombers is an essential part of the Palestinians' war strategy against Israel.

Saddam has routinely paid $25,000 to families of youthful Palestinian "martyrs" who died killing Israelis.

*No terrorist links?
I can believe it, but I'll need a source more trustworthy than Peter Singer. Sorry, but he's a whackjob.

Spinaroonie said:
They can thank the person who shot/killed them.

Yep, and I bet you blame guns for firearm violence too.

I the greater part of the world these are not children. We in the western world tend to project childhood well into a person's twenties. That just isn't true in the rest of the world where these children are expected to begin to contribute to the families wellfare.

While they lack wisdom and experience, they are perfectly capable of waging war. They are particularly suseptible to the manipulations of those that would them in this way.

Western culture, for the most part (anyone remember the Nazi youth?), find this abhorent. But to blame a soldier for defending him/herself against a squad of these youngsters is to be ignorant of the facts.

Lost Cause, have you seen or heard that the atropine found in Iraq was manufactured in France?

Along with the Russian copies of the French Milan Anti-tank rocket system banned by U.N. sanctions. (killed two M1s with them)
I saw a video of a weapons cache with stacks of Chinese ammo and RPG's.
I think the instructions with the new gas masks found with the expiration dates of 2005, were printed in French.
And none of these nationd saw a problem with kid suicide squads, torture systems, and the shape of the Iraqi people. They should be banned from any functions with a 10 year parole!
Of course, this is just "minor" infractions, after all, it was the U.S. that starved the Iraqi people! (sarcasm)
Wait until we get hold of the good stuff!

BTW- They just announced that the U.S. Marines and Army were suiting up in bio suits for another push into Baghdad!
Palestinians aren't terrorists... they are a people who's home land was give to someone else, and now they have nothing to do but form their own militias to protect themselves.

Are the Palestinians native to the land where Israel now exists?

"The fact is that today's Palestinians are immigrants from the surrounding nations! I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today's Palestinians as being from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Christians from Greece, Muslim Sherkas from Russia, Muslims from Bosnia, and the Jordanians next door. The civil and tribal wars between Yemmenites (from Yemen) and Kessites (from Banu Kais of Saudi Arabia) ... are well known among Palestinians.
"My grandfather, who was a dignitary in Bethlehem, almost lost his life by Abdul Qader Al-Husseni (the leader of the Palestinian revolution) after being accused of selling land to Jews. He used to tell us that his village Beit Sahur (The Shepherds Fields) in Bethlehem County was empty before his father settled in the area with six other families. The town has now grown to 30,000 inhabitants."

- Walid, a Palestinian Arab defector, talking about the recent immigration of Arabs to Palestine.
quoted from "Answering Islam"

The current PLO and Arab claim (and mainstream media regurgitation of it) is indeed a very distorted version of `recorded history' and can only qualify as pure Orwellian propaganda. In fact, putting aside all the myths and propaganda, the only area that would qualify historically as truly Arab land, is the Arabian desert peninsula. Unfortunately, it seems that Goebbels was correct in stating that if a lie were repeated often enough, it would come to be "perceived" as truth.

No doubt, some Arabs have lived in the area of the Mandate of Palestine for many centuries, but not as many of them as had the Jews. What is more, Jews had lived in Arab lands since times preceding Islam itself. And yet, these Jews in Arab lands were never regarded as citizens of the Arab lands they lived in and were unceremoniously expelled in the years subsequent to Israel's establishment. In other words, residency alone did not confer national rights on those who inhabited an area. Nor did it make a people out of congeries of Arabs and other nationalities that had come to the area of the Mandate of Palestine while the Jewish people were restricted. The nations of the world recognized this after World War I when the League of Nations determined that the geographical area called Palestine was to become a homeland for the Jewish people, the people that had been continuously associated with this land since ancient times when it was known as Judea and Samaria.

Lost Cause said:
Are the Palestinians native to the land where Israel now exists?

"The fact is that today's Palestinians are immigrants from the surrounding nations! I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today's Palestinians as being from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Christians from Greece, Muslim Sherkas from Russia, Muslims from Bosnia, and the Jordanians next door. The civil and tribal wars between Yemmenites (from Yemen) and Kessites (from Banu Kais of Saudi Arabia) ... are well known among Palestinians.
"My grandfather, who was a dignitary in Bethlehem, almost lost his life by Abdul Qader Al-Husseni (the leader of the Palestinian revolution) after being accused of selling land to Jews. He used to tell us that his village Beit Sahur (The Shepherds Fields) in Bethlehem County was empty before his father settled in the area with six other families. The town has now grown to 30,000 inhabitants."

- Walid, a Palestinian Arab defector, talking about the recent immigration of Arabs to Palestine.
quoted from "Answering Islam"

The current PLO and Arab claim (and mainstream media regurgitation of it) is indeed a very distorted version of `recorded history' and can only qualify as pure Orwellian propaganda. In fact, putting aside all the myths and propaganda, the only area that would qualify historically as truly Arab land, is the Arabian desert peninsula. Unfortunately, it seems that Goebbels was correct in stating that if a lie were repeated often enough, it would come to be "perceived" as truth.

No doubt, some Arabs have lived in the area of the Mandate of Palestine for many centuries, but not as many of them as had the Jews. What is more, Jews had lived in Arab lands since times preceding Islam itself. And yet, these Jews in Arab lands were never regarded as citizens of the Arab lands they lived in and were unceremoniously expelled in the years subsequent to Israel's establishment. In other words, residency alone did not confer national rights on those who inhabited an area. Nor did it make a people out of congeries of Arabs and other nationalities that had come to the area of the Mandate of Palestine while the Jewish people were restricted. The nations of the world recognized this after World War I when the League of Nations determined that the geographical area called Palestine was to become a homeland for the Jewish people, the people that had been continuously associated with this land since ancient times when it was known as Judea and Samaria.

You might as well save your breath LC. The pack of lies concerning the "Palestinian Homeland" is now firmly ingrained in those "educated" within the last 20 years. Particularly the Europeans.

There never was a "Palestine" as a political entity.

Those arabs that did not flee the area known as Isreal today still own their land and have full political privilege in Isreal. Those that listened to their Arab neighbors, abandoned their land and took up arms against Isreal in 1948 forfieted any claim they may have had by their own choice.

But it's hard to fight revisionist history. There are those that are determined to believe what they want to believe, not the truth.

I don't give a good goddamn if the Palestinians have a legitimate claim or not.

So long as they use the intentional killing of civilians to further their aims, they should get nothing and like it.
