This house believes that at 46 Rambrat is not a looser

This house believes that at 46 Rambrat is not a looser

  • Aye

    Votes: 31 91.2%
  • Nay

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters


Literotica Guru
Mar 11, 2002
This house believes that at 46 Rambrat is not a loser

I've been chatting to Rambrat, and I have to say - from what I know of the guy - he's no loser.

I know I don't know him in person, yet I believe you can tell from his posts that he is intellegent, articulate, witty, and above all a caring person.

Allbeit one who doesn't proofread.

All those in favour say Aye.

[edited 'cos I'm a spelling looser :D]
[edited again to pick up on more spelling errors...]
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Nope, no way - not a loser!

He's a real sweetheart of a guy!
He is so not a loser. He makes me smile and is a great friend.

Who voted NAY?! If you AGREE with the motion, i.e. that he's a groovy dude, and NOT a loser (*nods to bratcat*) then you are meant to vote AYE, OK?

mutter mutter mutter
woodgie2 said:

Who voted NAY?! If you AGREE with the motion, i.e. that he's a groovy dude, and NOT a loser (*nods to bratcat*) then you are meant to vote AYE, OK?

mutter mutter mutter

Do I get an extra vote? ;) I'm exceptionally partial to Rambrat.
Tantanah said:

Do I get an extra vote? ;) I'm exceptionally partial to Rambrat.

As I'm master of this this thread you get an unlimited number of extra votes.

As long as you don't mind them all being Aye.
oh no he is not a loser.... and you either....

duh I just search that word (loser) in my english/french dictionnary!!! its a real word :eek:
Re: This house believes that at 46 Rambrat is not a loser

woodgie2 said:
I've been chatting to Rambrat, abd I have to say - from what I know of the guy - he's no loser.

I know I don't know him in person, yet I believe you can tell from his posts that he is intellegent, articulate, witty, and above all a caring person.

Allbeit one who doesn't proofread.

All those in favour say Aye.

[edited 'cos I'm a spelling looser :D]

I do not know Rambrat very well. What I do know, and seen posted, he is a very caring sweet guy.
Rambrat said:

*picks up sword*

Tut tut tut!

Ram you KNOW that is one thing I'll beat you at.

Don't make me start more threads, dammit!

*singing, a la James Brown* And a-one, two, three, four. Da-da da da. Oh yeah!

[edited 'cos I'm STILL a spelling looser :(]
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woodgie2 said:

As I'm master of this this thread you get an unlimited number of extra votes.

As long as you don't mind them all being Aye.

Heh. Cool! They're all 'ayes' that's for sure!
Rambrat said:
ram's a jerk!

But I ain't voting...

Who emancepated you, bitch? *lol*

Shaddap and take the praise. :D

Aaaaah, you know I love you. It's for your own good!
Ram is a beautiful, intense, romantic, generous self made man and he loves my friend...thats a very big AYE all around.;)
I :heart: Ratty...
Even if he is a pain in the ass and a nutter...
I like the company in the nuthouse :nana:

So I guess I'm forced to vote AYE :cool:
Rambrat=Greatness!! :cathappy:

46? I would have never guessed older than 30.