Things I think are cool!

Johnny Mayberry

Golden Boy
Dec 23, 2002
Chicks who like beer and guitars.
My dog.
Grilled cow flesh.
Hot soup on cold days.
Chicks who drink beer and break guitars over Johnny Mayberry's head and cook his dog.
Beer: no
Guitars: yes
Chicks: yes
Chicks who like guitars: yes
My dog: i don't know your dog, but dogs are cool.
Grilled cow flesh: yes
Cigars: no
Nora: super yes
Hot soup on cold days: yes
Beer: no
HeavyStick said:
Chicks who drink beer and break guitars over Johnny Mayberry's head and cook his dog.
Do I need to add "Putting a bullet in HeavyStick" to my list? Fucking retard.
Steak is not the first thing I think of when I see grilled cow flesh. :)
I think by the time you are 60 your beer gut is gonna be bigger than your brain...

Re: Re: Things I think are cool!

T.H. Oughts said:
I think by the time you are 60 your beer gut is gonna be bigger than your brain...

I love beer too much to drink more than a few every now and again. If I drink too many, or too often, I lose the ability to taste the subtleties of the beer...
Re: Re: Things I think are cool!

amelia said:
Beer: no
Guitars: yes
Chicks: yes
Chicks who like guitars: yes
My dog: i don't know your dog, but dogs are cool.
Grilled cow flesh: yes
Cigars: no
Nora: super yes
Hot soup on cold days: yes
Beer: no

More beer for me!! I'm willing to share Nora though...
Weird. I can't find any people that like beer and/or chicks on Lit. Ah well.
Beer.- Margaritas
Guitars.- Warlocks only
Chicks.- of course
Chicks who like beer and guitars.- doesnt matter
My dog.- dogs are awesome
Grilled cow flesh.- steak is yummy
Cigars.- pass
Nora.- hot damn yes
Hot soup on cold days.- sure

you forgot cunnilingus :D
guitars yes, I love guitars....

Fender Strats and Teley's (good old ones-pre CBS)

Gibson SG's, Les Paul's and Hummingbirds.

Martins-anything by Martin.

Oh, and Gretch Hollow Body Country Gentlemen-

double cutaway blonde one like Lennon played. We used to stuff ours with foam to keep it from feeding back....

I have always abided by that old saying "Treat your guitar like your girlfriend."

be nice to them...always.

:heart: :kiss: ;)
Beer. -sure
Guitars. -eh
Chicks. -of course we are!
Chicks who like beer and guitars. -I'm 1/2 cool.
My dog. -my dog. (I can say that now:D)
Grilled cow flesh. -yuck.
Cigars. -nope
Nora. -yes.
Hot soup on cold days. -yes
Beer -not that much.
*Sigh* I never make the lists Nora makes. (Re: Johnny's list, and the one in De Sade's siggy)