This bullshit about Barbie fucking up the minds of young girls...


Dead is dead.
Apr 10, 2002
Seems a little silly to me.

I grew up playing with action figures. GI Joe, Thundercats, Voltron, Transformers, The Superfriends. So did all my buddies. And all my buddies' buddies. And not a one of use has grown up dissapointed in ourselves because we're not ninja-alien-robitic soldier cats with the build of a gymnast able to defuse a bomb in 4 seconds while flirting with the heroine in distress. While keeping up our strength should we need to bust out with our kung fu grips.

Are girls just stupid?
Siren said:
Ut better hope Private Vasquez doesnt see this.

She will eat your GI Joe ass.

Shaking in my army issued boots. With alien technology inside too.

Also, they transform into sandals.
I hate Barbie, anyway. She's so white, she makes me look bad
RastaPope, you lied to me!

All this time, you've been telling me that you're a ninja-alien-robitic soldier cat with the build of a gymnast able to defuse a bomb in 4 seconds while flirting with the heroine in distress. And to think that I believed you.

And now you're going to tell the truth on some porn board?

Well, I've got news for you. When I grow up, I'm gonna be an astronaut and a veterinarian, and live in my Dreamhouse, and drive a Barbie Ferrari.

See? My mind is perfectly fine.
I'm an influential and powerful plastic broad. All girls cower before me and do my bidding, even if they don't know it. That's how it is when everyone wants to be you.

Your skin woudl crawl, or your plastic top layer if you knew what my four year old can do to a Barbie doll!

Pull my legs off, cut my hair, poke me with sharp things, remove my face with nail polish remover, shock me, melt me, run me over, throw me, don't catch me, shoot me, flush me, use me as a baseball, feed me to the dog, bury me alive, dress me purty, break me, kick me, kiss me, lose me...

It doesn't matter, I am the champion.
I didnt' realize Barbie was a masochist!

She must be...hey, PV?

Do you know my four year old?

*silly smile* She really does love her Barbies, but you wouldn't know it to look at them :)
Here's the's not just about Barbie, although I wouldn't allow my child to play with it (when if I have a child). It's an entire culture that worships what Barbie symbolizes...that the idea woman is impossibly thin, has big boobs, blonde hair, and is white. Yes, now we have latin barbie and black barbie, but mattel has yet to change the proportions (which if she were real would be something like 44 bust 16 waist, 20 hips...she wouldn't be able to stand up). We live in a culture that assaults the senses that women are sexual playthings and "should" be one way or another. Barbie is the ultimate symbol of this...and so it's the one that groups have attacked most commonly.

Why wouldn't I allow my child (male or female) to play with Barbie? It isn't a toy with any redeeming value. She doesn't teach you anything, she does embody all that's wrong with the american perception of what women should resemble, and bottom's a sham. It isn't enough to have "a" have to have them "all"...and at something like 10-20 apiece it's ridiculous.

What would I give my daughter or son who wants a doll instead? I like the american girls collection which is both historic and multi-ethnic while not promoting any anti-female imagery. Hopefully my kids will take after me and think the whole barbie and doll thing is overrated and move onto video games and sports.
Your theory sucks.

I wish i was ripped like GI Joe. I want to be kicken some cobra ass right now and and have some huge muscles!

I want a body like GI Joe!

deliciously_naughty said:
Why wouldn't I allow my child (male or female) to play with Barbie? It isn't a toy with any redeeming value. She doesn't teach you anything, she does embody all that's wrong with the american perception of what women should resemble, and bottom's a sham.
I really liked my Barbies. I always figured she had a tiny waist to compensate for being so small; once you put clothes on her, the added thickness of the cloth relative to her size made her proportions normal.

And just like any doll, Barbie sparks a child's imagination. I threw costume parties for them. I redecorated their Townhouse with old wallpaper samples and empty spools of thread. I acted out conversations and plays. I even reenacted the Headless Horseman scene from Sleepy Hollow after Ken's head popped off.

Barbies are just toys. Adults add a layer of significance to them that children don't see, or need to see.

I suppose I may have been raised in a box, but I see nothing wrong with a child playing with Barbie dolls. She also plays with fat baby dolls , multi cultural dolls and an entire rainbow of toys.

There was a time when the market for children's toys was so limited as to yes, possibly suggest to a young mind that they must aspire to be a Barbie type. I dont' believe that is the case, now. Now the parent who teaches their child to play with Barbie , just so, keep her pretty and do her hair just so, while accessorizing, well, that may not always be a good thing. Letting a child play on their own is what teaches them to use their imagination and creativity. It teaches them to think, become self confident and is great language development. I ask her what she is doing with those dolls and she always had a story for me :)

Dolls of all kinds encourage a young one to play independently and execute the gift of imagination. I think that the child's imagination is vastly ignored in today's society.

So, when the little one takes her Barbie Doll, dresses it in GI joe's clothing and makes him drive the pink Barbie jeep while going hunting...well, it is her tale. :D

BTW...little one is with dad this week and I am missing her. Thanks for letting me go on and on about her.
how did it go again...

ah yeas.....

The covergirl slogan......

"Easy, Sleasy, Pitiful... Covergirl......"
or at the very least thats what it "sounds" like to me when
seeing a comercial made by that company.