Things I don't care about...


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Dec 13, 2005
Things I don’t care about…

The Kardashian’s – that whole family is fucked up

Justin Bieber

Miley Cyrus – her father should taker her over his knee and give her a good paddling, but she might like that

Breaking Bad – a TV show glorifying illegal drug trade, that’s wholesome fair

Actually any “Star” who thinks what they say is important off the screen or stage – the list is long and distinguished

What Democrats think

Far right Republicans

Centrist Republicans


Barack Obama – I guess he could be lumped in with those above – assholes that is – Yeah, I know, I’m a racist (too bad those who use this word don’t know what they’re talking about) I don’t think I’m better than his whole race, just him





White Supremacist – I guess they would be placed among the Racists

And all those who blame everyone and everything, except themselves, for what they have become or what has happened to them in their life

Global Warming – there are far more important things to worry about, besides it’s a political hoax to make the UN seem relevant, which they aren’t and a way to tax the people even more

The UN – an irrelevant body of moochers and hangers on, sucking at the taxpayers of the worlds tit

Al Gore – buffoon ‘nough said

The pompous assholes in Washington D.C. who have made their fortunes at the taxpayer tit

Anyone not willing to work to support themselves and their families

The assholes who have fucked up the economy – Politicians and Big Business – both are responsible

Religious zealots – this includes anyone who is intolerant of people whose only fault is they are different

Pro-life zealots – although I guess they could be lumped in with those above

Homophobes – it’s not contagious and they probably won’t make a pass at your ugly ass anyway, they have better taste than that

Liars, cheats and thieves – this means most politicians

You, probably, because you probably fall into one of the categories above

How others will survive – I have had a hard enough time worrying about me and my family to be worried about yours, that’s your problem, deal with it

Why America is so fat – push yourself away from the table, you don’t need to eat everything on it no matter what your mother told you as a kid

Blowhards and know-it-alls

Assholes with avatars they think will make us think better of them or fear them or whatever…I just laugh at you

And last but not least…the dickheads of the world, you know who you are

I'm sorry.

I just don't give a shit.

No kidding. WTF? All those whistles and squeaky shoes. Even their uniform isn't attractive.

Facebook games. No matter how many times I block those stupid ass games, someone finds a new way to invite me.

Pretentious people. Get over yourselves, you're not all that.

Oprah Windbag
You and you, and you and I like you and you but I don't care about you.
1. Everything Television.
2. Everything Professional Sports with exception of Golf Majors on Sunday.
3. That super cute video of your mongrel hellspawn of a child.
4. The rest of your mongrel hellspawn's videos.
5. Its pictures too.
6. Your favourite YouTube, Tweet or facebook page.
8. other nonspecified but equally boring and irrelevant items to be named later.
Old racists. Die already. And stop believing everything you read in those goddamn emails.

Stephen King. We've had a long relationship, and I still look back fondly at the good old days, but the spark isn't there anymore. Sorry.

God, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, and all of their fan clubs. You're all cunts. Stop dragging the civilized world through your cesspool.

The South. You've managed to take everything good about this country and make it louder, dumber, and uglier. Fuck off.
Things I don’t care about…
The Kardashian’s – that whole family is fucked up
Justin Bieber
Miley Cyrus – her father should taker her over his knee and give her a good paddling, but she might like that
Breaking Bad – a TV show glorifying illegal drug trade, that’s wholesome fair
Actually any “Star” who thinks what they say is important off the screen or stage – the list is long and distinguished
What Democrats think
Far right Republicans
Centrist Republicans
Barack Obama – I guess he could be lumped in with those above – assholes that is – Yeah, I know, I’m a racist (too bad those who use this word don’t know what they’re talking about) I don’t think I’m better than his whole race, just him
White Supremacist – I guess they would be placed among the Racists
And all those who blame everyone and everything, except themselves, for what they have become or what has happened to them in their life
Global Warming – there are far more important things to worry about, besides it’s a political hoax to make the UN seem relevant, which they aren’t and a way to tax the people even more
The UN – an irrelevant body of moochers and hangers on, sucking at the taxpayers of the worlds tit
Al Gore – buffoon ‘nough said
The pompous assholes in Washington D.C. who have made their fortunes at the taxpayer tit
Anyone not willing to work to support themselves and their families
The assholes who have fucked up the economy – Politicians and Big Business – both are responsible
Religious zealots – this includes anyone who is intolerant of people whose only fault is they are different
Pro-life zealots – although I guess they could be lumped in with those above
Homophobes – it’s not contagious and they probably won’t make a pass at your ugly ass anyway, they have better taste than that
Liars, cheats and thieves – this means most politicians
You, probably, because you probably fall into one of the categories above
How others will survive – I have had a hard enough time worrying about me and my family to be worried about yours, that’s your problem, deal with it
Why America is so fat – push yourself away from the table, you don’t need to eat everything on it no matter what your mother told you as a kid
Blowhards and know-it-alls
Assholes with avatars they think will make us think better of them or fear them or whatever…I just laugh at you
And last but not least…the dickheads of the world, you know who you are

Reality TV.

Any TV.

Your kid and why he feels the need to scream bloody murder in public. Just make him stop. It's your job as a parent to make him socially acceptable. Put down your latte and your iPhone and do your job. I know it's interrupting your hen texting session, but you should've thought of that before you decided to sign onto the 24/7 job of raising children.

Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, and all their fans.
Reality TV.

Any TV.

Your kid and why he feels the need to scream bloody murder in public. Just make him stop. It's your job as a parent to make him socially acceptable. Put down your latte and your iPhone and do your job. I know it's interrupting your hen texting session, but you should've thought of that before you decided to sign onto the 24/7 job of raising children.

Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, and all their fans.

Hey, no repeats!
Sports. You should get your entertainment the old fashioned way, video games.