This "chickenhawk" stuff is a load of crap

It's saying that if you haven't been in the military, you can't have have an opinion about the war.
Hmmm...I think you may not be using the term in the way it's usually thought of.

My understanding is that a chickenhawk has three prominent characteristics:
  • bellicosity (a warlike manner or temperament)
  • public prominence
  • a curious lack of wartime service when others their age had no trouble finding the fight

(Some examples would be Charlie Daniels, John Ashcroft and Dick Cheney)

I believe military service does give one a perspective on military matters, but is not the "be all, end all" final word on things.
miles said:
It's saying that if you haven't been in the military, you can't have have an opinion about the war.

Feeling left out are we?

That's okay; I'm sure you and your poodle would be there if you weren't so busy with your critical homeland assignment....ha!
miles said:
It's saying that if you haven't been in the military, you can't have have an opinion about the war.

Using that logic, those who haven't been President shouldn't have an opinion about him. Freedom of speech isn't reserved for the soldiers, anti and pro war viewpoints would both acknowledge that.
Are you talking to me????

Gunner Dailey said:
Using that logic, those who haven't been President shouldn't have an opinion about him. Freedom of speech isn't reserved for the soldiers, anti and pro war viewpoints would both acknowledge that.


In the current usage, Ishmael would be a chickenhawk...someone who's never served, but has a loudmouth shnook know it all opinion about everything associated with the military.

You know the type...those guys who argue in bars about who has the most nukes and whether the US could take on China in a two fron asian land war when there are pretty girls in short skirts nearby and they don't even notice.

Generally, people who have seen active duty speak with a quiet authority, if they speak about it at all.
I tend to agree with Lance

**ducks to avoid rotten tomatoes**
Lance, I'm curious as to where you got your information that Ishmael has never served in the armed forces.
I gotta agree with you though, miles.

Being in the military does not neccessarily make your opinions more worthy.

Believe me, I was in the military, I know...
k¡tty said:
Lance, I'm curious as to where you got your information that Ishmael has never served in the armed forces.


That wasn't what I meant by "active duty", Miss Kitty.
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Lancecastor said:
.You know the type...those guys who argue in bars about who has the most nukes and whether the US could take on China in a two fron asian land war when there are pretty girls in short skirts nearby and they don't even notice.

You have them too?

We call them stupid arseholes...

p_p_man said:
You have them too?

We call them stupid arseholes...


I live in a military port city, so oh yeah, we have them.

There's no bigger breed of asshole than a drunk swabbie who thinks he's a military strategist.
Lancecastor said:
I live in a military port city, so oh yeah, we have them.

There's no bigger breed of asshole than a drunk swabbie who thinks he's a military strategist.

Lance, I think you are exagerrating...there are no military cities in Canada. There are just places where the five guys in our armed forces pass on the street and nod at each other.
breakwall said:
Lance, I think you are exagerrating...there are no military cities in Canada. There are just places where the five guys in our armed forces pass on the street and nod at each other.

And drink.

miles said:
It's saying that if you haven't been in the military, you can't have have an opinion about the war.


As stated you are right Miles.

There is a lot of truth that those of us who have served, especially in time of conflict, offer a perspective not necessarily seen by others in this society.

That said, there isn't any formula I am aware of to make experts of anyone. And to those like Lance and the pee pee man I am reminded of an old writing. Methinks you protesteth too much.
Synnerman said:
And to those like Lance and the pee pee man I am reminded of an old writing. Methinks you protesteth too much.

Ah! Dear old Hamlet...

Always my most favourite Shakesperean play...


Lance, Old Boy...

Don't pick on Ishhie that way - he HAS served his country - just doesn't trumpet it - let's just say that in offline discussions, I KNOW him to be quietly honest aboot that, Eh?

I think an apology is in order, Brother Beaver! :rolleyes: ;)
Re: Lance, Old Boy...

Jimi6996 said:
Don't pick on Ishhie that way - he HAS served his country - just doesn't trumpet it - let's just say that in offline discussions, I KNOW him to be quietly honest aboot that, Eh?

I think an apology is in order, Brother Beaver! :rolleyes: ;)

I am sorry to hear that Ishmael is the recipient of a US military pension; given his republican no free ride entrepeneurial spirit, being on the dole for killing vietnamese children must be a source of profound hypocrisy for him and goes a long way to explaining his anal-retentive anger.

How's that?
(Some examples would be Charlie Daniels, John Ashcroft and Dick Cheney)

...but not George, I think. Didn't he go AWOL when meant to be serving his time?
Gunner Dailey said:
Using that logic, those who haven't been President shouldn't have an opinion about him. Freedom of speech isn't reserved for the soldiers, anti and pro war viewpoints would both acknowledge that.

Actually that doesn't appear to be true about the majority of the anti-war people I've spoken with. The first thing out of their mouths when you start proving how ridiculous their stance is is usually, "shut up, you haven't been in the military."