This election is about SLUTS FUCKING EVERY DAY, 17 TIMES A DAY!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Free Birth Control for Hollywood Celebrities: ‘That’s What This Election is About’

The economy is going into a tailspin. Unemployment is stuck above 8%, and gas prices may spike again out west after the Richmond refinery fire. There is no end to the recession in sight, and Obama’s policies deserve much of the blame.

But if you’re Team Obama, none of that is what this election is about. Here’s Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki on CNN Tuesday:

PSAKI: He’s going to be out there tomorrow talking about women’s healthcare, and providing access to affordable health care for women. That’s what this race is about.

The pill, really? Our economy is moribund, Syria is spinning out of control, Iran is driving hard for nuclear weapons, and this race for the American presidency will be about the pill?

Today, President Obama is joined on the campaign trail by a very special college student, Sandra Fluke, and TV star Elizabeth Banks (Zack and Miri Make a Porno) is making a dishonest new spot for Planned Parenthood. It’s all part of the coordinated attempt, which the Obama spokeswoman disclaims in the clip above, of trying to talk about anything but the economy.

But out here in the real world, the economy remains the topic, and consumer confidence just crashed again.