This is getting funnier and funnier...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
In mid-December a cargo ship sunk in the English Channel after collision with another vessel. It remained visible just below the surface, was surrounded by warning buoys, salvage tugs...the works.

Within a day another ship in broad daylight and with clear vision ran smack into it and became a wreck herself...

Two minutes ago news has just come in that another ship has run aground on the original wreck...

At this rate we'll have a natural dam that will be used to provide electricity to light the whole of the country...


The "Captains"

must be MultiCulturalist Liberal Muslim loving immigrants
Blues Brothers 3

The biggest multiple ship collision, ever!
I got ya p_p. I think it might be one of those darkly funny things that appeal to the English in particular.
peachykeen said:
I got ya p_p. I think it might be one of those darkly funny things that appeal to the English in particular.

Pollute your Ocean? Cool!
You mean to tell me that some of you do NOT find that amusing? TWO SHIPS ran aground on the wreckage of another wreck... It's damned funny...

Akin to the TWA Flight 800... I was sad about it until the next day when I found out that the Captians name was Kevorkian.... That's some funny shit... "Ahhh... Hello, this is your Captian Kevorkian Speaking"

"LET ME OFF! I'm not even sick!"
storm1969 said:
Why is this funny?

You laugh at car accidents, too?

Storm, it was a car accident. The ship that sank contained over $60,000,000 of BMW, Saabs and Volvos!
bluespoke said:
Storm, it was a car accident. The ship that sank contained over $60,000,000 of BMW, Saabs and Volvos!

There ya go!

Much better than the Exxon Valdez. Drunk boating accidents where the only casualty were some stupid creatures.
peachykeen said:
just because you personally don't see the humor doesn't mean it isn't there, you know

I get it. It's funny in theory, but not in reality to me.
storm1969 said:
There ya go!

Much better than the Exxon Valdez. Drunk boating accidents where the only casualty were some stupid creatures.

Fear not, by next year all will be gone.

Brits holidaying in the Spanish Costas will be having their coats tugged by little boys saying 'hey meesta you wanna buy cheap, cheap car?'. It'll make a change from the dirty postcards!:D
I'm hearing two voices in my head.

I need prozac.

I should be hearing three like I usually do.
crappie master said:
That does make it funnier!

And the vessel that smacked into it last night was carrying kerosene!

Do you you think it's just one massive insurance fraud, but the kerosene didn't ignite?
